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A distorted picture of Thailand


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On 8/10/2019 at 6:28 PM, KiChakayan said:

Definitely not in the TM30 context, which pertains to a police state.

Registering one's whereabouts are required in many countries. I travel to Europe every summer for an extended period. As I will stay for more than 90 days in a holiday flat I'm required to register with the local authority with a form signed by the landlord. When I leave I have to cancel the registration. When I travel I have to fill and sign a form giving my home address plus pers. details at every hotel. 

Rules exist everywhere not just in Thailand. Live with it.

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On 8/10/2019 at 6:28 PM, NCC1701A said:

this is true on all forums. people don't start topics like "my day was perfect" or "i had a great time today." 

when people have a bad experience they want to share it with others, to vent or just talk to others with the same experience.

i just got back from Pattaya. i had a great time. like a unbelievably good time.


but don't worry someone will be along to tell me I got AIDS. 


At least herpes

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On 8/10/2019 at 8:37 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

I think the problem is international news. I.e. most of the time there is no news about Thailand (and many other countries) in the news. BBC and others only decide to report if there is something "special". If a bomb explodes they report it. And if then for 6 months all is quiet and nice they don't report it. And next time there is a bomb they report it again.

The result is that people look up news about Thailand i.e. with the BBC they see probably 10 articles about bombs over the last 10 years - and not much else. Conclusion: There must be lots of bombs.

We obviously know that there are very view bombs, but who asks us?

But I think the same if true with lots of other countries. What do people think about if they are asked about Nigeria or Iran or Russia or XYZ? Scammers, bombs, heavy handed police come to my mind. Is that what happens in those countries on a daily basis? Probably not. But that's what we see in the news...


Personally I never had any real problems in Thailand. Once my business visa was not renewed. But that happened because my company made a mistake. It wasn't the immigration's mistake. I am sure there is corruption out there and I am sure there are problems in Thailand. But personally I didn't experience them (except traffic police with 100B demands). I am sure Thailand is wonderful for most foreigners who just live a quiet life.

It would be if it wasn't for the 90 day reporting and TM nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, Letseng said:

Registering one's whereabouts are required in many countries. I travel to Europe every summer for an extended period. As I will stay for more than 90 days in a holiday flat I'm required to register with the local authority with a form signed by the landlord. When I leave I have to cancel the registration. When I travel I have to fill and sign a form giving my home address plus pers. details at every hotel. 

Rules exist everywhere not just in Thailand. Live with it.

Dunno Which "European Country" you've been to? I remember crossing many borders without any formality whatsoever and as far as I know any foreigner with a Schengen visa can do the same.

But let me give you an example of how things can be. 

I once got a permanent residency visa to Australia, they stamped my passport at Kingsford Smith; "Welcome to Australia. And the only subsequent formalities were:

  a) get a return endorsement when leaving;

  b) apply for Australian cistizenship.

End of story.

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On 8/11/2019 at 3:03 AM, amykat said:

Brunolem,  Do you have a visa coming up for renewal soon?  


(You should look up the definition of police state, I’m not convinced you understand it by comments you made.)

If decent honest people, like the vast majority or tourists and retirees, are treated like criminals, then it is a police state. That's my opinion anyway. I am not interested in definitions of anything.

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23 minutes ago, weelegs said:

I have observed that most TV posts tell you more about the character and maturity of the person writing the post than about the issue raised. 

Considering the reaction to your comment, 2 or 3 posts below it, you may have hit a nerve... 

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11 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If decent honest people, like the vast majority or tourists and retirees, are treated like criminals, then it is a police state. That's my opinion anyway. I am not interested in definitions of anything.

By treating decent honest people like criminals, do you mean like what the TSA is doing in American airports? 

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17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

It would be if it wasn't for the 90 day reporting and TM nonsense.

Every year has 365 or 366 days with each 24hours.

How much time do you need each year to make sure you can legally live in Thailand?

And how much time do you waste by complaining about the regulations?

Personally I spend once a year maybe 2h at immigration to get my visa extension. 1:55 of that is waiting and I can use that time i.e. reading a book. And every 90 days I give my passport to someone who takes care of that.

Total maximum 3 hours out of 8,760 hours per year or 0.0342%.


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2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

By treating decent honest people like criminals, do you mean like what the TSA is doing in American airports? 

While that is annoying, that does not qualify ...I mean, the TSA and being a police state ...up to you if you want to think we get treated like criminals.

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17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If decent honest people, like the vast majority or tourists and retirees, are treated like criminals, then it is a police state. That's my opinion anyway. I am not interested in definitions of anything.

It's your choice if you want to live in a "police state".

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9 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It's your choice if you want to live in a "police state".

Ain't got a choice now, I am not leaving my wife, her family and property. I will just do what I have done all my life, and try and work my way round anyones rules that I do not agree with, it has not done me any harm in my life so far.

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20 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

By treating decent honest people like criminals, do you mean like what the TSA is doing in American airports? 

I cannot comment on what happens in other countries, I don't even know what TSA is.

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18 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Every year has 365 or 366 days with each 24hours.

How much time do you need each year to make sure you can legally live in Thailand?

And how much time do you waste by complaining about the regulations?

Personally I spend once a year maybe 2h at immigration to get my visa extension. 1:55 of that is waiting and I can use that time i.e. reading a book. And every 90 days I give my passport to someone who takes care of that.

Total maximum 3 hours out of 8,760 hours per year or 0.0342%.


You can say all you want, I say that nobody but criminals should be reporting to


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8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Ain't got a choice now, I am not leaving my wife, her family and property. I will just do what I have done all my life, and try and work my way round anyones rules that I do not agree with, it has not done me any harm in my life so far.

Did you get your driving license yet? I recall you saying you would not. 

Just curious.

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2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

What irks me is the many members who do not live in Thailand commenting on everything and anything. The tenuous link they may have to Thailand is a two week stay in Pattaya or Phuket ten years ago, yet they feel qualified to post nonsense and perpetuate the many bar stool myths about the people and country.


This may test them - what is the difference between four o'clock in the morning, four o'clock in the afternoon and four o'clock at night. Only the people who actually have lived here for any length of time AND have some deep exposure to Thai culture will be able to answer this.

Four o'clock at night or in the morning is the same to me... no? 


Even better, for those who have exposure to Isaan culture, what is the Isaan word they use instead of "farang"? 



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2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Four o'clock at night or in the morning is the same to me... no? 


Even better, for those who have exposure to Isaan culture, what is the Isaan word they use instead of "farang"? 



No. In very old Thai there were three 4 o'clocks. Some old people still use it.

4 in the morning

4 in the afternoon

4 at night

I'll Pm you - let other people try and work it out

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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Four o'clock at night or in the morning is the same to me... no? 


Even better, for those who have exposure to Isaan culture, what is the Isaan word they use instead of "farang"? 



Is it ATM (joking) or bok-see-dah? Of my times travelling there though I've never actually heard it so I may be wrong. 

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4 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

No. In very old Thai there were three 4 o'clocks. Some old people still use it.

4 in the morning

4 in the afternoon

4 at night

I'll Pm you - let other people try and work it out

Surely there are four, dtii, Chau, Bai mong and toomb. I'm not very good at Thai but I've always thought the time was easy. Now if I could only hear the difference between yee-sip and see-sip. At least in the north they say sau baht to make it easier.

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11 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Did you get your driving license yet? I recall you saying you would not. 

Just curious.

 Yes, I have a driving license, all legal, then when I tried to renew it I was told it was not in the system, I sorted that out my way, so yes, I

have a licence. ????

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I actually enjoy TVF and look forward to getting the daily newsletters.  Its not perfect, I don't like how it is managed but it is after all a business.  I think it is what some could call 'the best of a bad bunch".  I look forward to it because it keeps me informed on current affairs,  news, up to date visa requirements plus some interesting stories and some great characters.  Ok there are some die hard whingers and moaners who are just best ignored.....that's life, you will get that where ever you go. 


However what does bug me are those who come on here and rewrite their own history.  There are some on here who I know, or have known personally, who write these wonderful and oh so positive stories of success about themselves but in real life are the exact opposite.  They are blatant liars who have failed at everything they have done and have only got by through leeching off others.  The biggest problem is they are so caught up in their own bull they start giving false advice to others which, if not dangerous, may at least lead to a total waste of peoples time, energy, or finances. 


As I have said, TVF is just like being out in the streets.  You run into some people who you just "click" with and you may form good solid friendships.  Others you soon learn you clearly dont click with for whatever reason and are best ignored or avoided.

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6 minutes ago, alien365 said:

Surely there are four, dtii, Chau, Bai mong and toomb. I'm not very good at Thai but I've always thought the time was easy. Now if I could only hear the difference between yee-sip and see-sip. At least in the north they say sau baht to make it easier.

You are probably correct. The point I was making, or trying to make about distortions posted on TVF was in a previous post -83.

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