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Migration from eastern Europe raises German population to record high

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11 minutes ago, pegman said:

Fair is fair. In rougher times it was Germans who migrated for economic reasons. Other countries needed the labour and welcomed them. Tons to my country Canada. In the USA German is the biggest ethnic group. Most good, some Trump.  Same for the Brits and Irish to Canada, USA, N.Z, Aust........ My own people started coming to the new world from the UK nearly 400 years ago. Some because they were religious nuts but most for economic reasons. It's worked out well for all and so will this. 

Yes, actually those are the same volga germans. Katharina II invited them to russia, gave them settlements etc. as Russia didn't have enough workforce for the vast amount of space. After the WW2 they were unwelcome and many went back to germany, others went to Canada, Australia and co - same ethnic group that is one of the biggest 


There are millions of them in germany, most are from Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia and Romania - most came back when the iron curtain went down in 1990.


11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Once again this thread is about Eastern Europe migration to Germany. Seems it's been a big economic success. You got any problems with that?

https://www.thelocal.de/20180412/growth-in-germanys-foreign-population-driven-by-immigration-from-eastern-europe seems to work so far, indeed




4 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Well everyone knows we are only here for the women ,the free housing and the great social security that Thailand pays that and the free health care , lol

No, most are here because it's cheaper than their home countries. We earn our money somewhere else and life here because we get more for it. 

Everything you mentioned here is cheaper. Housing is cheaper, girls are cheaper, healthcare is cheaper.  German public healthcare can cost you up to 52 000 EUR per year if you earn alot.

And the taxes, no taxes basically on money earned outside of Thailand.

This is the definition of economic migration.


Why else are you here, because of the working democracy? Tell us your reasons, i am burning to know.



21 minutes ago, transam said:

As I am English we do not have all that card stuff, we have free health care for all.  It is called the National Health Service. A system where money doesn't come into the equation if one has a problem. I am surprised your country doesn't have the same system, perhaps that's why YOU welcome outsiders because YOU think they pay for healthcare..

UK also has private stuff where you can go if you want to pay...We and all are well covered...????...But not for a free nose job..

Not sure what your failed country has to do with this thread, it's about germany.





But our research shows that while the NHS may be a national treasure to British people, EU migrants would rather be treated in their countries of origin. As a 38-year-old woman from Germany put it: “Sorry, NHS? No thanks.” And the reasons for rejecting the NHS? A 25-year-old man from the Netherlands says it’s because the “NHS is slow and the medical care mediocre”. Or, at least, it “is rather poor compared with healthcare in my country”, according to a 45-year-old woman from Germany.


Sounds like Thai Public hospitals, i also prefer to pay Samitivej instead. 





‘There is no doubt that EEA migrants contribute more to the health workforce  than they consume in healthcare,” the report states.


Seems the EU Immigrants pay for your free healthcare and also they think it's horrible and prefer to go to their own doctors.



But as always, if you have facts about contradicting numbers please link them? 


  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:


Yes, actually those are the same volga germans. Katharina II invited them to russia, gave them settlements etc. as Russia didn't have enough workforce for the vast amount of space. After the WW2 they were unwelcome and many went back to germany, others went to Canada, Australia and co - same ethnic group that is one of the biggest 


There are millions of them in germany, most are from Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia and Romania - most came back when the iron curtain went down in 1990.


https://www.thelocal.de/20180412/growth-in-germanys-foreign-population-driven-by-immigration-from-eastern-europe seems to work so far, indeed




No, most are here because it's cheaper than their home countries. We earn our money somewhere else and life here because we get more for it. 

Everything you mentioned here is cheaper. Housing is cheaper, girls are cheaper, healthcare is cheaper.  German public healthcare can cost you up to 52 000 EUR per year if you earn alot.

And the taxes, no taxes basically on money earned outside of Thailand.

This is the definition of economic migration.


Why else are you here, because of the working democracy? Tell us your reasons, i am burning to know.



Not sure what your failed country has to do with this thread, it's about germany.





Sounds like Thai Public hospitals, i also prefer to pay Samitivej instead. 




Seems the EU Immigrants pay for your free healthcare and also they think it's horrible and prefer to go to their own doctors.



But as always, if you have facts about contradicting numbers please link them? 


You would be incredibly wrong about UK NHS hospitals being anything like LOS hospitals. You should get out more or use Google, does Germany have Google...?

  • Like 2
17 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Germans aren't scared of these people stealing jobs from natives because they have strong union and decent protection of workers. In other nations where native workers aren't as well protected, this influx can create fear and resentment. Obviously, the solution is to increase worker protection in those nations. Instead, too many direct their energy and resentment elsewhere. Much to the satisfaction of employers.


The German "Works Councils" system, from my experience, works very well. As do the social laws which protect workers rights. Germany also invests in good training and educating of the workforce. 



  • Like 2
3 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Germany is getting old, we need migration, there's no way around this.


Many of these eastern european "immigrants" are ethnic germans anyway, russian germans (volga germans, romania germans, polish germans) etc.

Many of these countries were a part of germany before WW1 and 2.


There are cities such as Weidenthal in romania which are 30% germans, maybe some people here should educate themselves a bit. 




This is romanias president, most here won't know as they lack education, but he looks quite german to me....


The ethnic Germans you are talking about mostly immigrated to Germany in the 1990s. Nowadays it's rather the Romanians, Bulgarians, and Poles that Britain doesn't want anymore.


Immigration may be great for the German economy, but the housing crisis leads to rising homelessness.

  • Confused 1
10 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Like - most of the expats in Thailand?




at least the eastern europeans might get a bath more often

  • Haha 1
10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

NO - not in the slightest ! We have to get a visa each year and show an ability to pay our way. These people don't ! AND they get to claim free health care !

same same a german going to BUL/ROM or any EU country,as most will be working and for very little only right they have free healthcare,iam sure there are EU citizens claiming in BUL/ROM who are not interested in working,we've been through this on here before,i recall there were 3x more brits claiming in Eire than irish in the UK,there will always be guys not sleeping at night because they have heard a immigrant has had medical attention,even more so in thailand as the thai's generally would rather leave them to die than treat them for free,as for visa's that just makes my previous comment even more true,and anyone who thinks it will get better is dreaming

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, Deli said:

Germany with his open doors policy since 1989 is a lost case. Millions of non Germans, clans, fake asylum seekers, 2 or 3rd Generation kids of in those days needed foreign workers, etc. have pushed the number of residents but they are anythng else but Germans. And a continiously trembling lard arse Angie never was willing to see and understand it. Fining car makers or banks for their way how to make business is more important; standing to the membership with NATO isn't possible coz of a Defence "Mistress" without a clue, ok, now she is out anyhow. RItired people get pensions too little to make there living from but "refugees" get free housing, pocket money, healthcare. All what a real German has to work hard for. Germans are sick and tired of this policy since 1989, unfortunately not strong enough to get it changed.

You are the official spokesperson for all Germans? Odd, because it seems that the Greens, among other parties on the left, have been doing quite well lately in elections.

10 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


Which backs up the point of these people flitting around the countries to see which one offers the best deal as a ' non working ' EU national.


They aren't coming to the UK because they streets are paved with Gold, they are coming to abuse our welfare system and free healthcare.

benidorm A+E has been kept busy for decades without the Lager lout having to pay for treatment

  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

German pension is around 4x the Brit pension.

always been wealthier than Brits have the Germans,due to hard work,better at making thinks,more efficient,living in their means,rewarding hard work and not having a generous benefit system for single teenage mothers,alcoholics,druggies etc,money saved = a nice pension for the old who deserve it,we should of copied it years ago but no labour wasted it and the tories could never recoup the loses to afford it,basically we were to thick get anywhere near them,we were narrowing the gap just before the vote as we were top of the EU growth table,after the vote that went tits up,yes you brexiteers can pick at trivial little things about germany (growth slowing,immigration etc) but they are still way ahead of the UK in just about everything in life/economy/standard of living/industry/transport/infrastructure.

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

It is not an irrational fear but a real one, try telling German women not to be afraid of walking around areas with a lot of them hanging around!

try telling germans not to go for an evening stroll when england or an english football team is in town that night. 

  • Confused 2
8 hours ago, Scott said:

It would appear that you are telling a bit of a porky:

The only number I can find for the German pension (from your link) is 507 pounds, my UK pension is 132 pounds (maximum under existing 30 year contribution). Making the German pension just under 4x my UK pension.

I always exceeded all NI contribution limits while working in the UK, so would have probably got more than 507 pounds if I were working in Germany (as there is no maximum in Germany).


Did you read the story you linked to?

  • Thanks 1
18 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Yes, but the millions that have come to the UK do and they've not paid in a penny !

UK citizens (1 million plus) migrate to EU countries and receive 'free' healthcare. With a hard Brexit no longer.

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

It is not an irrational fear but a real one, try telling German women not to be afraid of walking around areas with a lot of them hanging around!

It’s still not the topic of discussion, something you have failed to understand.

  • Confused 1
10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

UK citizens (1 million plus) migrate to EU countries and receive 'free' healthcare. With a hard Brexit no longer.

got any figures to support that?heard theres over 3 million eu citizens working and some poncing and claiming benefits in the uk,says a lot about their countries economies and welfare systems

  • Like 2
  • Confused 1
8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The US ‘Marshall Plan’ was actually Plan B, Plan A was to strip Germany of its industry and rebuild it as an agrarian society incapable of again becoming a serious military threat.


Plan A was ditched in favour of Plan B when it dawned on the US that an agrarian society would be far more prone to Communism.


US planning for Post war UK started before the US joined the war, was straightforward and effective.


Advance loans to the British and demand repayment, by doing So strip the UK of the financial resources required to keep control

of it’s empire.


If you have an argument why the US tax payer should fund a nation that had at the time the largest empire the world has ever seen, let’s be having it.





Because the money was used to fight the Nazis.

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, kingdong said:

got any figures to support that?heard theres over 3 million eu citizens working and some poncing and claiming benefits in the uk,says a lot about their countries economies and welfare systems

Coming up with a precise figure for the true number of Britons in Europe is difficult, but it could be 1 million to 2.25 million. This includes estimates for temporary residents, those currently not registered and dual nationals.



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