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British far-right activist jailed for contempt of court


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7 hours ago, sanemax said:

The authorities allowed the Muslims rape gangs to act with impunity and without being prosecuted and do it in the open , that is why TR highlighted the situation 

They were all convicted and received much longer prison sentences than your beloved Tommy Islam. The situation had already been highlighted by the MSM. The MSM temporarily removed their content whilst reporting restrictions were in place. Tommy Islam continued to gob off, despite the judges instructions, and endangered the trial.


Who allowed (or tried to allow) the rape gangs to act with impunity? The British justice system, who successfully prosecuted them and imprisoned them, or Tommy Islam who, in his pursuit of personal notoriety, almost gave them their freedom?

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17 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I'm no fan of Tommy Robinson, in fact I think he's an idiot. But 9 months jail? That's pretty ridiculous considering some of the sentences handed out for violent crimes.


Bad luck for him that he's not an attractive blond female attending Oxford like Lavinia Woodward, who stabbed her boyfriend and then broke her bail conditions and still avoided jail.



Contempt of court is a very serious crime, it undermines the justice system that is applied to all other crimes.

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Just a note from US History. Cult leader Charles Manson held this front page up at his trial (briefly) in attempt to get a mistrial. Didn't work.


Personally, I think the fashion police should drag this right winger in, given outfit in story

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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I think the correct description is ‘inmate’, though ‘prisoner’ or ‘convict’ would do too.

I really don't think that covers it. I prefer "racist", "scumbag", "career criminal with a record as long as his arm" although that's not long as he's a bit on the short side is our Tommy, maybe "runt" should be included?

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3 minutes ago, blazes said:


Ah, Chomper....sometimes you do CONFUSE me.  


Take a look, dear fellow, at this 9-minute explanation outside the court (not of course the court where, over a year ago, the "Asian" men were convicted and sentenced for their spare-time hobbies.)


Now I admit 9 minutes is a trifle long for your attention span, but give it a try.





 "In February 2015, he founded The Rebel Media website and YouTube channel and is its main contributor. Under Levant, The Rebel has been accused of being a platform for the far-right anti-Muslim ideology known as counter-jihad.[2][3]

Levant has become involved in several legal and other controversies on free speech issues. He has also dealt with multiculturalism, immigration, and economic deregulation. Levant has been successfully sued for libel on two separate occasions, while apologies and retractions were issued by him or on his behalf on three other occasions."


A reliable source then. I'm sure, with his credentials he loves Tommy Islam. Brothers from another mother.

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7 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 You either recall wrongly, or recall lies spread by the BNP.


Yes, they tried, and failed, to use the abuse scandal to get a seat on Keighley council. They and the EDL tried and failed to use the abuse scandal to stir up trouble and riots between non Muslims and Muslims in northern town. But they discovered nothing, exposed nothing. They, like Yaxley-Lennon, used the suffering of children to advance their cause and line their pockets.


BTW, check one of the many media reported of Yaxley-Lennon's latest trial. In court he admitted that he was told to check with the court office to see if reporting restrictions had been lifted, but he decided not to do so and go ahead with his live stream anyway.

No, I do not recall wrongly .

I fail to understand how you can suggest what I recall , as how could you possibly know ?

The  first that I heard about the abuse was on UK television by Nick Griffin , either on Question time or a BNP political broadcast .

From the reports that I have read , Tommy did indeed make inquires as to whether reporting restrictions have been lifted  and he understood that they had been lifted  

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9 hours ago, 7by7 said:



Are you two aware of Yaxley-Lennon's supporters' attitude to media freedom and free speech?


Tommy Robinson supporters attack journalists and clash with police outside Parliament after he is jailed for contempt of court


Perhaps, like him and his supporters, you both believe that press freedom only extends to those saying things with which you agree?



The board might not realise that the media conference at #1 occurred withing walking distance of the court or that the Pakistani Foreign minister (where there is no press freedom and where blasphemy is punishable by death) was among the guest speakers.


Perhaps now you'll see why I posted.

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1 hour ago, blazes said:


Ah, Chomper....sometimes you do CONFUSE me.  


Take a look, dear fellow, at this 9-minute explanation outside the court (not of course the court where, over a year ago, the "Asian" men were convicted and sentenced for their spare-time hobbies.)


Now I admit 9 minutes is a trifle long for your attention span, but give it a try.



You need to do better than posting conspiracy peddling videos from Rebel Media:



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14 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

He'll have to pay top dollar for his coke now if it's available and watch out for the jihadi gangs inside. Not often I agreee with the saintly Nigel but he couldn't wait to put as much distance between his politics and Yaxley-Lennon's. Smart move. He's coked up to the eyeballs.



A very well edited video

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15 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

A nasty piece of work, back where he belongs.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Tapatalk
I take it you agree with paedophiles,tommy was too late to help the many thousands already abused by these scum but is trying to save other kids from their evil clutches


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Can’t wait for his repeat stories about how he was put among the highest Muslim filled jail, had his food contaminated and spat at in his cell. 

Keep the donations coming, he will need another house when he comes out to add to his Property portfolio and pay for his habits. 

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10 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Says who?




Perhaps you can point to such a regulation in the Reporting Restrictions Guide


BTW, any chance of you answering the question about why Yaxley-Lennon never takes any action against, or even criticises, white paedophiles?

Any answer yet from Sanemax on why everything has to be posted on the door?

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8 minutes ago, Greyhat said:

All he was doing was standing outside with a phone recording, crazy how the collective media, even TV would take the side of rape gangs grooming children over a guy that is trying to raise awareness of a serious problem.


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4 hours ago, petemoss said:

We do have free speech in the UK, however hate speech and racial hatred are excluded. We wouldn't want the KKK marching through our streets carrying torches or neo-nazis goosestepping through our streets proudly wearing their swastikas. First Amendment? Only in America.

Why ??? you already have ANTIFA and the Jew hating Labor party 

Same thing 

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14 hours ago, OtinPattaya said:

Who cares what is expressed in social media, whether extremist or not? Can't your British courts distinguish between the two? Or your free and informed populace? Are you going to suppress what your citizens can or cannot say publicly because it might prejudice a jury pool? Are you a bunch of unthinking children?

Why don't go and live in the UK and try the same thing that Tommy Robinson did, and then complain that it is not an offence in your own country. You smuggle out what happened from your jail cell before you get deported. If one will shed no tears for you.

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6 minutes ago, blazes said:


I was thinking of letting you get away with this naive contradiction, Chomper old boy.

However, I think it's worth letting the TV congregation know that two or three days ago you condemned me for offering a story from the Telegraph (re a CompRes poll showing BoJo as likely to win a General Election with a 40-seat majority) as a source worthy of interest and credibility.

Now, here you are, offering me a source worth citing from that same Torygraph.

That is an illustration either of hypocrisy or of dementia.

Similar things happen very frequently  , like its quite alright to physically attack peaceful demonstrators............................"because they are violent fascist thugs who try to silence people by violently attacking them, so better to attack them first" 

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