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Pattaya fails at quelling Bali Hai taxi chaos

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3 hours ago, the guest said:

Thailand, you are on probation ! The days where such incidents were quickly swept under the carpet are no more. The country is under the spotlight 24/7, you cannot stop the Internet. Tourists will then consider all the risk factors as to whether Thailand is worth visiting.


Greed has plagued the country, and the first impression a tourist gets is when they ride a taxi, which by all accounts is an unofficial ambassador of Thailand. That first experience will determine whether the tourist will return, or spread negative advice to their friends and family. 

said it many times and applies across the board


the key to judging a successful business is not the first visit a customer makes - it is if they come back and bring their friends

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Just need to bring this to the attention of the Great one Mr P - he will solve the problem ????

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If the Pattaya council gave the tessakit  some balls and got them off their fat <deleted> send them down their complete with tow vehicles and tow away all offenders then put their foot down on the remaining lot they wouldn't have this problem, but no not Thailand we can't go offending the populace it wouldn't be nice. To the council members grow some balls and show some leadership otherwise by Xmas you won't have this problem as there will be no tourists. Same applies for the speedboats loading on Beach Road this was supposed to be banned instead you have total chaos down there what with tourist coaches, baht buses refuelling problems and people just wandering all over the road ( you only need 2 balls)   

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19 hours ago, smedly said:

many tourists don't realise a 5min walk and they are on the 10baht baht bus route


no need for these taxis being there at all looking to rip people off that don't know any better

Agree with you IF the tourists knew this option was available. I know when I am in a  new country just remembering buildings and roads is a task so not to get lost.

23 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Golden opportunity for the new tourism minister.  

I wouldn't hold your breath on this one.

He only got the job because he was a replacement for his wife who disqualified and banned by the Court for 5 years for not disclosing wealth.

He is certainly keeping up the tradition of the Tourism Ministry. In his first day in office he created no less than five new Hubs.

Hub of High Safety Standards

Hub of New Force of Volunteer Police to Supervise (control) Tourists 

Hub of visa-on-arrival Fee Waivers

Hub of Massage and Ganja (for western foreigners)

Hub of International Sporting Events

On 7/20/2019 at 11:58 AM, Rimmer said:

Police were told to aggressively patrol and monitor parking and public-transport operators, but videos quickly popped up online of bus and taxi drivers shouting and threatening each other, tourists cowering and traffic gridlocked by cars, trucks and buses parked in no-parking zones.

Police are no doubt too busy seeking out those who have failed to file a TM30 or a 90 day report - acts that threatens the national security of Thailand as well as the fabric of Thai society.

The anarchy in the streets by the various weapon wielding taxi owners and drivers obviously is not seen as threatening to Thai national security at all - not like  foreigners failing to report an address.  No, these beat downs, brawls, and fights on public streets as well as attacks on foreigners are much ado about nothing - Thai boys being Thai boys, and as such don't need to be addressed by the police who have bigger fish to fry - like monitoring evil foreigners in general and making sure they don't climb on "ancient walls (built in the 1960s) or point their feet at statues of Buddha (ignorance is no excuse) or drive without an International Drivers License (don't bother to fine the vendors who rented the vehicles to foreigners in the first place withput checking to see that the foreigners are qualified and licensed to drive in Thailand as vendors are Thai and above all reproach).

In other news:
Foreigners seeking shelter from one of the many recent melee on the streets of Thai cities as well as foreigners reading about these never-ending street fights and attacks on tourists in cities that are tourist destinations vow never to return as they deem these cities, if not the country as a whole, to be unsafe, especially for families with children, as police seem to be completely unable to effectively address and end the never-ending violence. 
However, the Tourist Authority of Thailand projects a 10 to 15% growth in tourism in 2020. 

☹️ They don't see the connection do they?   :dry: Nope!  

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On 7/20/2019 at 12:39 PM, darksidedog said:

Expecting any of this crowd to show manners, decency or courtesy is asking a bit much at the best of times. With tourist numbers at a really low level, I am not surprised in the least that their behaviour is once again a disgrace, fighting over the few bits of work still around. They are killing the business themselves though, as no half sensible tourist is going to travel with them when they are so unruly on the day, and are also unlikely to return.

Unless TAT's predictions of a massive recovery turn out to be strangely true for once, expect the situation to get worse before it gets better, as the cops are clearly incapable of making them obey any rules whatsoever.

Grab taxi has had problems, but nothing on the scale of the thugs plying their trade in Pattaya. I continue to use Grab for transport for family and friends.

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On 7/20/2019 at 11:58 AM, Rimmer said:

Police were told to aggressively patrol and monitor parking and public-transport operators, but videos quickly popped up online of bus and taxi drivers shouting and threatening each other, tourists cowering and traffic gridlocked by cars, trucks and buses parked in no-parking zones.

So nothings changed then, officials are toothless and taxi drivers do what the hell they like.

Ground hog day.

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On 7/20/2019 at 3:39 PM, darksidedog said:

Expecting any of this crowd to show manners, decency or courtesy is asking a bit much at the best of times. With tourist numbers at a really low level, I am not surprised in the least that their behaviour is once again a disgrace, fighting over the few bits of work still around. They are killing the business themselves though, as no half sensible tourist is going to travel with them when they are so unruly on the day, and are also unlikely to return.

Unless TAT's predictions of a massive recovery turn out to be strangely true for once, expect the situation to get worse before it gets better, as the cops are clearly incapable of making them obey any rules whatsoever.

Cops (& their bosses) need to bang a few heads together and tell them "Do it or you're out"!! And "out" them if they don't fall into line. Plenty of others who would welcome some work. If the Police fail, then bring in a new lot under the control of the military or just get the military to do the job at the end of a rifle!

12 hours ago, legend49 said:

Agree with you IF the tourists knew this option was available. I know when I am in a  new country just remembering buildings and roads is a task so not to get lost.

Yes I was in Pats a couple of weeks ago the place I stayed was in south Pattaya

there was no baht bus or any transport so I had to use a taxi and not having

a dumb phone I could not call a Grab taxi

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