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Israeli troops kill Palestinian at Gaza border protest - medics


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Israeli troops kill Palestinian at Gaza border protest - medics



Palestinian demonstrators protest against the Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes as an Israeli police vehicle is seen, in the village of Sur Baher which sits on either side of the Israeli barrier in East Jerusalem and the Israeli-occupied West Bank July 26, 2019. REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma


GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian on Friday afternoon during weekly protests along the border with Israel, Gaza health officials said.


Thousands of Palestinian gathered along the frontier, and the Israeli army said some in the crowd hurled explosive devices and grenades towards the border fence separating Gaza from Israel in the southern Gaza Strip.


One military vehicle was reported damaged, though no soldiers were hurt.


A military spokeswoman said troops responded with riot dispersal means and opened fire in accordance with standard operating procedures.


Gaza's Health Ministry said one Palestinian was killed and 40 others were wounded throughout the day.


It was the first fatality in a few weeks, with Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations working to keep the border calm.


Gaza officials say about 210 Palestinians have been killed since the weekly protests began more than a year ago. In that time an Israeli soldier was also shot dead by a Palestinian sniper along the frontier and another was killed during an undercover raid into Gaza.


(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi, editing by G Crosse)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-07-27



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41 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Israelis are killing Palestinians all the time since many years.  And even if it's reported at all basically nobody gives a $hit.

Israel should be under strict sanctions. But instead especially the USA give them all they want and more.


Palestinians been killing Israelis for many years. Other Arabs been killing Palestinians for many years. You don't seem to have a problem with either, though. Or with whether such things are reported or not. No call for sanctions in these instances, obviously.

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So essentially your saying that if the Palestinians were given their land back, (with the occupiers being relocated somewhere more friendly to Judaism, perhaps,) then the Palestinians, despite having been given their lands back, will still be terrorists.
Is this a correct interpretation of your post?
If incorrect, and the Palestinians will no longer need or want to act as terrorists, once they get their land back, then the alternative to “sweep out of world” of the Palestinians, would instead be to do just that to the Israelis... “ sweep out of world”.. ..... which would work just as well, if not better, as the Palestinians are regionally supported, so post sweeping, there would be less regional military aggression and violence, if it were the Israelis getting swept out of world.

Yes, I think it fair to say that once all Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc. are eradicated, and their brand of sharia is the law of the land worldwide we will have peace.
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5 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Excuse me? No. How about we relocate "Palestinians" to Jordan and Egypt where it's "more friendly" to them?

A point which makes absolutely no difference to my post... Esp true when that proposition was in parenthesis.


7 hours ago, jany123 said:

So essentially your saying that if the Palestinians were given their land back, (with the occupiers being relocated somewhere more friendly to Judaism, perhaps,) then the Palestinians, despite having been given their lands back, will still be terrorists.


Is this a correct interpretation of your post?

If it helps you to understand my post.... remove the words in parenthesis, .... and read it again. Your welcome.




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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

Razzies award to the selective and bias media, palestinian rockets, burns fields and kill israelis, no news, israelis kill palestinian, news,

Russian planes, just the other day, repeatedly bomb and kill hundreds in Idlib Syria, no news, Israel attack Iran and Hezbollah rockets targeting Israel, news...

Only Israel and America commit atrocities. 

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8 minutes ago, BestB said:

Correct me if i am wrong, but i thought Gaza was given back at least a decade ago to Palestinians, so what you saying is if jews were totally wiped out then Palestinians would not be rioting?


If i also recall correctly, they tried this crap in Jordan some time ago and after being slaughtered like sheep, not only no one said a word but for some reason they never tried it again


So how to please them?

I was saying nothing remotely similar to what you suggest.


simply, (I hope) I was asking if the poster suggesting that sweeping Palestinians from the world, believed that Palestinians would still be terrorists, even if given their lands back, because that’s the sense I got, from his post.


i can’t speak to the rest of your post... but if you bothered to include a link, whilst making a claim about some crap being pulled in Jordan, (that was how you put it) I might be able to comment


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3 minutes ago, jany123 said:

I was saying nothing remotely similar to what you suggest.


simply, (I hope) I was asking if the poster suggesting that sweeping Palestinians from the world, believed that Palestinians would still be terrorists, even if given their lands back, because that’s the sense I got, from his post.


i can’t speak to the rest of your post... but if you bothered to include a link, whilst making a claim about some crap being pulled in Jordan, (that was how you put it) I might be able to comment


Again, Gaza is their land and has been for a long time, so where is your confusion?


You need a link for Black September? You making comments on a thread without having any knowledge on the matter? do you think its wise?

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1 hour ago, jany123 said:

Lol... but you did... I know you did... we all know you did.


and this is the reply... zing!

Oh no but i did not, someone who has no clue about history or geography or cannot even read, simply not worth my time debating, because anything coming out is nothing but ignorant nonsense , but carry on

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23 minutes ago, BestB said:

Oh no but i did not, someone who has no clue about history or geography or cannot even read, simply not worth my time debating, because anything coming out is nothing but ignorant nonsense , but carry on

555... your making me laugh..... and you still have not answered the question posed in the first of my posts that you reposted... reading issues indeed


Anyway, you went on to state:

2 hours ago, BestB said:

they tried this crap in Jordan some time ago

A real nod to history that one... “some time ago” .... lol.... and knowing a countries name, does not indicate one has any knowledge of geography.


And then you cry when I state:

1 hour ago, jany123 said:

.... the wanderings of the PLO around Africa, after leaving their homelands....

Hypocrite much? 


and... admit it... you did too read the other post, but you very wisely decided to take your own advice: 

2 hours ago, BestB said:

...making comments on a thread without having any knowledge on the matter? do you think its wise?

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2 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Yes, the “Jews” own the media, right?
All those right-wingers at CNN....


There is no argument to be had here mate, the facts are clear.

Israel is her own worst enemy, her actions are indefensible.

The continued maltreatment of the Palestinian people is the very thing that jeopardises Israels' longterm existence.

As Americas' global dominance recedes, so will Israels' ability to act with impunity.

Israel, despite the beliefs of fanatics, is nowhere near strong enough to exist without unquestioned US backing.

There will come a time when the policy of unjustly and remorselessly shooting dead Palestinians will cost Israel more than the blind fools pig headed murderous stubbornness could ever allow them to realize.


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2 hours ago, mogandave said:

How many Arabs are in the Israeli government?

How many Jews are in the Palestinian government?

You write utter nonsense mongandave. You are quite welcome to inform the PA that you wish to serve in the Palestinian government or indeed enrol yourself in a Gazan kindergarten. The non-jews in the Israeli government are treated despicably by racist Zionist montards.

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