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Refused entry and thrown in a cell

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5 minutes ago, elviajero said:

 You are only considered a tourist by immigration if you are given permission to stay for tourism. FACT.


Yeah. If they ever come to me questioning why I was a long term tourist last year before I changed the passport, I'll just tell them: "you decided at the time I was".


Which logic has actually crossed my mind. This year is this year, last year was last year.

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1 hour ago, BuckBee said:

Yes it catching out lot of people who are genuine tourists and turn up on wrong day at airport when immi officers being less than logical with handling those entering the country .

If OP been interviewed properly and they taken time do history checks and allowed call his wife he should of been given 15 or 30 days and some advice .

you meet wrong immi people on wrong day and very little can be done as exact rules and conduct mean nothing here and with wrong officers you got no chance of mitigating your circumstances or pressing legal guideline point's .


I don't tend travel with pre planned 20K +  as always pull some cash via atm at airport or a border, I got pulled at swampy along with many others, mostly chinese and put in a queue for questioning,

Was a right mess my boarding pass permanently got lost my passport went missing but fortunately they found that eventually ( chinese girl was holding that and sure she had my boarding pass in her passport lol, although I accepted fault I had lost that ! ) wanted 20K, I did manage just scrape over 20K in us $ singapore $ and bit of baht from previous holiday, they then move goal post and want more as obsessed I come working even though show them document for my employment in singapore. eventually after almost 45 minutes of commanding officer trying print out my previous history ( which was incomplete and also interpreted wrong as he over looked a previous exit and fact you get no entry stamps or a visa for your home country) i was allowed log into bank account and a print out of statements of a nice balance show to commanding officer had me allowed entry on my setv .

Treatment while not bad the logic, reason and implementation of regulations was awful . Like anything in thailand with officials anything can happen regardless to your legitimacy, intent, previous history, appearance and financial situation . While you can improve chances you can never guarantee anything as it down to what goes on that day .

I seen some awful scenarios at border queues from malaysia and cambodia in past, cambo being worst where people pushed away by immi officers as all in bad mood after big boss been on a rant as he taken heat (day before had let 3 people through on fake type o visas on jack golfs visa run service, had cambo visa touts telling people about it)
Met some pretty genuine tourists, even as couples who in a mess that day, cambo letting them back in easy but thailands immi officers where like children having tantrums and disgraceful, that day you had no chance see a higher ranking officer or mitigating anything as simply told to go away then ignored and next in queue waved over, those who stood ground just stayed there ignored .


The reality is it pretty easy spot trouble or long timers if interview them properly and do checks correct, if got visa issued already most should still get offer of entry of some amount even if only 7 days.

Holding room for people with some obvious means, thai wives, pretty genuine reasons for coming back in on visa exempt or a issued visa is just poor immigration policies, rules and training .


Had pretty polite officers on the whole but bad, awkward and rude ones will be an amazing 'thailand only' experience .


Sorry but I'm having a hard time following what you said. If you present yourself to the IO this way your in a lot of trouble,

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37 minutes ago, GroupA said:

Sorry but I'm having a hard time following what you said. If you present yourself to the IO this way your in a lot of trouble,

nothing hard to follow, just various experiences relating to opinions vs reality brought up in this post, your welcome for the opportunity to have a free dig at my expense though if makes you feel good ...

Edited by BuckBee
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2 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


I am confused by your post.

What else are you expecting it to do? I should imagine it is already connected to other countries criminal databases for people who are WANTED.




I didnt say "wanted" whatsoever.....there is a massive difference between being on a "watch list" as opposed to having crimininal record and having your fingerprints on a database.....Concerned perhaps are you lol


I have zero doubt that the finger printing will kick in live pre Christmas another natural step with the Thais wanting to bring in quality tourists only


Expect an announcement October/November 2019 because airlines have to be forewarned as well

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fingerprints alone going make no difference to average joe coming in besides queue length lol.

anything for tracking or limiting average joe on visa use and entry will be implemented just on basic passport details and usage data history .


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3 hours ago, Chivas said:

I didnt say "wanted" whatsoever.....there is a massive difference between being on a "watch list" as opposed to having crimininal record and having your fingerprints on a database.....Concerned perhaps are you lol


I have zero doubt that the finger printing will kick in live pre Christmas another natural step with the Thais wanting to bring in quality tourists only


Expect an announcement October/November 2019 because airlines have to be forewarned as well


Yes, but I am unsure as what you are saying it is going to do?


As I said previously, it is live already and will now be forming a loading a database on an hourly basis as people arrive and depart the country.


A ' watch list ' is usually those suspected of criminal activity although not proven or convicted. A persons domestic convictions in their own country is none of Thailand's business.


No western country is going to stick their neck out and give Thailand too much information as it would involve International laws, Human rights and privacy issues, unless they are suspected terrorists.


Thailand is in cuckoo land with their dreams about ' quality tourists ' because it just isn't of the five star standard it purports itself to be.


Thailand will never compare with the likes of Monte Carlo, Saint Moritz, Saint Tropez, Norwegian countries, Italian Riviera, and many such places.


It just can't compete with its military government, filthy beaches, highly publicized and unsolved rapes and murders, public unrest with yellow and red shirts closing down airport, dual pricing, prostitution and so forth.


The beaches of Europe blow Thailand's away in cleanliness, air quality and now prices these days!


Thailand needs to get a grip of itself and it is getting carried away turning people away at airports for the flimsiest of reasons, or one day you go to work and the plane arrivals just will not be there in great numbers.


Having said all that, I think Thailand has now reached its peak and the only was is down, unless they adopt more tourist friendly policies and spend big on infrastructure.

Edited by Scouse123
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8 hours ago, elviajero said:

It's resident, not "tax resident". The point is that if tax law considers you resident, how can anyone justify they are a tourist.

Okay. So I have been a resident AND a tax resident of Thailand since 2007. They haven't collected even one baht in tax from me. Why? Because their taxation is tailored towards favoring rich Thais with overseas income. Do you honestly believe I should feel guilty for exploiting that? I don't think so!


It's not even a loophole, you could drive the proverbial bus/truck through that "loophole".

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16 hours ago, dcnx said:

I’ve never seen a tourist enter in a suit. This is unfortunate but you got yourself flagged here. 



I've watched many tv shows about immigration around the world over the years and they often flag people who are 'not dressed' for their stated purpose.


Vacation in a suit = red flag!


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9 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


. A persons domestic convictions in their own country is none of Thailand's business.



Wrong.....there you are I've made it simple for you. Domestic lol

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2 hours ago, Chivas said:

Wrong.....there you are I've made it simple for you. Domestic lol


OK, I will leave it at that but you have offered no proof to back up your theory.


I don't believe it is legally possible or ethical for the UK to give Thailand details of a persons domestic criminal record in the UK.Nope, I have no worries about it personally and it does not affect me whatsoever. I think it infringes human rights and civil liberties.


Also, who decides the criteria as to what is a serious charge and what is not. I mean you can get flogged and jailed in Saudi for drinking beer, you can get a long prison sentence in Thailand for certain offenses that you would get a caution or a fine in the UK, or nothing at all. And herein lies the problem with different countries rules, laws and regulations! What is serious crime in one country is not in another.


At the end of the day 99.9% of visitors are here fore genuine tourist or business reasons and must be respected and treated as such.


Some countries have, and rightly so, discussed ways of stopping sex offenders traveling. The USA floated the idea of putting something in their passport identifying them, and Australia I believe and the UK have floated not allowing them to travel at all and refusing to give them passports. But these things have been instigated in their country of origin by their own governments.


Just to make myself clear, I am all for security checks at airports, I am happy Boris Johnson, the new PM in the U.K., in the UK is allowing the police more powers with stop and search, I do not want to live in a police state, but if these powers at airports and in country keep us safe from spiraling knife crime, all well and good.


However, I don't like the state giving themselves these powers for the sake of it. They try to call Thailand ' Land of the Free ' I don't think it is free at all. I think the police, Army and government have far too much power and go about their business completely without checks and balances.


Without veering too much off course, it is our own governments policies that have made the world unsafe.

Edited by Scouse123
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On 7/26/2019 at 7:07 AM, murraynz said:

for those people who think 'dressing up' to impress immigration, is the thing to do..

the posters story proves otherwise--dressing up for immigration, is utter nonsense...

Was at immigration a couple of weeks ago, a huge muscular guy with tats wearing a singlet was politely served at the desk with no probs at all. so <deleted> ?  No mention of this guy having to pay 1,000 baht for the night as many others have reported when kept at immigration.

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/25/2019 at 2:38 PM, kenk24 said:

my thoughts too... I feel badly for his ordeal but not sure why showing that you have 80k in debt per month is the same as having money.. 

agreed  .. i have started a google drive online folder with all my docs so i can get them quickly

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42 minutes ago, ifmu said:

agreed  .. i have started a google drive online folder with all my docs so i can get them quickly

Good luck with that. If they've tagged you for denial they won't even acknowledge a wad of hard cash waved in their face. 

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