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Our dog has a skin problem – Not sure what to try next – Any Ideas please .

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I have use the following on a few of my cats and dogs that have had a skin problem.


1. Wash with Hexene. (it is a skin cleanser) leave it in for a few minutes then rinse off and dry.

2. Spray with Nano Spray. Let dry.

3. Cover the area in Cavilon. (It is a barrier cream)

4. Give her an anti itching tablet.

Everything is available from a vet.

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Recommend Bravecto for ticks. Brilliant. Available at reasonable price from Lazada. One tablet every 3 months. I gave one to all my dogs and no further problem after 5 months.

Have you tried antihistamine tablets. Animal hospital in Sri Racha recommend chlorpheniramine for two of my dogs who seem to have developed an allergy to humid, polluted air. One tablet at regular intervals four times a day. 100 tablets at 15 to 25 Baht, depending which pharmacy you buy from.

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Without a complete history and no benefit of actual reports on the skin cytology or cultures, just judging by the pictures your dog has what we would call a non-pruritic alopecia. Non-pruritic alopecias can be divided into focal/multi-focal alopecia or symmetrical/diffuse alopecia. A trichogram should always be performed to assess the relative amounts of anagen and telogen hairs, shaft abnormalities and broken hairs. Hair plucks, adhesive tapestrips, deep skin scrapings and/or faecal examination can be used to confirm demodicosis. Cytology should be performed to detect Malassezia spp. and bacteria, and Wood’s lamp examinations, hair plucks and fungal cultures can be used to rule out dermatophytosis. Screening tests can be used to look for evidence of endocrinopathies and metabolic conditions. In dogs the most common endocrinopathies are hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism. Specific endocrine tests and/or diagnostic imaging (e.g. for Sertoli cell
tumours and paraneoplastic alopecia) can be used to confirm the diagnosis. Skin biopsies can be used to diagnose hair cycle
disorders, vasculopathies, follicular dysplasias and immune-mediated conditions.
Don't start guessing or making assumptions. Go back to the medical history and tests performed. A vet needs to complete the work-up and differential diagnosis. Skin pathologies can be difficult but not impossible to diagnose.

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Get this stuff called Hairdar on Lazada. Fixed up my cat within a week. Really works. She had mange spots. Now gone. 


It's a two part system soap you clean the pet with. Rinse it off and dry. Then you finish up with this spray. I just used the spray and she was good to go in a week. Smells like coconut. 

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If you’ve tried everything else, including the vets....

     Although a canine is of course not a human, a dermatologist that treats human skin problems MIGHT....(no guarantee of course) be able to discover what your dog’s skin problem is. 

    Although dogs and cats are of course not human, they can get SOME of the same problems we can get. 

   Just a thought. Good luck. 

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We had the same problem with our german sheperd dog. We solverd it with a bottle soy oil mixed with sulfur. Helped phantastic and is a very cheap solution also.

Mix around 0,2l oil with 100g sulfur and rub it on the skin once the week (for 2-4 weeks). After some days you will see how good it work.

Sufur you can buy here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sulfur-powder-1-kg-i357090206-s699916201.html

More infos: https://www.google.com/search?q=sulfur+oil+dog+skin


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A big thank you to every one for your thoughts advice and suggestions its very much appreciated and I am going to check out each option and I will post the results back here.


The local vet who we have taken Star to on numerous occasions carried out several ( scrape the dogs skin ) biopsy's and blood tests and prescribed a drug called APOQUEL.


APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) works differently than other treatments for allergic dog itch.


 I researched that drug and came across many articles like this one …




The cost of APOQUEL is around 6,000 Baht for 100 3.6 mg tablets.


I thought that drug cost seemed to be excessive so I would search for an alternative vet’s opinion and at the same time seek out a possible answer that I could try my self at home.  In the mean time I have purchased several items mentioned here by members and plan to give them a try . I know that seeking a vets advice is the correct thing to do , but my faith in my local vets has been severely dented by past outcomes and visits. 

I have now managed to find the nearest vet that only specializes in skin disorders on animals ( Dermatology ) and they are located at the khon kaen university veterinary hospital which is approximately a full day's 140 km round trip from where I live and they are only available one day a week . I have already prepared a written history of Star’s past visits and treatment at the local vets. 

So before I book an appointment at khon kaen university veterinary hospital , and make the long trip to there I am going to try out the suggestions posted here by other members . 


It at first glance seem that Star’s skin problem may be due to .....


1.     Malassezia Dermatitis

2.     Sarcoptic Mange

( see photographs ) 


Again many thanks every one , your input is really appreciated by my self and Star 





    2Malassezia Dermatitis.jpg

Sarcoptic Mange.jpg

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Your Vet should have tested for Demodectic Mange which is easy enough to do.  If your dog is suffering from mange it is  a completely different cure than if caused by an allergy or fungus.  Unfortunately I have had five dogs with this problem.  To start, I highly recommend Braveto for dogs.  It controls fleas and ticks for three months and various skin conditions.  One of my dogs was cured by this product.  But typically you would need to administer ivermectin orally at home for up to two months.  Since your dog is small bred and old It may be better to go to a vet who can cure mange by administering weekly shots for 8 weeks.

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2 hours ago, tomgreen said:

A big thank you to every one for your thoughts advice and suggestions its very much appreciated and I am going to check out each option and I will post the results back here.


The local vet who we have taken Star to on numerous occasions carried out several ( scrape the dogs skin ) biopsy's and blood tests and prescribed a drug called APOQUEL.


APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) works differently than other treatments for allergic dog itch.


 I researched that drug and came across many articles like this one …




The cost of APOQUEL is around 6,000 Baht for 100 3.6 mg tablets.


I thought that drug cost seemed to be excessive so I would search for an alternative vet’s opinion and at the same time seek out a possible answer that I could try my self at home.  In the mean time I have purchased several items mentioned here by members and plan to give them a try . I know that seeking a vets advice is the correct thing to do , but my faith in my local vets has been severely dented by past outcomes and visits. 

I have now managed to find the nearest vet that only specializes in skin disorders on animals ( Dermatology ) and they are located at the khon kaen university veterinary hospital which is approximately a full day's 140 km round trip from where I live and they are only available one day a week . I have already prepared a written history of Star’s past visits and treatment at the local vets. 

So before I book an appointment at khon kaen university veterinary hospital , and make the long trip to there I am going to try out the suggestions posted here by other members . 


It at first glance seem that Star’s skin problem may be due to .....


1.     Malassezia Dermatitis

2.     Sarcoptic Mange

( see photographs ) 


Again many thanks every one , your input is really appreciated by my self and Star 





2Malassezia Dermatitis.jpg

Sarcoptic Mange.jpg

Once Star recovers, tell he she owes a drink to all who helped ????

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5 hours ago, hugh2121 said:

Recommend Bravecto for ticks. Brilliant. Available at reasonable price from Lazada. One tablet every 3 months. I gave one to all my dogs and no further problem after 5 months.

Have you tried antihistamine tablets. Animal hospital in Sri Racha recommend chlorpheniramine for two of my dogs who seem to have developed an allergy to humid, polluted air. One tablet at regular intervals four times a day. 100 tablets at 15 to 25 Baht, depending which pharmacy you buy from.

I would support using Bravecto.  Not cheap but highly effective.  Just googled Frontline and this was the answer;


Frontline Side Effects

There are many concerns about possible side effects, the most common being skin reactions like hair loss, itching, and redness, and neurological issues like uncoordinated movement and lethargy.

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2 hours ago, uksmdh said:

I would support using Bravecto.  Not cheap but highly effective.  Just googled Frontline and this was the answer;


Frontline Side Effects

There are many concerns about possible side effects, the most common being skin reactions like hair loss, itching, and redness, and neurological issues like uncoordinated movement and lethargy.


Frontline or Bravecto tables or injection ?

My honest vet said that we should not inject a dog when not necessary, so she prefers pills.

But I don't know what is the cheapest, pills or tablets ?




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10 minutes ago, gamesgplayemail said:


Frontline or Bravecto tables or injection ?

My honest vet said that we should not inject a dog when not necessary, so she prefers pills.

But I don't know what is the cheapest, pills or tablets ?




They are, of course, the same thing.


What's your question?

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WHat about... stress!!

I know from parrots, people think they treat them right but they get all bald, due to stress. 

All other things are about mentioned except stress.

MAybe a sun allergy, causes also itch and bumps, it exist for real.

My former wife had it. I even had once allergy from cooling down, cold allergy.

Weird but exist.

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I have problems myself with skin allergies from the garden,grass,and god knows what,there are sand fleas even in bare earth/din (sprayed with bleach), two options that worked were, antihistamine before, but my wifes homemade vinegar applied after turned out to be the best , stopped the itching where i just wanted to rip my skin off. VINEGAR in the dog's ear full of ticks no more ticks.

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  • 1 month later...

First a big thank you to every one who posted suggestions and advice :thumbsup:


Well eventually we made the long 140 km round trip to see a University veterinarian dermatologist doctor . The vet had a good look at Stars skin did some tests ( Skin biopsy / Blood test ) . Before the test results were ready I asked the vet just looking at Stars skin , what do you think the problem may be? .


The vet said that in their opinion the problem could be a food allergy . When the test results came through the vet said that there was no sign of any Mange or Parasites , but the skin biopsy did show some fungal infection ( but not serious ) .


After receiving the test results the vet recommended that we put Star on a course of special dog food ( Royal Canin – Anallergenic ) a 3kg bag priced at 1,835.00 Baht, and see how Star reacts to only eating that dog food ( we could not give Star any
 treats or snacks only the Royal Canin  Anallergenic dog food. 


The vet also prescribed the following 


1. Bravecto ( only 1 tablet ) 
1. NexGard ( only 2 tablets )
1 box of Clavamox ( to treat bacterial infections )
1. bottle of Dermcare Malaseb shampoo.


I was given no tablets to stop Star from scratching her self. 


I did purchased some Sudocreme cream , but after regularly applying it the skin redness stayed the same .


The total cost of seeing the University veterinarian dermatologist doctor and the drugs came to over 7,000.00 Baht ( excluding the traveling fuel cost and the bag of dog food priced at 1,835.00 Baht .

Well after Star had completed her course of Royal Canin – Anallergenic dog food , she was still showing the exact same skin symptoms , but now she started to scratch her self even more than before .


We have followed the drug dosing regime as the vet told us and regularly shampooed Star with the recommended shampoo . 


The Vet told us to go back and see them after Star had completed her course of special dog food , but currently that University veterinarian dermatologist doctor is out of the country for over a month .


I really want to go and see the same Vet , but having to wait over a month taking into consideration that Star’s skin condition has not got any better is not some thing I really want to now do.


This is the Third different vet ( 2 normal local vets and one university veterinarian dermatologist ) that we have taken Star to , and still Star is suffering from the same symptoms , which is making both my self and wife very sad and we are starting to loose faith in veterinarian doctors who in many cases only seem to be interested in prescribing expensive remedies .


Making another possibly expensive long distance trip to see yet another vet is some thing that I wish to avoid if possible , so I’m not really sure of how best to proceed . Any thoughts please ????



I forgot to say - Personally just looking on the internet as far as I can tell Star’s skin symptom looks very much like Sarcoptic Mange , but the vet’s skin biopsy said not !! 


As I type this I can see Star scratching away and she looks very unhappy and sad ????








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Oh Tom, I was expecting a happy result when I saw your post. Poor Star, she must be fed up ????


It's just a thought, but is it possible to contact a Vet from your own country & asking him/her for advice? I guess you'd have to stress you're willing to pay a reasonable fee for online advice...


If you think that Star's problems are caused by Sarcoptic Mange, then treat it.


I'm a bit surprised that the Vet didn't give you a mild anaesthetic topical, such as Lignocaine for the itching.


The answer is out there somewhere; I'm sure you'll find it. ????


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15 minutes ago, faraday said:

Oh Tom, I was expecting a happy result when I saw your post. Poor Star, she must be fed up ????


It's just a thought, but is it possible to contact a Vet from your own country & asking him/her for advice? I guess you'd have to stress you're willing to pay a reasonable fee for online advice...


If you think that Star's problems are caused by Sarcoptic Mange, then treat it.


I'm a bit surprised that the Vet didn't give you a mild anaesthetic topical, such as Lignocaine for the itching.


The answer is out there somewhere; I'm sure you'll find it. ????



 Myself and Star both thank you for you comment :thumbsup:


I was thinking about trying do what you suggest and get in touch with a UK vet some how , even if I have to pay for their advice . But finding such a vet seem’s difficult , but I will keep looking. 


Thinking about the whole thing , so far the first 2 local vets did the biopsy on the skin test ( scrape the skin surface with a fine metal blade ) and blood test and said they could not see a cause for the skin symptoms. 


The 2 local vets could not come up with an answer as to what Starts skin problem actually is , they only recommended that Star take an antihistamine to help stop the scratching and take drugs to prevent parasites ( even though the biopsy did not confirm that Star had any skin parasites ) .


Like you so aptly say , the answer is out there some where , I was hoping that once an experienced vet actually looked at Stars skin , that with all their past experience they could there and then come to some sort of conclusion . One point that springs to mind is that the past two local vets were both fairly young looking .






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