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Thais turn to rain dances and spirits as the reservoirs run dry


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5 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Perhaps you can provide photos of rain dances being held currently in Australia, India, China and the US if as you say it is the same in those countries as you claim.


Be sure to read the warning.... excessive dancing produces flooding... the rain starts at the five minute mark (roughly) so this should never be exceeded, unless your names Noah, and you have a ruddy great boat!..... true story ????????????...

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1 hour ago, jany123 said:


Be sure to read the warning.... excessive dancing produces flooding... the rain starts at the five minute mark (roughly) so this should never be exceeded, unless your names Noah, and you have a ruddy great boat!..... true story ????????????...

I said currently. Perhaps you do not understand but that means at this present time.  Any idiot can google.

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3 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

As a last resort they could get 5 naked virgins to visit my house guarantee it will be raining by morning????

Naked virgins, Thailand ? you sir need to be awarded the highest honour in deflowering. I and many others no doubt are as jealous as hell.

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

In Australia the PM pray to “god” for rain. 

Will that help? Is god real?

i don’t think that will have successful. 

Maybe Santa Xmas can help it?



I said photos of rain dances. That means photos, not a report on a persons statement. you know the difference between a photo and a report ?

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6 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Nobody cares about their suffering. They deserve it and defend their Thainess every opportunity. 


They refuse to acknowledge what they do wrong and refuse help from anyone not Thai. 


So, let them suffer in isolation. 

Your compassion overwhelms me.

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50 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

I said currently. Perhaps you do not understand but that means at this present time.  Any idiot can google.


47 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

I said photos of rain dances. That means photos, not a report on a persons statement. you know the difference between a photo and a report ?

Oh sorry... you wanted a thai visa reader/ poster, currently sitting in Australia, watching a live dance, to take a quick happy snap and post it immediately.... gotcha... my mistake. ????

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41 minutes ago, Denim said:

I've learnt a new word today. ' Wara '  which apparently means water in the Aboriginal language.



Correction "an" Aboriginal language.There is no "the" Aboriginal language.There are many Aboriginal languages. 

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2 minutes ago, jany123 said:


Oh sorry... you wanted a thai visa reader/ poster, currently sitting in Australia, watching a live dance, to take a quick happy snap and post it immediately.... gotcha... my mistake. ????

yes not 22 year old photos of a traditional aboriginal dance. Got it ?

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7 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

yes not 22 year old photos of a traditional aboriginal dance. Got it ?

Ah c’mon... we re talking about folk believing in the powers of a good old fashioned rain dance... it’s as funny as f, no matter how old it is. Obviously I screwed the pooch, cause I was trying to put a smile on your dial

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thais turn to rain dances and spirits

How on earth can people be so insanely stupid to believe in this crap that they think a rain dance and praying to spirits is going to help them ,no wonder this country is in a mess .

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10 minutes ago, digger70 said:


How on earth can people be so insanely stupid to believe in this crap that they think a rain dance and praying to spirits is going to help them ,no wonder this country is in a mess .

Couldn't the same be said for any culture that believes some imaginary divinity will intervene on their behalf by performing the proper rituals?

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2 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

I said photos of rain dances. That means photos, not a report on a persons statement. you know the difference between a photo and a report ?

No. And you?

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Just given Mrs Owl a look at the rainmaking pics. She knew of them and thought it a good idea to do some stuff to encourage the rain.


However, she was quite insistent that it was a real cat in the cage. The idea is to throw water over it to make the cat 'meow'. Evidently the more 'meowing' the cat does the more rain will descend on the area.


The villages have already chatted about what they could do to get some rain. I'm told that one of the things discussed is sending rockets into the sky, by the local monks. Of course that costs, so I expect to give a donation very soon; if they go down that route. I don't think a rain dance is feasible as a the girls under 30 are in Pattaya. And who might carry the cage with the cat? Old grandmas!


Our house cat is about to have kittens. I'm not letting them take 'fishface' to make rain.

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8 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

none of that will work, seeding might be of some help, but i don't know enough about it to offer up a real opinion on it.  It is what it is, its a drought.  We pay cash for everything and keep trucking along.  There will not be any pig heads out in front of my house. 

Seeding clouds only works when there are clouds in the sky with convection characteristics. Otherwise it will never work. No clouds, no rain. Period. 

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"The last one seemed to be working as it was actually raining. " lucky buggers,

its as dry as a nuns tit here,I am having to get my pump and pipes out again,to

pump water from river at the rear of the house,I cleaned it and put it away

6 weeks ago,thinking i won't need that for a while ,the rainy season is starting,

and it's never rained since.

 regards worgeordie

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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

stuffed toys

Couldn't they have put a cover or something over the cage to stop Stuffed getting wet in the rain .. He actually looks like he's enjoying being carried along Emperor style by the earthy people .. 

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