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Phuket’s wake-up call. The hard work starts here.


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1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

They also constantly fail to recognize that living as an expat away from Phuket's tourist centers is only slightly more costly than living elsewhere in the country. There are still deserted beaches to sit on, and jungle hideaways where one can live separate from the crowds.

None of which are available to a tourist on a one week holiday, and the thread is about tourism, isn't it?

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Nobody dares to take action coz of too much money involved in high places. Lost case and too late, Take it as it is or move on. No othr way aound. And I know Phuket since the early 90ies, when it was paradise

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:
1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

They also constantly fail to recognize that living as an expat away from Phuket's tourist centers is only slightly more costly than living elsewhere in the country. There are still deserted beaches to sit on, and jungle hideaways where one can live separate from the crowds.

None of which are available to a tourist on a one week holiday, and the thread is about tourism, isn't it?

It's against the TVF rules to shorten a post so as to distort the meaning. 

My full post addressed the tourist issues as well as expat living, so your "none of which"  comment is misleading, and somewhat disappointing for a poster of your standing..

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46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Sure, they can increase tourism. But, the big spending Western tourists are gone for good, and the wealthy Chinese and Indians avoid Thailand, for a dozen good reasons. 


Thailand has shot itself in the foot too many times, and is now crippled, in terms of tourism. There is no coming back from this. The damage has been done. 

Agreed-  Phuket is suffering the same illness that is affecting Pattaya and Samui- all created by greed and a lack of any long term planning or effective zoning.


The sea is being destroyed in all the locations as it is dirty  and filled with polutants. Overbuilding is eampant and uncontrolled- there simply is never going to enough tourists to fill all the rooms.


The Taxi mafia with its overpricing and agressive nature and no allowed competition has created  constant chaos. Who wants to go on vacation and get involved in an altercation and the complete lack of policing reinforces lawlessness.


Constant police roadblocks allegedly for safety reasons are simply shaedowns for money


Aggresive and constant vendors; jet ski scams and high prices continue to turn off people.


Phuket and the other places like it are simply not fun.  The natural beauty of a place is one thing but throw in a poluted atmosphere; scams and stings and  a lack of any viable  order from the Government - makes the place unattractive to the Worldwide public. 

 The word is out on Social Media and the Internet of all the criticisms of Phuket, Samui and Pattaya.  Western tourists have already voted with their feet and it apears the Chinese and Indians are not far behind.

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5 hours ago, Olmate said:

Beach chairs reductions were mandated ,there goes your main point straight up sunshine!

Or it could be construed as being part of his post and a reason why there are no longer the same amount of people here, because when all said and done they can always lay on the beach.


His observation is pretty spot on IMO.

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4 hours ago, simon43 said:

I can believe that overall tourist numbers have not declined, due to the influx of Asian tourists.  


What has declined, and I know this from checking the stats over the past 5 years for my ex's hotel, is that the average hotel room rate charged has fallen year on year.


A guest room that she used to sell for 1,500 baht a night now sells for 750 baht, because not only are Asian guests unwilling to pay 1,500 baht, the number of competitor hotels and guesthouses has hugely increased.  Many of these are unlicenced and do not pay the required taxes either, thereby creating unfair financial advantage.


It is a race to the bottom, nothing less.

I have recently seen rooms here in Patong for 250 baht a night Simon and I don't think I've seen them any lower than that since I've been here.


Certainly a haven for the budget travellers or should I say spenders and although I would normally include the Chinese and Indians in amongst that group, there seem to be a few small groups of indeterminable origin (and younger), but probably around the middle east area somewhere?

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44 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

Speaking as a long time owner of rental apartments in Patong and Kata .... I can tell you our business outlook is bleak .... very bleak.


The strong baht is a killer. The municipalities are trying to squeeze even more baht property tax for those of us who do register and pay.


We did have a good last high season in Patong but many long term guys left because they could not find work, pensioners have 30% cut in monthly money coming in, immigration rules are becoming crazy.


We are running about 30% occupancy right now. Given we own all our properties we can take it. But we see no return bookings from our long term friends.


Plus I have to tie up 800k baht for my one year extension for much of the year. Talk about health insurance, which I do have but no OPD cover. For me it's becoming very depressing.

Don't expect Australian visitors any time soon LIK, today the Aussie dollar just hit new lows, not seen since the global financial crises. Be lucky to get 20 baht for it now.

And my investments have dropped $8000 in value in a week thanks to the a-hole running the former great country of America.

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2 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

Don't expect Australian visitors any time soon LIK, today the Aussie dollar just hit new lows, not seen since the global financial crises. Be lucky to get 20 baht for it now.

And my investments have dropped $8000 in value in a week thanks to the a-hole running the former great country of America.


I well know that. We have a significant hedge fund portfolio in AUD and also SGD.  No idea why you blame the leader of the USA. I blame all the European and Aus leaders for a piss poor job of running their economies.


Why this junta government have such a strong currency.  Strange .... no

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3 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


I well know that. We have a significant hedge fund portfolio in AUD and also SGD.  No idea why you blame the leader of the USA. I blame all the European and Aus leaders for a piss poor job of running their economies.


Why this junta government have such a strong currency.  Strange .... no

I blame him for starting idiot trade wars with countries like China which greatly affects the Australian economy as a major trading partner. His recently announced new round of tariffs directly caused market crashes world wide.

Edited by Old Croc
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Just now, Old Croc said:

I blame him for starting idiot trade wars with countries like China which greatly affects the Australian economy as a major trading partner.


China needed faced up to for over 30 years. I agree with that, and I lost AUD 10,000 this week in my investments. But hey we are way way off the original topic.  All stop.

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1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

I blame him for starting idiot trade wars with countries like China which greatly affects the Australian economy as a major trading partner. His recently announced new round of tariffs directly caused market crashes world wide.

I doubt Phuket was on his mind.

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A post discussing prostitution has been removed:


17) You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Though Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

None of which are available to a tourist on a one week holiday, and the thread is about tourism, isn't it?

Few people travel thousands of miles for a week holiday. Why choose the arbitrary figure of one week? But there are quiet, clean beaches of the beaten track around Phuket quite accessible to people on short holidays.

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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Agreed-  Phuket is suffering the same illness that is affecting Pattaya and Samui- all created by greed and a lack of any long term planning or effective zoning.


The sea is being destroyed in all the locations as it is dirty  and filled with polutants. Overbuilding is eampant and uncontrolled- there simply is never going to enough tourists to fill all the rooms.


The Taxi mafia with its overpricing and agressive nature and no allowed competition has created  constant chaos. Who wants to go on vacation and get involved in an altercation and the complete lack of policing reinforces lawlessness.


Constant police roadblocks allegedly for safety reasons are simply shaedowns for money


Aggresive and constant vendors; jet ski scams and high prices continue to turn off people.


Phuket and the other places like it are simply not fun.  The natural beauty of a place is one thing but throw in a poluted atmosphere; scams and stings and  a lack of any viable  order from the Government - makes the place unattractive to the Worldwide public. 

 The word is out on Social Media and the Internet of all the criticisms of Phuket, Samui and Pattaya.  Western tourists have already voted with their feet and it apears the Chinese and Indians are not far behind.

Phuket and Pattaya are very different.  A lot of the generalizations you make are wrong.

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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Agreed-  Phuket is suffering the same illness that is affecting Pattaya and Samui- all created by greed and a lack of any long term planning or effective zoning.


The sea is being destroyed in all the locations as it is dirty  and filled with polutants. Overbuilding is eampant and uncontrolled- there simply is never going to enough tourists to fill all the rooms.


The Taxi mafia with its overpricing and agressive nature and no allowed competition has created  constant chaos. Who wants to go on vacation and get involved in an altercation and the complete lack of policing reinforces lawlessness.


Constant police roadblocks allegedly for safety reasons are simply shaedowns for money


Aggresive and constant vendors; jet ski scams and high prices continue to turn off people.


Phuket and the other places like it are simply not fun.  The natural beauty of a place is one thing but throw in a poluted atmosphere; scams and stings and  a lack of any viable  order from the Government - makes the place unattractive to the Worldwide public. 

 The word is out on Social Media and the Internet of all the criticisms of Phuket, Samui and Pattaya.  Western tourists have already voted with their feet and it apears the Chinese and Indians are not far behind.

Very good post. Thank you. A voice of reason. All of the above are rather indisputable facts. Not only does the lack of policing create problem of their own, when the police do get involved, especially when it is in regard to a scam, they are usually a part of the shakedown. The work of a local franchisee. I lived on Samui for many years. It was wonderful when I arrived, and positively toxic when I left. Traffic had become a nightmare, the roads far less safe, the island was way overcrowded, the locals had become far more jaded, less fun, and less lighthearted, and the entire island (with the exception of the mountains, inland from the Ring Road) felt like a five year old dishrag, with the locals demonstrating nothing in the way of local pride in the place. And with the disappearance of the mom and pop restaurants, nearly all being replaced by franchises, or higher end places, it was getting common to see pricing comparable to San Francisco or New York, but at far lower quality, and without the expertise. The taxis and extreme lack of public transport issues alone, have made the islands a poor choice for a good vacation. 


I still enjoy visiting, as I have friends there, and it is a nice change of pace. But, when I visit it makes me very thankful we left when we did. Nothing about the experience is improving. Kind of like Thailand in general, but far worse. 

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6 hours ago, xylophone said:

Or it could be construed as being part of his post and a reason why there are no longer the same amount of people here, because when all said and done they can always lay on the beach.


His observation is pretty spot on IMO.

Poster was clearly IMO suggesting the reason for fewer chairs on the beach was lack of bums! You know that’s not correct.It was bought about by folk lobbying to have chairs removed. Not sure his comments were spot on either re high season ending mid Jan!                                                  No point making things out to be worse than they are IMO.

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18 hours ago, Olmate said:

Poster was clearly IMO suggesting the reason for fewer chairs on the beach was lack of bums! You know that’s not correct.It was bought about by folk lobbying to have chairs removed. Not sure his comments were spot on either re high season ending mid Jan!                                                  No point making things out to be worse than they are IMO.

I see it as a part of the total package, so to speak, but then it matters not if we see things differently, because we both know things aren't looking too hot, visitor-wise, at the moment.


Will be interesting to see if the TAT projections come to fruition.

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