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Unbowed, Trump intensifies attacks on four Democratic congresswomen


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55 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

The only ones racist are Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Neither should be in Congress - Ilhan Omar isn't even American - she was born and raised in Somalia and Kenya, and came to the US as a refugee. Pretty sad that someone as unamerican as her actually got elected. As for AOC - she's just a walking joke - it's like giving a pet rock voting rights in matters of state. Never heard of Ayana Presley before...

but that aoc joke said, comtemporary america is garbage, meaning every american is garbage..the president you. aoc fits also article 1 ,section 5 of the us constitution. in fact the memtally sick squad has politically produced zero.




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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

If Ilhan Omar isn't American then neither is Melania Trump or the roughly 40 million Americans who were born as citizens elsewhere.

Not so long ago it would have been considered unamerican to tell citizens you disagreed with to leave the country for exercising their first amendment rights. Unfamiliar with the first amendment? You and Trump both.

but neither melanie nor donald are jew hater like  muslim jew hater omar introducing israel boycott resolution, likened the jewish state to nazi germany, soviet union....just now on fox news 180719




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For anybody that wants to know the full story behind why Trump said Omar married her brother and why she very well may indeed be sent back for immigration fraud this article from David Steinberg details the rather overwhelming evidence:




And the great thing is Trump has gotten the entirety of the Left to defend this woman, who by the time the election gets in to full gear will almost certainly be a convicted felon. 

Edited by usviphotography
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3 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

For anybody that wants to know the full story behind why Trump said Omar married her brother and why she very well may indeed be sent back for immigration fraud this article from David Steinberg details the rather overwhelming evidence:




And the great thing is Trump has gotten the entirety of the Left to defend this woman, who by the time the election gets in to full gear will almost certainly be a convicted felon. 


Go ahead and pursue a legal investigation of her but at the same time we need a full investigation of the current occupant of the white house for ten counts of obstruction of justice (for a start). Given his office, impeachment is the only available method for that.

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9 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

For anybody that wants to know the full story behind why Trump said Omar married her brother and why she very well may indeed be sent back for immigration fraud this article from David Steinberg details the rather overwhelming evidence:




And the great thing is Trump has gotten the entirety of the Left to defend this woman, who by the time the election gets in to full gear will almost certainly be a convicted felon. 

And when the election goes into full gear, it's the candidates who will be at issue, not Ilhan Omar.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

HUH?!? You think that you need to be native born to be eligible to be elected to congress? You don't agree with that? FACTS don't agree with you? Sorry, those are the rules.

Reading comprehension - it helps. I said I'm AWARE that you do NOT need to be native born to serve in Congress. I just said I'm not sure if I agree with that. I don't think people who grew up in cultures that oppose the American way of life should be making laws. She clearly does not have our best interests in heart.

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The nature of this bully, is to double down, when caught saying something really dumb. It is just who he is, and who he has always been. He is a racist. There is no doubt about that. Sure, he likes foreign, exotic women. But, only white women from the first world. 


This is going to come back and bite him in the election. And the entire GOP will suffer, now that they have shown they have no scruples, and ethics, anymore. The party has sold out to the Master. 


George Conway had the right idea. Come debate time you bait him. Now that everyone knows he will say anything as a counterpunch, you let him do just that.

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6 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

but neither melanie nor donald are jew hater like  muslim jew hater omar introducing israel boycott resolution, likened the jewish state to nazi germany, soviet union....just now on fox news 180719




Really? trump supported White Supremacists demonstrations in Charlottesville. White Supremacist ideology is also anti Jewish which was underlined by their chanting Nazi anti Jewish slogans




Omar is planning to visit Israel and Palestinian areas. In Omar's latest comments she expressed support for a Two State Solution and condemned violence by all parties, including Hamas. The question is open on whether the Israelis will deny her entry.







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15 hours ago, simple1 said:

The question is open on whether the Israelis will deny her entry.

I imagine that Trump will put his two cents in on this with Netanyahu and she won't be allowed to enter -or- if they do allow her in there could be "trumped" up demonstrations against her.

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21 hours ago, wayned said:

This is what this election is going to be about.  He is going to attack the republicans from every angle painting them as far right socialists.   He doesn't want to get into discussions about health care and national debt because he has no plan.  He thinks that attacking his opponent in this way is a winner for him.

he (trump) is going to attack the repubicans.....?

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22 minutes ago, Pique Dard said:

he (trump) is going to attack the repubicans.....?

I meant democrats but my dyslexic fingers typed republicans.  I corrected it a while back with an additional post since the edit time had already expired on the original post by the time that I was made aware of it!  Actually Trump will attack anyone that doesn't agree with him either a Dem or GOP.  The republicans know it and most are afraid to disagree with him as they are afraid that he will force them to be primaried at there next election time.

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43 minutes ago, Pique Dard said:

when you watch trump's behavior, you understand there's no huge difference between dictatorship and democracy. a dictator grabbs power, a democrat is elected but once in power he may/can act like a dictator

That's an interesting take on it. I think of him as behaving more like a rock star. His attack on these 4 women is much like Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off that bat. Just showmanship really. The crowd lapped it up. I did too. But OK, so it was a bad day for the bat.

 It also put a VERY uncomfortable fact up front that all newspapers are covering today. Good luck getting that genie back into the bottle!

Edited by TopDeadSenter
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When's  his next rally?  I bet that he lites into Ilhan Omar again and provokes the audience into chanting "Send Her Back".  He can't help it but I think that if he keeps it up it will hurt him in the long run which is good!

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Not just a human toilet, the man is a plugged up human toilet overflowing with s*it.


But the blame lies not with nascent despots, for they are always with us.

Americans made a choice and only they can force a change, as difficult as that is at this point.  It's not impossible but it does require unity of purpose.

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17 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

Trump claims his father was born in Germany (even though it was his grandfather) so maybe we should send Trump back so he can be a real Nazi not a neo-nazi. Problem is even Germany thinks he is an idiot. 

Trump's  grandfather immigrated to the US when he was 16 to avoid mandatory military service.  He became a US citizen and married a German.  He tried to move back to Germany but they told him to leave or he would be deported for draft dodging.  One thing the Trumps have in common!

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Go ahead and pursue a legal investigation of her but at the same time we need a full investigation of the current occupant of the white house for ten counts of obstruction of justice (for a start). Given his office, impeachment is the only available method for that.

fake news there is no obstruction, no impeachment. impeachment has been voted down 332 to 95 to 1. the only impeachment given for aoc, omar, tlaib art 1, section 5 us constitution for disorderly behaviour.




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Now, Trump insists he was not pleased with the "send her home" chants at his rally. But, did you see the smirk on his face during the chant? He is simply walking this back, after worldwide condemnation of this surly, ugly, neo fascist demonstration. He is proving over and over again where his heart is, what his aspirations are, and who he really is. Pelosi was right, when she said she that when he says "Make America great again", he means "make America white again". And that is never going to happen. America is getting browner by the day, and that is a good thing. But, it drives racist men like Trump crazy. And many of his devotees are racist too. Some are even white supremacists. Few are tolerant of the mixing pot America has always been, and is becoming more and more each day. America needs it's immigrants, and they are part of what makes the country great, if you want to make that claim. 

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12 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

There is no law which prevents a Muslim lady from acting in a disrespectful manner towards her adopted country and no law that prevents any citizen from telling her to go back where she came from.  I think they are both covered under free speech.  So the law has been applied equally.  

That's correct and that's why I love free speech. The bad guys make themselves know right off the bat instead of hiding behind PC BS. Then everybody is free to form their opinion based on legit info straight from the horses mouth. And air it as loudly as they wish. The responsibility falls on the listener.

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23 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Looks like 2020 is going to be the last stand of the white straight middle aged men. Too bad I can't vote.

You used the adjective before the noun in "white....men." I take offence, as it is politically incorrect in America. Just as it is when you say "colored women," or "colored people" The politically correct terms are "women of color," or "people of color." Therefore, it is not "white men," or "white people." The politically correct terms are "men of whiteness" or "people of whiteness." 

If that isn't confusing enough, you are, however, allowed to place the adjective first, as in "African American" or "German American." ...just a lesson in the culture war destroying America. 


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3 minutes ago, Uptooyoo said:

You used the adjective before the noun in "white....men." I take offence, as it is politically incorrect in America. Just as it is when you say "colored women," or "colored people" The politically correct terms are "women of color," or "people of color." Therefore, it is not "white men," or "white people." The politically correct terms are "men of whiteness" or "people of whiteness." 

If that isn't confusing enough, you are, however, allowed to place the adjective first, as in "African American" or "German American." ...just a lesson in the culture war destroying America. 

Your offence is noted. You may stew in it freely.

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53 minutes ago, Uptooyoo said:

You used the adjective before the noun in "white....men." I take offence, as it is politically incorrect in America. Just as it is when you say "colored women," or "colored people" The politically correct terms are "women of color," or "people of color." Therefore, it is not "white men," or "white people." The politically correct terms are "men of whiteness" or "people of whiteness." 

If that isn't confusing enough, you are, however, allowed to place the adjective first, as in "African American" or "German American." ...just a lesson in the culture war destroying America. 


could you help and clarify the correct term to apply when referring to people with a tan, can we call them colored people as well 555

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How many generations must one live in the US before they are simply referred to as Americans. I've yet to hear anyone say "I'm Swiss American" or I'm "Finnish American" Why is that? I'm feeling left out here. I was born in Denmark but have resided in the USA since childhood. I've yet to see box to check giving me option of being "Danish American". When asked where I'm from it's always the USA. After we know each other I can be asked where I was born because my name sort of gives it away.


Are whites from Africa allowed to call themselves "African American" or do you need a special skin tone for that one?


A black man who is a Danish resident, is he "African Danish"?


If we truly want to stamp out racism we will stop identifying people based on their origin. No more quotas for anything. You get what you get based on merit not nation of origin or skin color.

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14 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

There is no law which prevents a Muslim lady from acting in a disrespectful manner towards her adopted country and no law that prevents any citizen from telling her to go back where she came from.  I think they are both covered under free speech.  So the law has been applied equally.  

Yeah, you're right - and there's no law against telling a black woman whose family were all born in the US for several generations back, to go back where she came from, either. It's just the basic tenets of morality and decency that would preclude it. However that would require that the person saying these things had a sense of morality or decency, whereas we're talking about Trump.

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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

fake news there is no obstruction, no impeachment. impeachment has been voted down 332 to 95 to 1. the only impeachment given for aoc, omar, tlaib art 1, section 5 us constitution for disorderly behaviour.




First stab at an impeachment. New ones can be proposed later. Also even if congress never opens an impeachment investigation doesn't prove that "trump" is innocent of the obstruction cases. There is a political reason to not go ahead with impeachment, because the senate Quislings won't convict and also it's getting closer to an election date. Sorry saying something is "fake news" is just a propaganda tactic and has no bearing on reality. Again, the Mueller report has evidence cases for 10 cases of obstruction. Nothing fake about it. All the "trump" fans in the world can say that is fake billions of times and that doesn't change the FACTS around that.

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