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EU must change its negotiating terms for Brexit, says Britain's Barclay


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10 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If they're so perfect why did we ever want to leave?

Because you needed to agree with 27 other ones , and the U.K. has not that attitude as "Britannia England rules the waves " attitude ….. could that be the main reason ? 

Edited by david555
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"We'll huff and we'll puff and we'll........see what Parliament lets us do (with our one vote majority)"

                                                                               Stephen Barclay, "Brexit" Minister.


Edited by Enoon
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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If they're so perfect why did UK/so many people ever want to leave?

Because politics is far to serious a matter to leave to the politicians alone.

When they see a light at the end of the tunnel, they buy more tunnel.

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2 hours ago, Aachen said:

image.png.d9ff302c075787029eddb5a810e53671.png pound ./ EURO  speaks for itself

Forex tradeing ( 10:09) is open again and.. pound slipping away: GBP = € 1,088 and sinking…. up to one British pound = one ounce...


I hope for the British, who are or are going on holidays to Euroland, they already changed their pounds oor €uro's

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2 hours ago, Pumpuynarak said:

Not only the EU side, even if there's a vote of no confidence in the government and a GE is forced they can just delay it until we've left, come on BoJo, we're LEAVING with a deal or not lol  

Yes, and a few weeks later, alter Lib Dem won the election, on your knees back to the EU. + 1  GBP = € 0,80

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1 hour ago, david555 said:

I took it from the only reliable side , as from U.K. side anything is possible ….next decade ...Even when your out " the Conservatives  catfight" will still be there .

Not our thing any more …...besides our 39 B.


With import duty on imported UK products… the EU has closed that gap before end of 2020.

average import duty into the EU, source HoC lib imp-exp statistics.jpg

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Is that it now clear that Parliament democracy supercedes election/public democracy.  

No, it is 50% + 1 Parliamentary seats, which supercedes a Parliament, which whould have to do their best for the people = their bosses ( speach Boris the Liar in front of Downing Street nr 10)

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15 minutes ago, vogie said:

Because we have propped you up for forty years?

Forgot a bit of history ? I presume it must repeat again as the Eton boys did not learn history of that period, only about Brittania rules the world 


How Brexit has made Britain the new sick man of Europe


In the 1970s, Britain was often more pitied than envied or admired, its economy characterised by little or no growth, high inflation and rising unemployment. ... Britain became known as “the sick man of Europe” – a label first applied by Russia's Tsar Nicholas I to the Ottoman empire in 1853.27 okt. 2017

Britain: back to being the sick man of Europe? - That 1970s show


19 jul. 2017 - Constructing a scenario of British decline is all too easy. ... IN THE 1970s, Britain was dubbed “the sick man of Europe”, a role previously played ... What bodes ill for the outlook for the British economy is the political response

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11 minutes ago, david555 said:

So ...you Wales too want to get out ….leaving Little Englanders whiteout vassals …? ????

One English colony in Europe left: Gibraltar, where 96% voted for "remain". 

Bye-the-way: Man, and the Channel islands ?  IN or OUT of the EU ?



Isle of Man & Channel Islands – Brexit – An Irish Guide




The Channel Islands are an archipelago in the English Channel off the ... In particular, customs duties and charges having equivalent effect between those ...

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1 hour ago, whitemouse said:

Some insight from Boris Johnson himself, and how he operates, at 7 min 12 sec mark.


The whole clip is worth watching:



This John Oliver could become his spin doctor,...(if ever he would need one...),marvelous description BoJo x-rayed to the bone 

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Boris Farage Rees-Mogg and all the other Brexit Ultras have parked their funds off shore and are due to benefit from no deal.

Why would they bust a gut to protect NI when they are happy to junk the Union Inc Wales and Scotland in the futherance of their own I'll gotten gains? Little Britain's the lot of them.

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