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Trump tells Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from

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4 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

I suppose rising to the highest office, in the most powerful country, isn't to be used as a measure of "future success." If you do regard being president is a measure of success, then you've proved your point about a GPA not being so important, but equally disproves that one needs to have honesty and a work ethic to be successful, your other point.

A little Russian help wouldn’t hurt eaither.

5 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

Another chart proving the Trump-haters right. Just a nation full of right-wing, white nationalist, immigrant haters.....oops....on closer look...maybe they left. They've obviously moved to the countries lower on the list.




Here’s the right way to read that chart. I will refer to the US, to remain at least somewhat on topic.


20% of Americans think negatively of immigrant. Almost double that think positively of immigrants.


Inter-country comparison in this regard are not very meaningful as each country’s situation is different. For example, most foreigners in Vietnam have little hope (or desire?) of becoming citizens. They are expats, and perceptions of expats is different from perceptions of immigrants. Also, their numbers are relatively small. In a country of 1.2 billion like India, the immigrant dilution is such that the question is mostly meaningless.


Bottom line: most Americans who even bother to consider this matter, have a positive view of immigrants. The xenophobes are in the minority. This is why Trump lost the popular cote by a large margin, and why he has failed—despite his self-touted successes and a happily booming economy—to lift his poll numbers. It is unprecedented for a president presiding over such economic numbers to have poll numbers this low.

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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Here’s the right way to read that chart. I will refer to the US, to remain at least somewhat on topic.


20% of Americans think negatively of immigrant. Almost double that think positively of immigrants.


Inter-country comparison in this regard are not very meaningful as each country’s situation is different. For example, most foreigners in Vietnam have little hope (or desire?) of becoming citizens. They are expats, and perceptions of expats is different from perceptions of immigrants. Also, their numbers are relatively small. In a country of 1.2 billion like India, the immigrant dilution is such that the question is mostly meaningless.


Bottom line: most Americans who even bother to consider this matter, have a positive view of immigrants. The xenophobes are in the minority. This is why Trump lost the popular cote by a large margin, and why he has failed—despite his self-touted successes and a happily booming economy—to lift his poll numbers. It is unprecedented for a president presiding over such economic numbers to have poll numbers this low.

So, I take it the graph includes Illegals who are not immigrants...they're simply illegals.  Not to be confused with legal immigrants.

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6 hours ago, usviphotography said:
6 hours ago, atyclb said:


considering where trumps intelligence is placed far more smarter does not mean too much. there are intelligent democrats for sure but based on what i have seen/heard of aoc, her ideas and her analysis and responses as well as comments personally have to say she is not too bright, photogenic yes.

And consider that of the "Squad" she is clearly the smartest one of the bunch. I don't think Trump is Tucker level intelligent, but his intelligence is vastly underrated because of his combative, prole style. Consider that in these past two days he has successfully made their four least popular members of Congress the face of the Democratic Party. 


on a personal level id say obama is more intelligent then trump but the thing is he didn't do very much during his presidency . ben shapiro, also a harvard law grad as obama, imo is exceptionally smart though not perfect. tucker carlson imo is also very intelligent.   cnn needs someone akin to tucker carlson if they want ratings to improve. i grew up in nyc and i know very well the trump style, it is very common there. in your face, say what you mean and mean what you say and nyc style can put off many people. i have worked with such people as my superiors and can be very challenging to say the least. 

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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Bottom line: most Americans who even bother to consider this matter, have a positive view of immigrants. The xenophobes are in the minority. This is why Trump lost the popular cote by a large margin, and why he has failed—despite his self-touted successes and a happily booming economy—to lift his poll numbers. It is unprecedented for a president presiding over such economic numbers to have poll numbers this low.

Except Trump isn't opposed to immigration at all, so you have created a straw man. Trump is opposed to idiotic immigration policies like accepting mass numbers of Somali "refugees" or outright illegal immigration such as we are seeing at the Southern Border. Take a poll of how many American's support AOC and Omar's Open Border positions. 

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

It is my position that people who support Trump lack sufficient interest in the future of the US to follow real news--the kind that points out that the Mueller report explicitly did not exonerate Trump and that informed all interested parties that Obama released his birth certificate early in the 2008 election. 


People who don't take the trouble to inform themselves about basic issues regarding their country don't care about their country.  Even the ones who grope and dry hump the US flag.


Many pro-Trump posters admit that they like Trump for his entertainment value and the fact that he annoys people who think about the future of the US.  They not only rarely cite facts, they rarely respond to facts presented to them.



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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


Where did I say “low poll rating” or “hated by the opposing party?”


Argue with what I said, not with stuff you make up yourself. You can do that in the mirror, on your own time.

When candidates "squeak by" they always have low poll numbers. Trump has been under a barrage of attacks from those who will not accept the results of the last election. No mandate? He got a clear mandate from the people who voted for him, they won. And he's done better than any ticking-off the check boxes of his campaign promises, unlike the last spineless president. Trump has been willing to ignore Wall Street, Hollywood, and corporate cronys to stand up for the working class, the vast electorate in the hinterlands. You claim he as "accidental" as though the electorate mistakenly checked the wrong box. There is nothing mistaken. The losers lost. They don't get to run the show. The upset of the last election set a clear mandate for Trump: the sinking working class isn't going to take it anymore, no more unfair trade advantages, no more shipping our manufacturing base to China, no more illegal immigration. 

If the Democrats want business as usual, to continue destroying America, they will have to win the next election first; that's how it's done in a democracy.

Maybe next time the political pundits, coastal elites, and major news media outlets won't smugly predict a Democrat landslide, even on election night, and have their heads handed to them.

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35 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Here’s the right way to read that chart. I will refer to the US, to remain at least somewhat on topic.


20% of Americans think negatively of immigrant. Almost double that think positively of immigrants.


Inter-country comparison in this regard are not very meaningful as each country’s situation is different. For example, most foreigners in Vietnam have little hope (or desire?) of becoming citizens. They are expats, and perceptions of expats is different from perceptions of immigrants. Also, their numbers are relatively small. In a country of 1.2 billion like India, the immigrant dilution is such that the question is mostly meaningless.


Bottom line: most Americans who even bother to consider this matter, have a positive view of immigrants. The xenophobes are in the minority. This is why Trump lost the popular cote by a large margin, and why he has failed—despite his self-touted successes and a happily booming economy—to lift his poll numbers. It is unprecedented for a president presiding over such economic numbers to have poll numbers this low.

But the election wasn't entirely about immigration. The middle-class has been getting screwed for the last 30 years. They showed up at the polls. That's why Trump won.

The final sentence of my post that you replied to:  "They not only rarely cite facts, they rarely respond to facts presented to them."


Your reply lives down to that sentence.


You mean “facts” you present like people you disagree with don’t care about the future of the country and dry-humping the flag?



1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


So that's why he and the Republicans passed a federal tax overhaul that vastly benefited the rich and did little to nothing for the poor and middle class?


And that's why he's been feuding with China in a way that has harmed U.S. agricultural exports and the "hinterlands" farmers who grow that food.... and talking of tariffs that are only going to hurt those farmers further.


And that's why he's consistently sided with the energy industry and against environmental protections, because obviously the energy industry aren't corporate cronies, and the vast electorate in the hinterlands don't care about the air they breath, the water they drink, etc.


Please, get real!  Trump doesn't get a sh** about the welfare and well-being of the working class Americans... He only cares about promoting himself and deluding people into thinking he has their interests at heart.



I'm not rich I saved almost $1000.00 annually   from that Tax bill

3 minutes ago, riclag said:

I'm not rich I saved almost $1000.00 annually   from that Tax bill

You have over a thousand dollars? You are rich according to Democrats...

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The stock market was booming long before Trump came along, and if he's helped it at all, it's only been by tax cuts that are exploding the federal deficit that ordinary Americans are going to end up being hurt by in future years. There will be a price to pay for Trump and the Republican's raping of the tax system.

Yes, everyone knows the the debt and deficit all started with Trump, the the stock-market and employment numbers are a result of President Obama’s policies finally kicking in.
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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The stock market was booming long before Trump came along, and if he's helped it at all, it's only been by tax cuts that are exploding the federal deficit that ordinary Americans are going to end up being hurt by in future years. There will be a price to pay for Trump and the Republican's raping of the tax system.


Why is that anything good occurring in the states is because of obama but if Trump supporters bring up Obama, it's but..but..Obama ahahaaa. Unemployment at all time low, stock market going up to new heights.


I wonder how folks feel about the Dems telling them that they can't make it on their own,  that they need gov help in order to survive.

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3 hours ago, jayboy said:

You have not only missed the point but done so by a colossal margin.Read the last paragraph again and this time think not shoot off platitudes.

But the last paragraph is entirely based on an incorrect assumption... Corporate, establishment Dems are the proven losers ceding 1000s of seats nationwide (including state level) in the last decade. Continuing down that loser path is the definition of insanity. 


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1 hour ago, Uptooyoo said:

When candidates "squeak by" they always have low poll numbers. 

All presidents, regardless of margin of victory, make some attempt to bring the country together, and, at least initially, succeed in improving their poll numbers. This not only good for the country, but good for them, if only because it makes it easier for them to pass whatever their agenda is. Trump not only made zero effort to bring the country together, he continued to divide the country from the getgo. He’s the only president I can remember whose poll numbers showed no significant improvements after the election.


2 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

 Trump has been under a barrage of attacks from those who will not accept the results of the last election.

Boohoo. Ask Obama.


2 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

He got a clear mandate from the people who voted for him

In politics, that’s not what “mandate” means.


2 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

And he's done better than any ticking-off the check boxes of his campaign promises

And exactly what campaign promises has he kept? Of his major promises, the main one he’s kept is lower biz tax rates. No surprise there. I guess that’s really standing up to “Wall Street, Hollywood, and corporate cronys” and standing “up for the working class,”


and, btw, “the hinterland” does not have a “vast electorate” unless you’re talking waist size.


2 hours ago, Uptooyoo said:

You claim he as "accidental" 

Yes. As the Mueller Report verifies, even Trump never expected to win. That’s why he continued negotiations on Trump Tower Moscow. I believe The Apprentice negotiations were still active. Even Trump said something to the effect: “was I supposed to stop my business, what if I didn’t win?”


The margin he won by is so small that the Russian interference could well have swung the election for him. According to The Mueller Report:


“The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion... a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that [favored Trump and disparaged Clinton]...the [Russians] conducted computer-intrusion operations against [the Clinton campaign] and then released the stolen documents...the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts...”

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Yes. As the Mueller Report verifies, even Trump never expected to win. That’s why he continued negotiations on Trump Tower Moscow. I believe The Apprentice negotiations were still active. Even Trump said something to the effect: “was I supposed to stop my business, what if I didn’t win?”
The margin he won by is so small that the Russian interference could well have swung the election for him. According to The Mueller Report:
“The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion... a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that [favored Trump and disparaged Clinton]...the [Russians] conducted computer-intrusion operations against [the Clinton campaign] and then released the stolen documents...the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts...”

Yes, funny how the Russians were the only ones that knew Trump was going to win. It looks to me like they were just generating a lot of animosity.

While the left and some feckless Republicans have generally been successful blocking Trump from getting as much done as would have been nice, I’m still glad he won. Everyday I get up, he’s still not her.

Being and independent and a centrist, i am happy to see anything that slows the country’s shift to the left.

Remind me again how united the county was under the last administration....
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12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The founding fathers recorded their thoughts in the Constitution.


Rather than second guess their thoughts, read the Constitution.


Reading?? Aw man, when I joined TVf they told me there weren’t gonna be any tests! This is bullsh!t.


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