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"Suvarnabhumi is hell" screams Thailand's most famous English teacher


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Yes, I do know what East Germany was like, because I passed over into it on a regular basis during the 1980s. Everywhere you go, register here, register there, and beware you don't read the wrong material or you could be taken in for "attitude readjustment."  

I respect your opinion if you were actually there but if you were actually there then you should know better that it’s not as bad as East Germany. I mean come on you were actually there you know there’s no comparison but I respect your opinion.
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11 minutes ago, clokwise said:

I'm surprised Thailand has not yet implemented a "Club Mobay" scheme like they do in Jamaica. Arrivals queues in Jamaica are notoriously bad and it seems rather than attempt solve the problems, they've privatized and capitalized on the mess to make more cash. This seems like a perfect Thai solution to the problem as well.


You book in advance of your arrival/departure for $80. You're met when you exit the plane and guided to a lounge and they take your passport and you can relax with complimentary drinks and food while they process your passport. then you're guided through luggage and customs. In and out in just a few stressful minutes, meanwhile your cabin mates on the same flight are sweating it out for another hour at the airport.

They had a program you could pay 800 baht and get met at the plane and then go through the Fast track lane. Loved it but then they changed it to only business class ticket holders. I only fly business sometimes. $80 is a little steep, but I would be all in for $30 or possibly $40.

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14 minutes ago, Cereal said:

I spent 10 years of my life as cabin crew and BKK is the worst, most inefficient airport I have ever seen.

Then you haven't see many. And if you were going through the crew lines for immigration/luggage/customs, you probably don't know much of what it is for the regular passengers.

Want an inefficient airport? LAX e.g., where I had to spend hours going through immigration (with idiotic and illiterate officers btw)/luggage/customs/re-checkin/re-immigration just for an international transit.


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So with 7 unmanned booths during the 44 flight rush hour and "All available staff deployed" It would seem that Immigration at the airport is understaffed by at least 14 officers, and that is just at the booths, then there are many other areas where they have to work at the same time.  I can fully understand why some are not always smiling !!

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JFK - average of 160,000 arrivals per day, 58+ million a year and almost completely automated.  My Thai wife usually beats me thru immigration every time we go visit. At most 10 minutes to process visitors.   So........................... 


management>>>>>>>>  hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Edited by Bayrat
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2 hours ago, aqua4 said:

Does not seem to stop Thai's from becoming 'German' or 'American'? Do they look in the mirror or at the cuckold West. 

Maybe other countries who accept multiculturism, but Thailand is different and Thai people have never accepted foreigners as Thai. It goes on race, and you have to be an Asia, and have Thai parents.


If you have lived here for some time, then you would know this. 

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9 minutes ago, candide said:

Departures are more crucial as one may miss a flight. Be careful guys.


Monday morning it took me one hour to go through the security check and the immigration check. Luckily the airline check-in before was quick.

Thanks for the heads up. Have a trip coming up real fast.

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6 minutes ago, masuk said:

Countries which require fingerprinting manage to do this by scanning the forefinger of each hand.   I can see NO REASON for scanning ten fingers.   Maybe the Thais mis-read this as "four fingers".   

Me neither seeing as how the average human only has eight fingers.


Maybe it's a provision for inbred mutants from Alabama.

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Yes, I do know what East Germany was like, because I passed over into it on a regular basis during the 1980s. Everywhere you go, register here, register there, and beware you don't read the wrong material or you could be taken in for "attitude readjustment."  

Like I said I do respect your opinion I really do but if you were actually there then you should know better that it’s not as bad as East Germany. I mean come on you were actually there you know there’s no comparison but I respect your opinion because I understand what it feels like when people question your own personal experiences.
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Isn't it?
You have to report everywhere you stay within 24 hours or you are committing a crime.
There are hotlines for reporting foreigners.
There are publicised crackdowns and arrests of hundreds of foreigners, mostly for minor visa issues like overstay.
The military run the country and martial law (Section 44) is still in effect (even if they are saying it isn't).
Everywhere around the country there are Police checkpoints, roadblocks and stop and searches.
Locals are being beaten and locked up for expressing an opinion.
Now go back and think about what you posted again.

No actually you try traveling through a lot of other airports in the world even Dulles in the states and then come back and talk to me. You can go on and on about the status of the current government but that doesn’t really have anything to do with crowded airports all over the world.
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The last time I arrived @ Suvarnabhumi only 1/3 of the Immigration desks were manned with over 5000 people queuing, many with very young children but that was before fingerprints were being taken. Almost 3 hours waiting.

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