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Why it’s time to step away from Thailand


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7 hours ago, connda said:

and the worst AQI in the world here in the North

 We grow  pineapples on our  land and yesterday a tractor  came and mashed them all up for replanting, wife had a  phone call this  morning saying please dont burn the pineapples, I  pointed out that yesterday on the way into the  village was a guy  burning his  rice  field. Head of   village said he has been fined for doing this, so it  looks  like enforcement is  being carried out in some areas. I notice many fields now  plough back into the soil instead of  burning so "maybe"  some change is  being done?

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4 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Umm the 70k+ needed to stay in the bank or the 18.k earnings may give you a clue or just read the tory manifesto ???? 

Thought it was  about 60k and not for too  long  either, an option ive often thought about for later if required.

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2 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Thought it was  about 60k and not for too  long  either, an option ive often thought about for later if required.

If its an option for you why wait I'm talking about those who don't have that option left I think its more like 75k than 60k ???? 

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10 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Yet felt the need to tell him? I find it  odd but hey ho.

I dont have any of the problems he has but who knows if that could  change? Until it  happens to you????

Where is this place of no problems ? Ah the graveyard.

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You're absolutely right about the difference between being a woman being married to a Thai etc. IMO that's because Thailand hasn't modernized yet in their thinking that men and women are equal and thus no  change in their laws to reflect this. I don't expect a change in my status as a foreigner married to a Thai, it won't happen in my lifetime. But I don't dwell on it, I have too much time on my hands to start brooding -  it would be destructive and pointless, I know myself.  IMO Sounds to me that you need a good long 'you first holiday' away from all so that you may reexamine what it important to you and why. I would not make decisions you cannot reverse till you have given yourself this personal time and looked at the reality of how you've been living your life after you have decompressed some. It sounds like this has been building for some time now and you've internalized it to the point of total disharmony. Go somewhere different and rediscover who you are and what makes you happy, if you still feel the same way after - choke dee..

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17 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

Indeed the idiots would need 50 years of education, to achieve that.

There are actually some people on this board that believe Thais are impersonating westerners so that they can post.

Of course, no proof whatsoever is offered. Unbelievable!

I'm sure these posters believe that the moon landing was a hoax, Elvis is still alive and NASA is covering up that the world is actually flat.

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