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MORE evidence of prostitution found in Pattaya: Three arrested after raid on Walking Street bar

Jonathan Fairfield

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On 7/8/2019 at 7:58 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

That seems like an over-reaction. There's prostitution in virtually every town in Thailand.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Loud mouth - know it all ?? How do you know?? There is no prostitution in Thailand !! They are all sweet girls and happily working in the bar to service patrons (beers).

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Loud mouth - know it all ?? How do you know?? There is no prostitution in Thailand !! They are all sweet girls and happily working in the bar to service patrons (beers).
Thanks for putting me right. I had no idea [emoji39]

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Somebody use those prostitutes or? So, as long people using this industry it will stay this industry. I really don't care if you are a hooker of choice. We have official prostitutes in Germany. But dare you misusing children or trafficing humans. There the fun is over????????????

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On 7/9/2019 at 10:42 AM, Melbun said:


BS - Buddy - have a good read of the act


Prevention And Suppression Of Prostitution Act
B.E. 2539 (1996)

Section 4.
In this Act,
"prostitution" means sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for earning or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not;
"prostitution establishment" means a place established for prostitution or in which the prostitution is allowed, and shall include a place used for soliciting or procuring another person for prostitution;


Unfortunately, this legal definition is leaving out the “un-promiscuous”, long term kind of prostitution ????


What is the average divorce settlement of a middle class US citizen???

national length of marriage in the USA 8.2 years * 365 days * 4000 baht Shorttime rate / 31 exchange rate

===> 386,194 US$ 

( maximum comparison rate, not taking into account the “red days”, “I have headache”, “you have to buy me”, “you hurted me”, etc. days ...)


Edited by BernieOnTour
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11 hours ago, BernieOnTour said:

Unfortunately, this legal definition is leaving out the “un-promiscuous”, long term kind of prostitution ????


What is the average divorce settlement of a middle class US citizen???

national length of marriage in the USA 8.2 years * 365 days * 4000 baht Shorttime rate / 31 exchange rate

===> 386,194 US$ 

( maximum comparison rate, not taking into account the “red days”, “I have headache”, “you have to buy me”, “you hurted me”, etc. days ...)


Good point - unlike brewster budgie smugglers. But you are talking about legal prostitution in middle class USA and it is beyond the scope of this topic. In any case, when someone thinks their chips are almost over with the partners - time to hide a fat billfold somewhere - out of sight.

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