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Majority of Britons support 'Brexit by any means' poll

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16 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Once we've left the EU it'll take several years before remainers would get a chance to try to drag us back in. By that time the EU project will have continued on it's decline; a decline accelerated by the UK's heroic exit.


The public will have seen the project fear lies for what they are. Youngsters will still be able to travel and even study in Europe (as they always could pre-EU). UK businesses will overcome any short term challenges (as they always do). The UK will be in control of it's own destiny, and will not be pulled further into political and fiscal union with a bunch of countries which are far too diverse to be tied together that way. The EU, Ireland and the UK will have new procedures in place to avoid installing border infrastructure. 


I'd be surprised if even 10% of the electorate would want to rejoin the EU once the truth is out. 


Yet another post showing how far removed from reality the brexiteers are. Do they honestly believe this drivel. If so then god help them as they are in for a very rude awakening.

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15 hours ago, Loiner said:

This thread is full of <deleted> Remainers who for months have been telling us they want another referendum because the polls show the country changed its mind and now wants to Remain. Even the Euros are in on it.
Now a polls shows that not only do most want to Leave, but Leave by any means!!!
The Remainers not only don’t accept the new poll, but don’t accept it because it come from the wrong size of newsprint.
Apparently only broadsheet contains true polls. Could that be because broadsheets predicted the referendum Remain result accurately?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

So if you are so confident in the poll result then you will happily support a new referendum then won't you?

5 hours ago, Handsome Gardener said:

OK I'll have another go - did unemployment rise - yes or no ?

Yes, there was a tiny rise in unemployment (which you insinuated was due to Brexit). In the same news announcement there was a continued rise in wages, and a continued rise in employment. So you were cherry picking. 




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30 minutes ago, Moo 2 said:

First it was Sister Theresa, then Boris the Clown, anyone else to make us laugh?!



Well, you will have to more imaginative than that or you won't make the list.

On 8/13/2019 at 6:17 AM, soalbundy said:

on par with the Daily express just a better class of prejudice.

...said without a hint of irony... your prejudice is better than their prejudice, eh?! ...Mirror/Guardian - Pot/Kettle... same same... bigots all.


I mean, the polarisation of all news outlets these days renders them all useless. All them overtly run an agenda - the wind up the punters and get them to buy/click/rant agenda... and it applies to both sides: the right wing and the wrong wing.


The DT is less ludicrous than the Grauniad though, which is a comedy lefty rag - it makes you chuckle when they put out that begging letter on their site describing themselves as "quality journalism"!



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On 8/13/2019 at 10:30 AM, Jonnapat said:

When things like this appear in ultra right wing newspapers like Johnson's Telegraph they should be taken with more than just a pinch of salt when most other polls give an entirety different result. To me this is sheer imperialistic propaganda designed to influence ahead of this horrendous act of stupidity. 

"ultra right wing", are you having a laugh?! do you actually know what those words mean? I mean if that's "ultra", then what's left to the right of that? The left wing?! The DT is a dull centre-right rag, good for cricket.

5 hours ago, evadgib said:

I recon it'll start recovering around Valentines day, Grouse.

HTH ????

Whatever happened to Grouse I wonder. He used to be ever present on these threads, winding up us Brexiteers. I know he had some health issues. I sincerely hope that's not the reason we no longer hear from him. 

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Whatever happened to Grouse I wonder. He used to be ever present on these threads, winding up us Brexiteers. I know he had some health issues. I sincerely hope that's not the reason we no longer hear from him. 

Same here one of the wisest men to tread these boards - he was banned a couple of times I think and maybe thought can I be bothered wasting what precious time I have left on this earth with the David Davies's of the world as Dominic Cumming's said was a "thick as mince". Or at least I hope that was the reason and not health problems. 

4 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

What, like the Soviet Union? As you want to call leaving the EU "plain stupid" are you some kind of expert on stupidity?

The EU's growth is persistently worse than anywhere outside it that isn't a failed state, and Germany, the heart of it, is sliding into recession:


Oh sorry... "quality journalism"...ahem... https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2019/jan/08/german-slowdown-industrial-output-recession-fears-uk-house-prices-stock-markets-business-live

Do you accept Bloombergs as a unit of currency of economic journalism?


Why anyone would want their country to remain shackled to this economic Titanic is hard to understand... for those with "half a brain", they want to escape the impending emergency...


This EU-worshipping cult is so toxic, it stops people from just looking at it in a neutral dispassionate way focussing on the numbers, and the numbers don't add up: the EU doesn't work. 

The only kind of union that's worth being in is one where all the members are prosperous, and share the same ideas, just like with any club or partnership. EU is all about debt and co-dependency and emotional blackmail.

Meanwhile, there are serious financial risks facing the EU https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-deutsche-bank-bankcapital/deutsche-bank-capital-boosting-debt-dips-on-restructuring-fears-idUKKCN1U310W

The UK needs to get out urgently to avoid being roped into bailing out the EU. ...mind you, perhaps facing that kind of financial nightmare might result in a good time for a second referendum, where the underlying question could be - do you want to pay more tax and have less money in order to pay off the debts of EU countries, whilst they come and work in your country and keep your wages lower and your cost of living higher.

Let's look at the situation of the UK and the EU after the end of October.

It seems it's impossible to convince Brexiters with facts. But maybe they will accept reality when it hits them. But then again I am sure they will continue to blame the EU. Enjoy your "control" trading with Trump and Co.

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17 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

2nd referendum if you're so sure that you still command the majority - rather than this Tory coup with a PM nobody voted for in a GE. 

A best of three surely? If you're that confident? I can see your lot are constantly playing for extra time or maybe penalties? Hand of God? Despite the fact that you're 2-1 down. Everyone will be down the pub celebrating victory for Brexit United whilst Remainiac Wanderers keep playing with themselves until the floodlights go out.


When it comes to Brexiteers v Remainiacs (or Roundheads v Cavaliers, if you prefer), this monologue from Jacob's Ladder seems rather apposite:



"If you're frightened of [leaving the EU] and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away; but if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the [EU]."

Sure, like the Cavaliers, the Remainiacs may make a comeback and have their restoration, but it will be temporary, because the people have already tasted freedom, and they won't be held captive in the EU forever.

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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Let's look at the situation of the UK and the EU after the end of October.

It seems it's impossible to convince Brexiters with facts. But maybe they will accept reality when it hits them. But then again I am sure they will continue to blame the EU. Enjoy your "control" trading with Trump and Co.

and being thwarted by a Democratic Congress in thrall to the Irish heritage contingent and desire to push back the Trump/Bannon/Brexit populism axis of evil.....

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2 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

and being thwarted by a Democratic Congress in thrall to the Irish heritage contingent and desire to push back the Trump/Bannon/Brexit populism axis of evil.....

The only axis of evil is those fighting a total war against democracy and freedom and the right to say no... we don't want to be in the EU any more. Massive youth unemployment all across the EU - leave those kids alone!


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The problem with Brexit is that no single solution will appease everyone.

Some want a hard Brexit. Some want a soft Brexit. Some want no Brexit at all.

The MP's in Westminster are a reflection of all this. Even the pro Brexit MP's cant agree among themselves what they want. This is what comes from Camerons gamble to try and see off the challenge he was facing from UKIP at a general election. So he asked the country a binary question on a complex issue. The binary answer he got just made things worse.

The UK is now so deeply divided that its never going to get better. Indeed I do not think the UK will survive this. I believe Scotland will become independent thereby making the issues facing whats left of the UK even worse.

Northern Ireland might very well join the Republic.

So all you jolly Brexiteers with your bulldog spirit and British (English) nationalism have in reality done more damage to the UK than the Luftwaffe ever did.

Is this what you REALLY wanted?

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2 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

A best of three surely? If you're that confident? I can see your lot are constantly playing for extra time or maybe penalties? Hand of God? Despite the fact that you're 2-1 down. Everyone will be down the pub celebrating victory for Brexit United whilst Remainiac Wanderers keep playing with themselves until the floodlights go out.


When it comes to Brexiteers v Remainiacs (or Roundheads v Cavaliers, if you prefer), this monologue from Jacob's Ladder seems rather apposite:


Sure, like the Cavaliers, the Remainiacs may make a comeback and have their restoration, but it will be temporary, because the people have already tasted freedom, and they won't be held captive in the EU forever.

We don't care "By Any Means Necessary" to quote BoJo's new brain implant. Then the vast majority that want an end to this chaos can get back to their lives and we can get back to being a United Kingdom. You kamikaze nutter contingent must be 10% tops - They Shall Not pass. And no more referendums and the disaffected can go back to Facebook with their anger and play chicken on the train tracks for their kicks. Enough is enough. 

16 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

We should let the Hong Kong Chinese (and their money in ) they will get post-Brexit Britain off to a flying start and right a historical wrong .

What, turning an empty little muddy island into a hub of prosperity and handing back land signed over in a legal treaty before it was worth anything, when only the New Territories were subject to the lease?

  • Haha 1
56 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

Which facts? Which reality? You haven't presented either.

If you look at the news you should have read at least a thousand facts over the last 3 years. It's all out there - at least if you want to see it.

2 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

Let them dream still a little...





You are new here..................... 








................................................................or are you ?


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