Popular Post johnnybangkok Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Thomas J said: Trump is correct. Particularly with Omar. Her family came to the USA as "refugees" from horrible conditions in Somalia and all she does is complain about how lousy the conditions are here in the USA. The USA is far from perfect. However if it is so awful why is it that millions attempt to legally and illegally gain entry to it. As for the Democrats and particularly Omar, Tlaid, and Ocasio-Cortez, it is very easy to complain. I hear no constructive ideas flowing from them and other Democrats as to how to solve some of America's problems. Trump is far from a perfect person. He is loud, arrogant, boastful, abrasive. He has also been effective. The USA now has the lowest unemployment in over 50 years. The lowest unemployment rate in history for blacks, hispanics, asians, and women. There are 7 times more manufacturing jobs created in Trumps two years than under Obama's two years. MORE THAN 50% OF THE JOBS CREATED HAVE GONE TO MINORITIES. Wages are rising and doing so more to lower rather than higher income groups. So in summary, Trump has done more to help the people of the USA and particularly those who the Democrats say they stand for than anything those Liberal Whiners have ever done. You say you 'hear no constructive ideas flowing from them and other Democrats as to how to solve some of America's problems'. so perhaps I can help you with 2 of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination:- Elizabeth Warren has a universal child care plan. She has a plan to crack down on corruption in defense procurement. She wants to make it legal to indict a sitting president. She has an ambitious reproductive rights agenda, and a plan to break up big technology companies. She also has an expansive “economic patriotism” agenda and a big plan for free college and student debt cancellation. Much of this would be paid for by a big new tax on large accumulated fortunes. She has plan to end shareholder supremacy in corporate America an expansive housing agenda, a plan on private prisons, a plan to reduce racial disparities in maternal mortality, a climate plan and a plan for rural America. Bernie Sanders has been clear with his proposal: a bill that transitions the country to a universal Medicare system over four years, eventually sunsetting Medicaid and Medicare in their current forms. He wants a $15 minimum wage. He wants tuition-free public college. He wants to cancel all $1.6 trillion in student loan debt owed in the United States, and enact a debt- and tuition-free public college system. Sanders has proposed raising that top tax rate to 77 percent. He’s also proposed expanding the estate tax, as well as a Wall Street speculation tax on bonds, stocks, and derivatives bought and sold in the United States. He also wants campaign finance reform. Also as far as employment figures go, Trumps total job growth during his time in office 5.613 million or 194,000 per month whereas during Obama’s last months in office, there had been 6.423 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 29 months is 810,000 more jobs or 27,000 more per month than Trump with Trump riding a wave that had already been created for him by Obama. Also, salary increase budgets for U.S. employers this year are projected to grow by just 0.1 percent above the actual average budget increase for 2018, confirming that wage growth remains surprisingly stagnant despite record low unemployment. Alison Avalos, research director at WorldatWork, an association of total rewards professionals in fact says 'despite significant tax-reform changes and a tight labor market, the one-tenth of a percentage point movement isn't the growth that was anticipated. This year's survey data gives us little reason to think that U.S. organizations intend to significantly invest more dollars into salary increases for 2019." Before quoting your 'facts' please make sure they are coming from somewhere other than Fox news or Trumps own Twitter feed please. 3 3 1
Popular Post johnnybangkok Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said: You say you 'hear no constructive ideas flowing from them and other Democrats as to how to solve some of America's problems'. so perhaps I can help you with 2 of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination:- Elizabeth Warren has a universal child care plan. She has a plan to crack down on corruption in defense procurement. She wants to make it legal to indict a sitting president. She has an ambitious reproductive rights agenda, and a plan to break up big technology companies. She also has an expansive “economic patriotism” agenda and a big plan for free college and student debt cancellation. Much of this would be paid for by a big new tax on large accumulated fortunes. She has plan to end shareholder supremacy in corporate America an expansive housing agenda, a plan on private prisons, a plan to reduce racial disparities in maternal mortality, a climate plan and a plan for rural America. Bernie Sanders has been clear with his proposal: a bill that transitions the country to a universal Medicare system over four years, eventually sunsetting Medicaid and Medicare in their current forms. He wants a $15 minimum wage. He wants tuition-free public college. He wants to cancel all $1.6 trillion in student loan debt owed in the United States, and enact a debt- and tuition-free public college system. Sanders has proposed raising that top tax rate to 77 percent. He’s also proposed expanding the estate tax, as well as a Wall Street speculation tax on bonds, stocks, and derivatives bought and sold in the United States. He also wants campaign finance reform. Also as far as employment figures go, Trumps total job growth during his time in office 5.613 million or 194,000 per month whereas during Obama’s last months in office, there had been 6.423 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 29 months is 810,000 more jobs or 27,000 more per month than Trump with Trump riding a wave that had already been created for him by Obama. Also, salary increase budgets for U.S. employers this year are projected to grow by just 0.1 percent above the actual average budget increase for 2018, confirming that wage growth remains surprisingly stagnant despite record low unemployment. Alison Avalos, research director at WorldatWork, an association of total rewards professionals in fact says 'despite significant tax-reform changes and a tight labor market, the one-tenth of a percentage point movement isn't the growth that was anticipated. This year's survey data gives us little reason to think that U.S. organizations intend to significantly invest more dollars into salary increases for 2019." Before quoting your 'facts' please make sure they are coming from somewhere other than Fox news or Trumps own Twitter feed please. Oh and whilst we are highlighting Republicans favourite topic of the 'booming economy', you might also want to take note of the $2 TRILLION dollars ($2,000,000,000,000) that Trump has added SO FAR to the national debt; something you guys always seem to have a problem with when a Democrat was in office but for which you now seem to conveniently forget. 3 4 1
Redline Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 5 hours ago, daoyai said: He did not say countries he said "places" meaning AOC should be working to improve conditions in the Bronx N.Y., her congressional district. The Somali lady should be working to improve the dire employment situation in her district in Minnesota etc. This is a great example how the media lies and distorts everything to further their hatred and division. You take everyone as an ignorant fool, just like Donny. You couldn't trick a grade schooler with that one ???????? 2
Benmart Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 5 hours ago, bristolboy said: I would say nice try, but your attempt at exonerating Trump is laughable: "So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe... viciously telling the people of the United States... how our government is to be run," Trump said in a series of three comments on Twitter." President Trump doesn't require exoneration or attempts at it. He is a temporary Chief Executive and can be voted out of office. It is up to the American voters to decide which message has merit. 2
Redline Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 19 minutes ago, meand said: RIght. Crime is rife in the US by the rich banker types. But trump does not mind this type of crime. Just the "ugly" kind that he himself cannot profit from. I'm sure his friends will soon open private immigrant prisons that will be nice investments. The non profits are paying their people tens of millions to run them now
Redline Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 42 minutes ago, Boon Mee said: Absolutely good advice from Trump. Folks are sick to death of listening to these know-nothings spouting off how bad America and Americans are. Truly defined as Nattering Nabobs of Negativism. But! Keep it up, ladies! The more BS you screech, the more you get another 4 years of Trump. And that's a very good thing! ???? You forgot the men as well, but you go girl!
Redline Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Thakkar said: Please explain “both sides” Which “side”: Wants To take away women’s right to choose Wants To take away healthcare from millions Refuses to take protective measures against foreign intervention in US elections Gives tax cuts almost exclusively for the rich Opposes a livable minimum wage Creates obstacles to voting targeted at people unlikely to vote for them Refuse to condemn inhumane treatment of children Rightly condemned one president for adultery but fully embraced a thrice married serial adulterer and sexual predator? True, Independents make up for more than any one party~seems everyone forgets that 1
Emdog Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 Trump slipped up on one of his "chopper talks": he said "I don't know where they're from". OMG moment: told the truth. Maybe he should turn off TV and do a little studying? Considering number of he "best people" indicted, in prison, awaiting sentencing, etc maybe he wants these women on his "crime infested" cabinet 2
Jingthing Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 4 minutes ago, Emdog said: Trump slipped up on one of his "chopper talks": he said "I don't know where they're from". OMG moment: told the truth. Maybe he should turn off TV and do a little studying? Considering number of he "best people" indicted, in prison, awaiting sentencing, etc maybe he wants these women on his "crime infested" cabinet Yeah it's pretty clear he got this racist line of twitter trolling directly from Tucker Carlson on Fox News that was talking specifically about the one in that group that really was an immigrant. That's where we are with the U.S. presidency now. God help us. 1
zydeco Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 4 hours ago, bristolboy said: Life is just awful there Twin Cities among most prosperous metro areas in the U.S. https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2017/03/02/twin-cities-among-most-prosperous-metro-areas-in.html That is the metro area. What about the cities themselves? 1 1
Hanaguma Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 Nothing better than seeing a Master Troll in action. He didn't name names or races or countries, just left it up to those who feel close to the tweet to respond. Also puts the Democrats in the uncomfortable position of having to defend some of the more radical/crazy/ignorant members of their party. It keeps them in the spotlight. It deflects attention from the older and more mainstream Democrats like Pelosi or Schumer. Brilliant. 1
TopDeadSenter Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 5 hours ago, J Town said: And Congresswoman Omar's reply: Is this Ilhan Omar woman ever going to do prison time for allegedly marrying her brother to skirt US immigration rules? Incest is still illegal right? In my opinion it sets a very low standard that such immoral people can be in the government. And before the freakouts and diversions start - nope, I never heard of Trump doing incest. 2 1 2
Popular Post johnnybangkok Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 9 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said: Is this Ilhan Omar woman ever going to do prison time for allegedly marrying her brother to skirt US immigration rules? Incest is still illegal right? In my opinion it sets a very low standard that such immoral people can be in the government. And before the freakouts and diversions start - nope, I never heard of Trump doing incest. Typical unsubstantiated drivel from one of Trumps more rabid followers (and that's saying something). And you personally might not have heard of 'Trump doing incest' but if you look at how he acts around Ivanka one can conclude it's not through lack of trying. 8 1
Hanaguma Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 16 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said: Is this Ilhan Omar woman ever going to do prison time for allegedly marrying her brother to skirt US immigration rules? Incest is still illegal right? In my opinion it sets a very low standard that such immoral people can be in the government. And before the freakouts and diversions start - nope, I never heard of Trump doing incest. Rep. Omar's history makes interesting reading: 2002- Marries Ahmed Hirsi 'in her faith tradition', but not legally 2008- ends relationship with Hirsi, after having 2 children 2009 February- legally marries Ahmed Elmi 2012 June- has THIRD child with HIRSI, not yet legally divorced from Elmi 2014 and 2015- files joint tax returns with Hirsi, in spite of still being married to Elmi 2017 December- legally divorces Elmi 2018 January- legally marries Hirsi interesting... 1 1
attrayant Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 25 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said: Is this Ilhan Omar woman ever going to do prison time for allegedly... You don't serve time for alleged misdeeds. 2 1
spidermike007 Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 As is typical of the mega racist Trump, he is getting his details wrong. Of the four he singled out (the rather outspoken, and incredibly refreshing "Squad), only one was born outside of the US. So, I guess when he said they should go back to the squalor from where they came, he was referring to the American inner cities he has been doing such a great job of ignoring, and the people without wealth, whom he despises with all of his heart. As each day goes by, we get a clearer glimpse into who this man really is, the lack of empathy, compassion, moral fiber, spirituality (despite what you evangelicals have deluded yourselves into believing!), competency, foreign policy, understanding, and decency. Though I disagree with alot of policy these four bring to the table, their honesty, open statements and criticisms, and lack of a filter is sure refreshing. Wasn't that what Trump was supposed to be offering? The establishment (both the dems, and what Trump has become) sure despises them, for their brutal honesty! And I love em for it! Tear them asunder, and tell it like it is, please.
FritsSikkink Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 7 hours ago, daoyai said: He did not say countries he said "places" meaning AOC should be working to improve conditions in the Bronx N.Y., her congressional district. The Somali lady should be working to improve the dire employment situation in her district in Minnesota etc. This is a great example how the media lies and distorts everything to further their hatred and division. Fake news, He did say countries: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly........and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...
TopDeadSenter Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 5 minutes ago, attrayant said: You don't serve time for alleged misdeeds. I was being PC/polite 1
Popular Post bristolboy Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 7 minutes ago, Hanaguma said: Rep. Omar's history makes interesting reading: 2002- Marries Ahmed Hirsi 'in her faith tradition', but not legally 2008- ends relationship with Hirsi, after having 2 children 2009 February- legally marries Ahmed Elmi 2012 June- has THIRD child with HIRSI, not yet legally divorced from Elmi 2014 and 2015- files joint tax returns with Hirsi, in spite of still being married to Elmi 2017 December- legally divorces Elmi 2018 January- legally marries Hirsi interesting... Trump cheats on his pregnant wife with Stormy Daniels. Then authorizes payment to Stormy Daniels. Lies about the payment. Claims it's payment to his lawyer. Doublethink much? 4 1 1
bristolboy Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 13 minutes ago, Hanaguma said: Rep. Omar's history makes interesting reading: 2002- Marries Ahmed Hirsi 'in her faith tradition', but not legally 2008- ends relationship with Hirsi, after having 2 children 2009 February- legally marries Ahmed Elmi 2012 June- has THIRD child with HIRSI, not yet legally divorced from Elmi 2014 and 2015- files joint tax returns with Hirsi, in spite of still being married to Elmi 2017 December- legally divorces Elmi 2018 January- legally marries Hirsi interesting... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ilhan-omar-marry-brother/ 1 1
Popular Post Berkshire Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 10 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said: 16 minutes ago, attrayant said: You don't serve time for alleged misdeeds. I was being PC/polite Trump is a corrupt conman and vicious pedo. Yet you're happy to deflect on his behalf. Most of America knows Trump to be a pathological liar, coward, and complete moron. Why are you still kissing his ass? 7 1
Popular Post attrayant Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 It's not the job of congressional representatives to "take care of" their home districts. It's not Ilhan Omar's job to make sure Minneapolis residents get their trash picked up on time and potholes filled. The city has a local government to take care of that. Omar represents her constituents at the Federal level, voting on national issues like immigration and healthcare. If there's an unemployment problem in Minneapolis or the Bronx, that's an issue for state governors and city mayors. This is Trump once again showing us he knows nothing about how government works. 6
Popular Post bristolboy Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 You know how Trump supporters always ask "Give me just one example of something Trump said that shows he's a bigot." The new question's gonna be "Give me just two examples of something Trump said that shows he's a bigot." 2 2
Berkshire Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 1 minute ago, attrayant said: It's not the job of congressional representatives to "take care of" their home districts. It's not Ilhan Omar's job to make sure Minneapolis residents get their trash picked up on time and potholes filled. The city has a local government to take care of that. Omar represents her constituents at the Federal level, voting on national issues like immigration and healthcare. If there's an unemployment problem in Minneapolis or the Bronx, that's an issue for state governors and city mayors. This is Trump once again showing us he knows nothing about how government works. You're right of course. Trump is a racist and an idiot, facts that he has proven time and time again. 1
Popular Post RJRS1301 Posted July 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, attrayant said: It's not the job of congressional representatives to "take care of" their home districts. It's not Ilhan Omar's job to make sure Minneapolis residents get their trash picked up on time and potholes filled. The city has a local government to take care of that. Omar represents her constituents at the Federal level, voting on national issues like immigration and healthcare. If there's an unemployment problem in Minneapolis or the Bronx, that's an issue for state governors and city mayors. This is Trump once again showing us he knows nothing about how government works. We know exactly what he was expressing in bigoted tweets, and it had nothing to do with the local regions where these people were elected from 4 1
attrayant Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 15 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said: I was being PC/polite Using the word "alleged" is not being polite; it's being factual. What would have been the impolite way to say it? Impolite or not, "PC" or not, you don't serve prison time unless you've been convicted and sentenced.
Hanaguma Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 14 minutes ago, bristolboy said: Trump cheats on his pregnant wife with Stormy Daniels. Then authorizes payment to Stormy Daniels. Lies about the payment. Claims it's payment to his lawyer. Doublethink much? Not defending Trump, he was a scumbag to cheat on his wife. What that has to do with Omar's shady past, I have no idea.
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