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Pattaya: Out of control Canadian swaps machete for jet ski rampage

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if he was indian or black or arab, he was deported.

but he is Canadian and still here somehow threatening people!

please lock such guys in an asylum until they are fine!

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

I am very surprised he is still here after the machete wielding incident. And once again he seems to be getting off very lightly after annoying loads of people, acting dangerously around swimmers and refusing to stop for the harbour officials. With people like this it is probably only a matter of time before he goes mental again, at which point you can only hope they kick him out, so he can go piss people off back home.


Wielding a machete seems to not be an offence here. Thais do it all the time if you dare to honk your horn at them.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, OneZero said:

Apparently Thailand awards a Captain's License on one's ability to operate a jet ski.

Why not,  they give government workers parachute wings ????

  • Haha 2
7 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:


A Canadian lumberjack....

Us Canadien EH

We are good with the axe eh

We grow up on the lakes and rivers EH

We drink good Canadien beer like labatt Molson eh. Not like Moosehead cause we wake up with noise head


Thai people not understand Canadien only like 4 things

Ice hockey. Eh

Good looking women eh

Cutting down trees eh

Canadian beer eh


No beer no trees no hockey no women with big Hooters. We need find other things

Drink bad whiskey, chase Thai women and drive fast. Roads too dangerous too many crazy Brit Aussie and Thai on road eh.


We drive on water. Safer and if we get thirsty we drink sea water 



1 hour ago, bander said:

I think this lunatic dont use the drugs you are thinking about. He is possibly on medication for his illness and stop taking them.

4 bottles of Chang is enough to get a person perform similar acts ????


On behalf of an EMBARRASSED Nation - we're sorry !


A previous Prime Minister from many years ago ( The father of the present PM) decided it was a good idea to integrate mentally handicapped citizens into society. Well okay - except when they are dangerous and carry weapons or drive jet skis like maniacs.


We are known for the word "Sorry" . Sometimes it hurts to admit it.

1 hour ago, kentrot said:

On behalf of an EMBARRASSED Nation - we're sorry !


A previous Prime Minister from many years ago ( The father of the present PM) decided it was a good idea to integrate mentally handicapped citizens into society. Well okay - except when they are dangerous and carry weapons or drive jet skis like maniacs.


We are known for the word "Sorry" . Sometimes it hurts to admit it.

Bravo. Yes sorry needs courage.


I learnt from a Scandanavian friend that a man was released from prison after 5 years on murder sentense so that he could integrate again. I was surprised to learn that he was showing his p..... to women he sees alone. Perhaps the authorities never cared to test him mentally but were more keen to become champions of progressive society.

8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:
8 hours ago, webfact said:

On that occasion he had shouted: "I've chopped down bigger trees than you". 



8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:


A Canadian lumberjack....

Some of the trees he may have chopped down. Just changed from riding the logs to a jet ski, and a pole for a machete????


  • Haha 2
8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:


A Canadian lumberjack....

Easily spotted: wears high heels, suspenders and a bra. Hangs around in bars ????

  • Haha 2
8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Have I missed something obvious here - what has a captain's licence to do with riding a jet ski?

It's a vessel


Immigration doesn't let some people in because they have too many Visa on arrivals or because they don't feel like it....this guy does that and still here...HOW????

  • Confused 1
9 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

I think all jet skiers should be arrested for annoying people. They are the worst idea since McDonalds claimed their salads were healthy.

Clearly you have not ridden one. Although I will concede they are annoying if you are not actually on one????.


The unfortunate thing is

Some people are like glo sticks

You want to snap them in half,

shake the crap out of them.

Then wait for the light to come on

  • Haha 2
9 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

Clearly one sandwich short of a picnic. He needs to get back home and chill on the green.

Anyone wanna trade? Dudes a waste case at best. Weed Nazi says No green for you! 

9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So now he's getting a third chance,wonder what he will do next !

regards Worgeordie

Yes, a bit strange as other have been deported for less especially when they do things that  is dedicated for thais - like he did … 

  • Like 1

He is just an attention seeker . if he wants to get big time trouble all he has do is walk around with an e cig puffin vapour in the old bills faces .. Instant 5 years in the monkey house . 

12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Some people will just always be an idiot and this fella seems to fall in that bracket.

If the good guys in and bad guys out thing is still operating, he should be shown the door, and have it closed so he can't come back.

Hes not an idiot.  He's a violent,  confrontational,  criminals who used a dangerous weapon. He should be in Prison to protect the public. 

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Have I missed something obvious here - what has a captain's licence to do with riding a jet ski?

Maybe he was planning to upgrade to  a dinghy.

















  • Haha 2
7 hours ago, Shiver said:

If he is indeed Canadian then he has more than a 'teenth' of Irish in him.


i also hear a slight Australian twang ????

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