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Cockroaches in toilet roll !!

Golden Triangle

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When I first came here we had a little guesthouse in the centre of town that was plagued with Roches convinced they were coming from an outside drain one night with guests complaining it was off to 7/11 to buy their stock of killer fired the first can down the drain and 10 seconds later it was like a scene from Indiana jones 1000s of them coming from every crack in a 20 metre vicinity spent hours that night stamping and spraying with enough corpses to fill a bin bag but it never got rid of the horrible bugs just made the survivors run faster????   

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Sometimes you bring them home from shopping.  I often found some between garlic cloves if the outer garlic skin had cracks. But I have baits everywhere so that the cockroaches don't get very old in my condo. Had many when I moved in. But they are all gone. I offered them "bait buffets" - there was every kind of bait I could buy here. I put them close together at different places. What didn't bring anything were these glue traps. Sadly mostly I only killed geckos with them. 

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13 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I do live here and I do use the aforementioned Bum Gun, However one needs to dab ones bits dry after use as does my Mrs, don't assume anything until you know the facts sunshine, something you are prone to do - along with bragging of course :cheesy:

I always link posts and never tell lies about another.  If you know of any posts where I bragged about anything feel free to link it.  When dabbing one must look at the paper before using.  Pray tell how you miss the cockroaches? When I buy toilet paper it is always sealed.  How to the roaches get in?  Or do you have roaches in the house?

Edited by marcusarelus
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If it's just 2 or 3 of them they may have come thru the front door.  I live in a very small condo on a high floor.. been here for 8 years and very rarely had a cockroach, i think about 3 times.. everytime they had entered thru the front door at night in small groups, like 3 of them.

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4 minutes ago, pkspeaker said:

If it's just 2 or 3 of them they may have come thru the front door.  I live in a very small condo on a high floor.. been here for 8 years and very rarely had a cockroach, i think about 3 times.. everytime they had entered thru the front door at night in small groups, like 3 of them.

Not through the front door, the bathroom is the en-suite at the back of the house, the windows are shut and locked as are the fly screens, and as shown in my OP the drains have mesh covers and the sink has the overflow covered with electrical tape (not pretty but effective) and all sink plungers / plugholes have been adjusted so water flows out but nothing like a Roach can come in that way, they only reappeared after I had opened a new 28 pack of bog roll, I would imagine that the factory where they are made or the warehouse that they are stored in is infested with them.

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They've probably come in via cardboard.  Roaches love to set up housekeeping in cardboard.  One of our cats is a real roach killer; he can both smell and hear them.  We used to live in a townhouse next to a filthy Thai restaurant and he amused himself every night playing with the roaches that came up the floor drain in our bathroom that shared a wall with their kitchen.  Every morning we'd wake up to find a couple dozen dead or half-dead roaches downstairs. We moved to a clean condo and he sat over the floor drains in the bathroom in the condo for three nights before he realized that playtime was over.


We just moved into a new condo in the same building and a friend with a removals business had his guys come and pack our stuff and move it upstairs ten floors, with the deal that we'd return the boxes once we emptied them.  Some of the boxes were used.  Now the cat is having fun, sniffing around the boxes and spotting the ones that have cockroaches.  He's busy chewing off the corners of some of the used boxes, which probably means they have cockroaches.  I should get busy and unpack rather than playing on ThaiVisa.com.

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All of a sudden after several years we suddenly have a problem.  I have been using the Combat traps, which are available at the supermarket.  Combat has definitely helped a lot, but has not eliminated the nasty buggers.  When I have to get up in the night I take a spray bottle of blue window cleaner with me.  The spray slows them down enough to make it easy to squash them.  Kind of enjoyable actually.

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