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NO, NO, NO Thai customer service.


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22 hours ago, Tayaout said:

From experience it means they don't understand. Instead of saying they don't understand they say don't have or no. For example I went to buy 1 whole chicken from some vendor that sell only chicken. I ask Khai noung and he said don't have. I point the chicken and he give me 1/2 chicken... 

And if you'd said "Gai song" you'd have got two whole chickens.  Probably.

Edited by Pferdlkrantz
Changed the word from baby to mommy
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Funny how I've managed to buy everything I've ever needed, even my Thai isn't that good - perseverance seems to be the key :stoner: Tho I do know the 'mai mee' comes often dependless of the language used, just because they can't be bothered - simply ask for someone higher up the "food chain" and eventually you might yield results ^^ 

I've been in the deep with my car many times - how do you explain a leak in the power steering fluids to the drive axle, without knowing what they are called in Thai, well I pulled schematics of the parts on my mobile and gestured where the leak is and said something along the line nam pit leaw, and saw a lightbulb on the mechanics head - no more 'mai mee' but 750baht and job was done x)


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On 8/2/2019 at 4:08 PM, Tayaout said:

For example I went to buy 1 whole chicken from some vendor that sell only chicken. I ask Khai noung and he said don't have. I point the chicken and he give me 1/2 chicken... 

Not surprised, looked like you asked for an egg! If they only sell one thing, better off just saying ao nee krap! or just point.


But, as noted, even when your lingo is spot on (and they don't know you) when faced with a foreigner many of them will just freeze.

Edited by daveAustin
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On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 2:15 PM, Pferdlkrantz said:

And if you'd said "Gai song" you'd have got two whole chickens.  Probably.

gai song dtua , otherwise may have asked you ' trong nai ?'


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On 8/2/2019 at 10:03 PM, observer90210 said:

No can do....

(the magic after sales mantra here)

- and "no hab" - when I wanted to buy the last HP printer in Tesco. Why? - I asked,  it´s right there on the shelf in front of me.


"Lat one for show only"


Weird people.. 



Edited by wilailuk
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2 minutes ago, wilailuk said:

- and "no hab" - like when I wanted to buy the last HP printer in Tesco. Why? - I asked,  it´s right there on the shelf in front of me.


"Lat one for show only"


Weird people.. 

Everybody knows Lazada has hundreds of them.  Methinks you are the weird person.  I bought a new one last week 2 days from order to delivery.  Hp printer and it works great.

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@Marcusarelost: Weird, because I want to buy a f.... printer in a shop? No Mistah, you are weird..


I did buy it at Lazada, but prefer a shop instead of waiting for the stupid delivery boys, who can never find my humble abode out in the sticks.

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27 minutes ago, bowerboy said:

We recently relocated to a new office and had to buy several new sitcom units (from Home Pro). Our office is in a row of new shop houses all of which have air con fitted.


I was out of the office and office manager calls me and says Air Conditioning cannot be fitted because of the position too far from the door. I am not happy and come back to the office and quickly see the air con guys are talking utter rubbish and that the Office Manager is in complete pathetic Thai mode (unable to work out what is logical in the situation).


i go Berserk and frog match the air con guys and the office manager to each of the shops in our row of shop houses and show them the installed Air Con. Obviously if they can install it then why the truck can’t you???


They installed it. Problem fixed. No further issues (lost my cool, went berserk, shouted, made everyone lose face, and got the job done...no repurcussiins no comebacks)...don’t believe the rubbish you hear about losing face (within context of course).

I bet it was because they didn't want to spend more than the standard 4 meters of copper tubing because it's expensive.

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On 8/3/2019 at 12:41 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Thai Customer service is only any good if you 'stay on script'... 


Deviate from the norm and the cracks in the veneer quickly appear...  ask for something and 'no-hab' is the most common response, we've all been there... "yes you do, its behind you" !!!!!....  


In many cases apathy of workers in Thailand is incredible and the flaws are everywhere but no one cares - it is this mindset which makes Thailand a 'jai-yen' and relaxing place to be, yet at the same time so infuriating when you need something....  its all about taking the rough with the smooth. 




 Sounds  exactly like a Filipino call centre

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8 hours ago, wilailuk said:

@Marcusarelost: Weird, because I want to buy a f.... printer in a shop? No Mistah, you are weird..


I did buy it at Lazada, but prefer a shop instead of waiting for the stupid delivery boys, who can never find my humble abode out in the sticks.

If you want bad service go to places with bad service (shops)  If you want good service go to lazada or Invadeit.  Clearly putting the burden on you to tell them how to get to your home.  Who is responsible for bad service if you can't tell them how to get to your house?

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I often find they refuse business or don't bother too much and can only assume it's because they are afraid of foreigners or maybe just lazy. My wife was recently trying to source some bread for her business. Easy large one off orders and it was all just too hard. Didn't even quibble about price just wanted a reliable supplier. A couple of them even agreed they could do the work and when we returned to order had completely changed their tune, as if someone had warned them off dealing with foreigners. But generally I don't think anyone could say service or staff attitudes here are great, even amongst Thais. I used to laugh walking into Home pro or somewhere like that and they would have 5 staff per aisle. You would be mobbed. Show them a 8 gauge zinc tek screw or something simple like that. "Not hab". Back to Facebook as fast as possible and I'd go and find it myself. 


As far as having anything repaired or installed you have to be very lucky to get a successful outcome. Had my phone repaired last week and was just a series of lies and excuses. In the end they destroyed my phone, gave me a completely different phone back (even had someone else apps on it lol) and told me it was my phone they had repaired but sorry they had to factory reset. As the phone looked better condition than mine I just grinned and accepted it. My 3yo boy could tell better lies than most here.


They are the complete opposite to my ideas of how Asian people are. In China or Vietnam a vendor would never refuse an order. Even of he was selling tyres he would learn how to make the bread or know someone who did. Try getting a watch or something fixed here. They will have a quick look, and unless its something they can make 1000 baht plus out of they wont be bothered.


Anyway, it is what it is and it's how things are here. You either have to accept it, or leave. I try to limit my exposure to these situations as much as possible.



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No I have not seen it, I think its a language problem.

I dont know about that. They seem to be just as unclear and vague with each other, Thai to Thai. I have come to the assumption that the Thai language must be very primitive and lacks many descriptive words. One word can mean 10 different types of a similar thing, particularly when referring to modern things. Ive seen my GF spend 15 minutes trying to get directions somewhere. 95% of the conversation seems to be face saving formallities (kap, kap om, pi, nong etc) with the bottom line result a "no" I dont know" or a vague description at best


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Having read others comments I come to the conclusion that even if the cake is made of sh1t the Thais will put icing on it so it looks ok.


Similarly, when cornered, they will lie to cover up a problem. Then blame you for their loss of face (deep isn't it).


Image is everything, substance is sadly lacking.


Can anyone explain why they are like this? It drives a westerner nuts.


There has to be a way to turn their inadequacies to our advantage but I can't figure out how. They are useless yet Farang never wins.

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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On 8/3/2019 at 12:01 AM, worgeordie said:

Everything seems to be a problem ...for some people.

regards Worgeordie

And for some it is an opportunity. My girlfriend has a shop and if you ask to buy an elephant she will go out of her way to find one and will price up appropriately. That will be at a big profit to her.

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On 8/5/2019 at 12:20 PM, Louis Naylor said:

No I have not seen it, I think its a language problem.

And I have used, and found that many Thai staff now have Google translate or similar on their phone.

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On 8/6/2019 at 12:50 AM, champers said:

And for some it is an opportunity. My girlfriend has a shop and if you ask to buy an elephant she will go out of her way to find one and will price up appropriately. That will be at a big profit to her.

And if not, a Singha will do!   LOL

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3 hours ago, JaiLai said:


You’re right, there is a standard amount you get.

Anything after that you pay, if you’re paying they put it where they’re told, job done.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



Yes that is correct...but these guys didn’t want to install it at all even though we were paying for the additional tubing

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I was dead set about buying a bicycle yesterday...went to the bike shop and found exactly what I wanted....expensive at 17k Baht but was perfect (needed a folding bike). Asked the guy if I could ride it round the shop and he said sure no problem...get on the bike and the wheels barely move....asked the guys what’s up and he said the brakes need loosening (correct). So naturally as I ask him if he can loosen the brakes then...he gives me one of those head cocked to the side thrown back a little bit with lips pursed and half grimace like it’s all too hard....ask him if he is gonna loosen the brakes or not so I can see what the bike is like...gives a head shake and nervous laugh with the standard “ooooohoohhhh” type sound....no way he was gonna let fix the brakes (17k mind you)....I said nothing more, got off the bike and “accidentally” let it just fall to the floor and gave him a nervous little child laugh of my own...then just walked out. It was 2:30 so not like lunch was looming...no one else in the shop and the guy doing nothing when I walked in.


I am in Singapore next week. Will buy one there (as I do with most things nowadays).


Pathetic in every respect.

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If I had one baht for every time someone in a shop, bank, restaurant, bowling alley, cinema etc told me "mai mee" or "mai dai" I reckon I would have about 117 baht.


Last time I was in Bangkok I went into a shoe shop close to the victory monument, and needed a new pair of flip flops. I asked the lady (in Thai) if she had size 10s, "mai mee ka" she said. As I was walking out I saw a pair labelled as a 10, but she obviously couldn't be arsed to help me so I bought some in a shop a few doors along. Admittedly the ones I bought weren't a 10 but a "large", maybe the first shop had the same problem which flummoxed the assistant, in any case the total lack of customer service is appalling.

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