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Too much bubble tea 'can give you diabetes'


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43 minutes ago, digger70 said:

No, they must have Soft Brains ,one can always say NO.    ????

They probably do have soft brains as a result of all the extra additives - no doubt science will reveal all one day.


But in any event you and I might be able to say no, but who can hold back the blimpy masses from getting plumpier? When I first visited Thailand the ladies were a lot more lithe and svelte than they are in recent times - but nowadays it's a case of saying no to a bubble tea, and lovely jubbly to a cuddly chubbycheeks :passifier:

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5 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

Once the taste for it develops, food starts to taste wrong without it. Unfortunately the main victims of this are kids who are consuming vastly more sugar (and are fatter) than earlier generations, just because that's what's on the shelves. People on low incomes are also victims of this, they often have no choice except to buy the cheapest junk food on the shelves. 

Lots of sugar and a good dollop of MSG seems to be the trend.

And don't they just love that sweet sickly mayo.

I make my own mayo now and the only things that will go in it are lime juice or garlic.

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Sugar is very addicting. Drinks are the biggest culprit for containing sugar. Not only the obvious ones like soda, teas,...but all the crap they put in coffee's...the mochachinos, pumpkin spice, and the creams they put on top, etc...crazy amounts of sugar. Best to stay away from them all.  The artificial sweeteners, even though they may not contain calories, are probably worse than the sugar.

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5 minutes ago, wisperone said:

Sugar is very addicting. Drinks are the biggest culprit for containing sugar. Not only the obvious ones like soda, teas,...but all the crap they put in coffee's...the mochachinos, pumpkin spice, and the creams they put on top, etc...crazy amounts of sugar. Best to stay away from them all.  The artificial sweeteners, even though they may not contain calories, are probably worse than the sugar.

You're right of course. These joints are mostly selling sugar and milk as opposed to coffee and tea. But sugar and milk do taste good … 

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I recommend to all those "sugar addicted" to try a week with little of no sugar.

I used to drink lots of (original sweet) coke, had lots of sugar in my tea, etc.

And then I was diagnosed with diabetes.

I stopped drinking coke and similar sweet drinks.

And now I drink tea without sugar.

And surprising, at least for me, I don't miss it!

Before that I would have called myself coke (the drink) addicted. But obviously that was not the case.

Now, on very few occasions, I sip on a coke which my gf drinks. I am surprised how sweet it is and that I ever liked it. Now I wouldn't want to drink it anymore.

Just try!

I drink Coca Cola Zero like its going out of style, I may not get diabetes, but if the artificial sweetener is cancerous, I will be a good test/lab subject....LOL 

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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

This place is sugar addictive.

Everyone and everywhere you go, but mostly females with those 1000 calorie sugar coffee drinks.

Carnation condensed milk like it is good for you is terrible loaded with sugar.

Then add sugar syrup and sugar water maybe a shot of coffee.

I think they have either been told it is all ok or are stupid really.

Fat and diabetes creators they should be outlawed....

I'd recommend reading Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss.

It explains in detail how the food processing companies in the US have learnt through decades of research how to use these three basic ingredients to add to their products to effectively make them addictive. They don't give a toss about the health of the consumer, it's only profit that drives them.

Coke is just about the worst offender mentioned in the book. The author spent considerable time researching the history and the policy of these companies.


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12 minutes ago, ocddave said:

I drink Coca Cola Zero like its going out of style, I may not get diabetes, but if the artificial sweetener is cancerous, I will be a good test/lab subject....LOL 

A medical doctor once told me that sweetener is in general not healthy. I don't know how true that is.

For me it's sugar or no sugar. If I really want it sweet then I add sugar and no sweeter. It seems it's no problem for my diabetes - at least until now (maybe 3 years since it was diagnosed).

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Recent or  more recent  medical consensus on   late diabetic onset is  not actually  "caused" by  sugar intake.Only  that  high sugar intake  common in  food causes a reaction that is a causative symptom of reduced ability of the  body to regulate blood content. The  real cause is suspected to be systemic  damage caused  by an unidentified(?) agent. In the  unlikely event that that cause is found" in any hurry the pharmaceutical industry  plays  god  with the  magical antidotes at great profit.

It is  that aproach to  food  that makes us all  ignorant of reality.

If the  content of a single pack of  junk food is limited to 75 % of acceptable daily  intake of  damaging  additives but if we  happily  consume  2 or 3 (?) consider realistic fact.

Artificial sweeteners . E number items ( oh, consumers can  buy the dictionary for them if they  wish).

What we  believe we eat is not as  much as we actually eat and we are not openly  informed  about  what the potential is  of that in terms  of  health.

But  no problem. The consequences of that  create an increase in opportunity for profit take in another.

We  allow it  to b done to ourselves..




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4 hours ago, ocddave said:

I drink Coca Cola Zero like its going out of style, I may not get diabetes, but if the artificial sweetener is cancerous, I will be a good test/lab subject....LOL 

Tastes  like washing up liquid, vile, pepsi max way  better, 3-4 litres a  day when working outdoors, should have been dead  years ago according to what "health experts  "say.

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Thailand is a sugar obsessed country...everything and anything has gobs of sugar added to it not to mention salt...I recall going to an outdoor market and ordering a mango shake...and the girl is pouring liquid sugar and adding salt..and I had to tell her NO NO NO......ridiculous

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