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UK PM Johnson tells EU: ditch backstop or face no-deal Brexit


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22 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:


1) For the EU, the worst outcome is not a no-deal Brexit. It’s putting the single market at risk. 


2) For the UK, a no-deal Brexit is the worst outcome. That’s why parliament will prevent it at all cost. 


3) A no-deal Brexit is more worse for the UK than for the EU as well. 


Thus, there will be no no-deal Brexit. It’s not rocket science to see that. 

You forget a 35-45 % of irrational British voters.

Edited by puipuitom
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1 hour ago, vogie said:

I learned imperial measurement at school, I still use imperial when doing my DIY. I know what 2 inches is, but in metric it could be 50 mill for I know.????

I am happy NL is member of the EU, and seen the total defeat of the PVV - from 4 to ZERO seats in EU parliament - not so much for me, but for my (great-grand)children.

In the meantime I enjoy open borders, able to work everywhere in the EU, pay with the same currency, reply on a LOT of EU consumer + company laws, and as company: zero problems/custom time at every EU border, and reliability of every EU food factory under EU scrutiny. 1 Nov and no deal Brexit: FSA documents have no validity anymore inside the EU, so… British foods.. I as importer have to do the same "circus" as for foods from Vietnam, Belize, Congo etc.

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17 minutes ago, vogie said:

Work in progress.

Yes, and it may happen.

But the post I reacted to said the negative economic scenarios after brexit are clearly not correct since they don't show yet. With brexit not effectuated that is quite logical.

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40 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Not strictly true.

Talking to friends, family & business contacts.....May betrayed DUP with backstop thus the WA being rightly overwhelmingly being rejected.

The deal was not a clean EU break, it was a classed as a surrender document, Brussels drafted to obviously benefit the EU and penalise and DETER others from following the UK (which was highly unlikely anyway).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


It was in the joint report from phase 1

And given UK legal domestic footing via the EU Withdrawal Act ( section 10)

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1 hour ago, Pumpuynarak said:

The EU are shitting themselves at the thought of the UK LEAVING, all them tinpot member countries who contribute FA, can you just imagine their future without the UK contribution, no money=no honey lol

Sunday 28 July 2019 13:50, UK 


Government 'assuming' no deal - as Philip Hammond 'holds secret talks' 
A series of polls suggest the Tories have benefited from a "Boris bounce" since the new PM took office. 

The government is "working on the assumption" the UK will leave the EU without a deal, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has revealed.

Mr Gove, who has been tasked by new PM Boris Johnson with boosting preparations for a no-deal Brexit, wrote in The Sunday Times that this scenario is now a "very real prospect".He said he was hopeful the EU would be willing to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement it reached with Theresa May, "but we must operate on the assumption that they will not".


It comes as French MEP Nathalie Loiseau told Sophy Ridge On Sunday there was "nothing in between" Mrs May's withdrawal agreement and no-deal.


Edited by david555
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11 minutes ago, david555 said:

Sunday 28 July 2019 13:50, UK 


Government 'assuming' no deal - as Philip Hammond 'holds secret talks' 
A series of polls suggest the Tories have benefited from a "Boris bounce" since the new PM took office. 

The government is "working on the assumption" the UK will leave the EU without a deal, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has revealed.

Mr Gove, who has been tasked by new PM Boris Johnson with boosting preparations for a no-deal Brexit, wrote in The Sunday Times that this scenario is now a "very real prospect".He said he was hopeful the EU would be willing to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement it reached with Theresa May, "but we must operate on the assumption that they will not".


It comes as French MEP Nathalie Loiseau told Sophy Ridge On Sunday there was "nothing in between" Mrs May's withdrawal agreement and no-deal.


Quite a reversal from Boris leadership campaign over a week ago.

Then according to Boris a no deal was a million to one chance. Now it is government pilicy

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12 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

Quite a reversal from Boris leadership campaign over a week ago.

Then according to Boris a no deal was a million to one chance. Now it is government pilicy

At least they must prepare "softly-softly" their population that the Boris Nuclear threat is not working….????

And another quote from it Mr Johnson has declared he will not accept the controversial Irish backstop contained within the current agreement - but Ms Loiseau said the EU would not ratify an agreement without it, adding: "You have changed your prime minister but we have not changed our minds.

Edited by david555
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Gove has let the cat out of the bag...


The government is now "working on the assumption" of a no-deal Brexit, Michael Gove has said.

Mr Gove said his team still aimed to come to an agreement with Brussels but, writing in the Sunday Times, he added: "No deal is now a very real prospect."

The prime minister has made Mr Gove responsible for preparing for no-deal.


That's very clear now, pretend to negotiate but demand unacceptable terms because they do not want a deal...  

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3 hours ago, Pumpuynarak said:

The EU are shitting themselves at the thought of the UK LEAVING, all them tinpot member countries who contribute FA, can you just imagine their future without the UK contribution, no money=no honey lol

spain/bulgaria/portugal/latvia are barely aware the UK is leaving,if/when they do life wont change,despite what the bulldog thinks

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What would a no deal Brexit mean?


From the Wikipedia article on the Good Friday Agreement


In order to protect North-South co-operation and avoid controls on the Irish border, the UK agreed to protect the Agreement in all its parts and "in the absence of agreed solutions, the United Kingdom will maintain full alignment with those rules of the Internal Market and the Customs Union which, now or in the future, support North-South cooperation, the all-island economy and the protection of the 1998 Agreement."[28]


So it seems that leaving with no deal, especially no deal over the Irish border issue, means remaining in the internal market and customs union!


Unless Boris is prepared to break both his word: Boris Johnson: Brexit would not affect Irish border and risk a return to the violence. Violence which dissident Republicans have already restarted:

Senior PSNI officer drove booby trapped car

Dissidents used 'booby-trapped' bomb in police murder bid in Craigavon.


So far, thankfully, it's dissidents who are involved, but if no agreement over the border is reached then the Good Friday Agreement is broken and so it is probable that the PIRA will decide to get involved. 


On the other hand, if Northern Ireland is forced into the Republic against the will of the majority, then the UDA and other Unionist terrorists will get active again.



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6 hours ago, Basil B said:

Gove has let the cat out of the bag...

That's very clear now, pretend to negotiate but demand unacceptable terms because they do not want a deal...  

B.J. just used his bold promises to get finally where he was longtime working at ….PM at any prize ...

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Nevertheless, investors fear a no-deal exit would send shock waves through global markets and hurt the world's economy.

The socialist media said the same thing about Trump. Go Boris! Go Trump! Drain the swamp.

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16 hours ago, Jip99 said:

But Boris doesn’t have to get No Deal through parliament. Article 50 achieves that on 31 October.

Do people really believe that by Oct 31st there will be no deals on current legislative agreements.


Boris has said that in the absence of a withdrawal agreement that after Oct 31st he would require EU co-operation, quite delusional, particularly considering some of the past rhetoric. Wishful thinking and complex legalities are poles apart.


On February 18 I heard the Foreign Secretary repeatedly tell the Munich Security Conference that leaving the EU would mean “liberation”. A man of his intelligence surely knew that in Munich the word means escape from Nazi rule.

Not a new theme for him: on May 16 2016 he had told Sunday Telegraph readers that the European Commission’s aims were similar to those of Hitler’s Third Reich. And he had since compared President Juncker to a prisoner-of-war camp guard.


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10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Do people really believe that by Oct 31st there will be no deals on current legislative agreements.


Boris has said that in the absence of a withdrawal agreement that after Oct 31st he would require EU co-operation, quite delusional, particularly considering some of the past rhetoric. Wishful thinking and complex legalities are poles apart.


On February 18 I heard the Foreign Secretary repeatedly tell the Munich Security Conference that leaving the EU would mean “liberation”. A man of his intelligence surely knew that in Munich the word means escape from Nazi rule.

Not a new theme for him: on May 16 2016 he had told Sunday Telegraph readers that the European Commission’s aims were similar to those of Hitler’s Third Reich. And he had since compared President Juncker to a prisoner-of-war camp guard.




I believe there will be a deal by 31 October.

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