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‘Oak’ dares finance minister to prove his honesty


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9 minutes ago, scorecard said:

And, as already said, this could in fact bounce back and rehit his father's case in this loan scandal, where the guilty who didn't flee are in jail on 14 / 18 / 22 year sentences. 

Don't think it matter much for Thaksin if this loan scandal hit him worst. His jail count as it stand now is 5 years from 3 years Exim Bank case and 2 years lottery case. He know he can't win against the establishment and the establishment has no plans or extradition leverage to bring him or Yingluck back either. He is just weakening the establishment base and influencing public perception to his side. Those who signed and approved the dodgy loan deserved the long sentencing. The witnesses that spilled on Thaksin being the person behind the loan approval were not convicted and now part of the government. Lots to unpack from this and Oak's public display of the loan signatures.    

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12 hours ago, bangrak said:


P.S.: is there a reason for the Nation not to remind the readers about the amount of this corrupt 'loan', some X,000,000,000 Baht, wasn't it?

9.9 in para 4.

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2 hours ago, buanmeerugsaa said:

I thought all politicians, military, police, bureaucrats etc swear, before a portrait of the King, an oath to be honest in the conduct of their duties. 

Is this not correct?

That means nothing they are only words , We'll see, only their actions will tell the truth.   :jap:

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5 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

You have a Western mindset, that wont make it far in Thailand.

The idea is to play this out in the media as long as possible to destroy the credibility of your opponent.

Without his credibility hurt there wont be a conviction as the current powers need him. Only when he becomes useless he should begin to worry.


If Oak handed it over to the police/justice department, they would start "investigating" it for a few years during which you cannot take action (they will say they are already investigating it so just wait for the results) and at the end of the road they will state they couldnt find anything illegal. After 4+ years of investigation it is hard to get the media warm again to cover this old piece of news and the opportunity is lost.


I think "Oak" has a cunning plan that perfectly fits Thailand and his interests, so no need to give him advice as he has been playing this game for longer than any of us.

Considering the PM is "overseeing" the police to stop corruption, what is the point of Oak handing anything over to them??

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19 hours ago, DLock said:

I sense Oak has more information that he is yet to release.


...and baiting Uttama into making a false statement.


This could get fun.


But any information he releases need to be thoroughly verified. He's accused and part way through a trial for receiving benefits from this fraud; a known liar whose father and auntie are convicted criminals on the run and many other aunties and uncles are also convicted fraudsters.


He isn't credible and everything and anything he claims must be verified.


Wonder if he'll dare his dad to prove his innocence?



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5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Don't think it matter much for Thaksin if this loan scandal hit him worst. His jail count as it stand now is 5 years from 3 years Exim Bank case and 2 years lottery case. He know he can't win against the establishment and the establishment has no plans or extradition leverage to bring him or Yingluck back either. He is just weakening the establishment base and influencing public perception to his side. Those who signed and approved the dodgy loan deserved the long sentencing. The witnesses that spilled on Thaksin being the person behind the loan approval were not convicted and now part of the government. Lots to unpack from this and Oak's public display of the loan signatures.    


That's right Eric, Thaksin is innocent, of everything. Never ever done anything wrong in his entire life. 


And it wasn't Oak's fault someone gave him 10 Million baht from the fraud as a "drink". He gave it back when the shit-hit-the-fan anyway. All a misunderstanding.


When Yingluck appointed herself to chair the rice scam she never thought she'd actually have to do any work and do it. Another simple misunderstanding.


When one auntie and her husband were convicted for insider trading - yep, another misunderstanding.


And when another large aunty and her daughter were both convicted of election fraud - yep, that damned misunderstanding yet again.


Just an average misunderstood innocent family trying to help their country eh Eric?

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8 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

You have a Western mindset, that wont make it far in Thailand.

The idea is to play this out in the media as long as possible to destroy the credibility of your opponent.

Without his credibility hurt there wont be a conviction as the current powers need him. Only when he becomes useless he should begin to worry.


If Oak handed it over to the police/justice department, they would start "investigating" it for a few years during which you cannot take action (they will say they are already investigating it so just wait for the results) and at the end of the road they will state they couldnt find anything illegal. After 4+ years of investigation it is hard to get the media warm again to cover this old piece of news and the opportunity is lost.


I think "Oak" has a cunning plan that perfectly fits Thailand and his interests, so no need to give him advice as he has been playing this game for longer than any of us.


You are right. It's a different mindset. More akin to the feudal hierarchical mindsets of the middle ages in which power is based on perceptions and smoke and mirrors rather than reality, fact and reason. (Seems the West might be drifting backwards at the moment).


It seems the Shins are testing the water now there is a civilian government. I think they might find the water is still electrified!


Oak might find his case being expedited; and maybe the cases against other clan members might start getting stirred. 


Thaksin may regard his little acorn as an expendable porn.

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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

‘Oak’ dares finance minister to prove his honesty

This headline could be misconstrued to mean that Oak walked up to a minister and said :


" I dare you to prove I'm honest. Go on prove it. Prove I'm honest . You can't can you ........ha ! "

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41 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


That's right Eric, Thaksin is innocent, of everything. Never ever done anything wrong in his entire life. 


And it wasn't Oak's fault someone gave him 10 Million baht from the fraud as a "drink". He gave it back when the shit-hit-the-fan anyway. All a misunderstanding.


When Yingluck appointed herself to chair the rice scam she never thought she'd actually have to do any work and do it. Another simple misunderstanding.


When one auntie and her husband were convicted for insider trading - yep, another misunderstanding.


And when another large aunty and her daughter were both convicted of election fraud - yep, that damned misunderstanding yet again.


Just an average misunderstood innocent family trying to help their country eh Eric?

Still throwing mud and hope something stick BB. 


Maybe you can find time to let me know where the bulk of the loan went and why Meechai who was chairman of Krisada Mahankorn Group who received the big loan was never investigated. Fill me in if you can on the rest of the 150 entities and people who received the loan money and none has been charged. Also do tell why Uttama who signed the loan was not indicted like his other directors who will spent long time in the cell. He seem to be rewarded a big fat ministerial job after helping the junta to coercive cobra politicians to join his Sam Mitr clique.Why not just say that it was Thaksin younger sister and husband inside trading which they were fined 9.6 M by the SEC; not convict. Try to be more honest next time BB.   

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21 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Panthongtae was late last year charged with colluding in money laundering after allegedly receiving a Bt10-million cheque from an executive of Krisda Maha Nakorn that prosecutors suspected was linked to the KTB loan scandal.


Hey, if anyone should know best who benefited from corruption under the Shinawatra premiership, it certainly would be Oak, Daddy and assorted others.


I've never seen any sensible explanation of why of the five bank board members who signed off on the fraudulent loan, three were prosecuted, convicted and jailed, and the other two were never even charged.



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9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Allow me to correct your ill informed posting. The 9.9 B Baht loan was for Golden Technology affiliated to the Krisdamahanakorn Group and Meechai was the company executive. 

ok, my fault. Thanks!

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Still throwing mud and hope something stick BB. 


Maybe you can find time to let me know where the bulk of the loan went and why Meechai who was chairman of Krisada Mahankorn Group who received the big loan was never investigated. Fill me in if you can on the rest of the 150 entities and people who received the loan money and none has been charged. Also do tell why Uttama who signed the loan was not indicted like his other directors who will spent long time in the cell. He seem to be rewarded a big fat ministerial job after helping the junta to coercive cobra politicians to join his Sam Mitr clique.Why not just say that it was Thaksin younger sister and husband inside trading which they were fined 9.6 M by the SEC; not convict. Try to be more honest next time BB.   

Hey slow down you'll have a heart attack, for no good reason. 



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The amount of dirt Thaksin have on these guys must be astounding.

The fact that he and Yingluck were allowed to "escape" and his family in Thailand remain unmolested says it must be very very very good reading

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4 hours ago, mmushr00m said:

The amount of dirt Thaksin have on these guys must be astounding.

The fact that he and Yingluck were allowed to "escape" and his family in Thailand remain unmolested says it must be very very very good reading

Don't forget it's a 2 way street.

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