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Points system on driving licenses will reduce accidents in Thailand

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Didn't say how many points one starts off with...back home it's 12.

   Big difference though...back home people have a licence to begin with.

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27 minutes ago, DavisH said:

They won't get a western-like reduction in traffic accidents with those rules. Getting caught drunk 3 times with no real penalty? 

Try this: https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/safety-rules/demerits-offences/drug-alcohol/drug-alcohol-offences.html


There would be a lot less drunks on the road...but still it needs enforcement. That is the problem. And more rigorous driver testing.

Typically in the US you would have already lost your license and probably be in jail

1 hour ago, GarryP said:

On a visit upcountry, I was stopped by the police at a temporary check point and was shocked that most other people stopped did not even have a license. Not just motorbike riders, but car drivers too. Its insane. They should have their vehicles impounded until they come back with a valid license. But then the police would have to invest in rather large parking facilities for all the impounded vehicles. 

All the check points I've been through they just looked at my tax sticker and seatbelt I have never been asked for a license,may change tomorrow


Some red lights are rather hidden and difficult to see. Is there a way to dispute if the light was hidden by an overgrown tree, unauthorized signage or 200 telephone and electricity cables?


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

going the wrong way on the highway, passing through red lights, DUI, using phones while driving and not wearing helmets on motorcycles. 

Why dont they  just send EVERY  Thai a  fine now to save time?

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Drunk driving: 3 points

Red lights: 2 points

Helmets and speeding: 1 point each

So, next time you're stopped in your car and you were not speeding, not gone through a red light and not drunk, they'll get you for no helmet in the car ?

  • Haha 1

What the Thai government or police force does not understand is in Japan & European countries the penalties are penalties and are issued as a deterrent. the above penalties as broken down by many people above are a joke and will not be any sort of deterrent so a complete waste of time. 

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once you are down to zero points, having no more to lose, you will be waved through to continue your journey.


4 hours ago, webfact said:

He hopes that once the system comes in in Thailand that the number of accidents on the roads will diminish just like it had in Japan and the western countries.

At least he's realistic.        (my bold)

25 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Some red lights are rather hidden and difficult to see. Is there a way to dispute if the light was hidden by an overgrown tree, unauthorized signage or 200 telephone and electricity cables?


you can dispute all you like....if you hadn't been here it would not have happened for you to dispute is the end result of that so i believe.



What a load if cobblers. 

Many don't have a license to get points deducted from.

Plus its well known in many countries that offenders are often repeat offenders. 

The hip pockets have to be seriously affected by fines before they will learn. 

Minor infringements are 3 points and 8,000 baht on the spot in Australia. 

DUI and the license and car are gone. 

Mobile phone use is points and about $400.

Starts to slowly sink in..

Doesn't it?


My girlfriend`s 5yr old cousin often plays Forza Motorsport with me on the XBox. Guess he drives better then many thai guys out there on the road:)

A point system will change ZERO! What WOULD change is a proper preparation similar to European Countries. A minimum of practical AND theoretical lessons. The huge difference is that most Thai people have no clue what anticipatory diving is. That would reduce quite a few traffic jams. Ah and i forgot....for gods sake stop and penalize zig zag overtaking. That`s the most annoying thing for me on thai roads.

4 hours ago, webfact said:

The Maj-Gen told Daily News at the 14th seminar on road safety in Bang Na last week that getting points on licences for infractions on the roads had been in place in the US, Japan and Europe for 20 years.

In some European countries, the points on the license have been in force for more than 30 years!


Hmmm... I guess the problem is this will have no effect on people  who drive with no licence, whom I suggest, at least in the country areas  would be the majority.TIT

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Actually having police patrol the roads while having the authority to stop violators is the only way they will curb the death and mayhem. 


There are not many days that I drive into town where there is not someone who is endangering everyone by their stupidity or ego..

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Points system on driving licenses will reduce accidents in Thailand

This is one of the most stupid jokes I have ever read, education and real traffic checks cannot be replaced by points on the license, many here in Thailand have no license ... where do you apply the points ???

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4 hours ago, PatOngo said:


Drunk driving: 3 points...……………………..OK, can do 4 times

Red lights: 2 points...…………………...……..Can do 6 times

Helmets and speeding: 1 point each.......Can do 12 times


That will teach them!

Only applicable if caught! One can quadruple (or more) these offences in real life

4 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


I would like to see policemen and radars and breath control on secondary roads ( red and concrete roads which are so many in Thailand )..

I would like to see policemen controlling licenses and helmets between 7 am and 8 am when children come to school ...and verifiing if passengers and driver  have security belts in minibuses ...

That requires effort 

4 minutes ago, 30la said:

This is one of the most stupid jokes I have ever read, education and real traffic checks cannot be replaced by points on the license, many here in Thailand have no license ... where do you apply the points ???

I wonder what % of drivers even have valid licences.  I predict 60% or less. ????


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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a load of hog wash....Points system will not improve driving standards 1 iota.

A hell of a lot of drivers here dont even have a license, so points wont change anything.

Drive on regardless..... Thats the motto here.

Correct!  However, as the licences are cancelled, that might reduce the number of accidents.  

Speed and traffic light cameras in Australia are linked to the vehicle data, address of owner and licence number.  If these are out of date or non-existent, then police are alerted. 

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To replicate the benefits that Japan and Western Europe managed , you would need consistent enforcement and the elimination of corrupt practice.

Not in my lifetime....and im only 14.


Most civilised countries have developed road safety systems that work in reducing fatalities......Thailand with 10s of thousands of cops simply do not understand.

And the response form every government on the day doesn't give a flying #### about any of it!


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(There are two kinds of offences. The first kind are minor ones that would merit fines but no points. However, if fines are not paid within a stipulated period then both a fine and points will be levied.


In the second group are more serious offences such as speeding, going the wrong way on the highway, passing through red lights, DUI, using phones while driving and not wearing helmets on motorcycles. 


Drunk driving: 3 points

Red lights: 2 points

Helmets and speeding: 1 point each


Repeat offenders face a three year ban and having to retake their driving test.


Police will post fines to people and then they have 15 days to pay up.

If they don't then the Department of Land Transport will be contacted so that fines can be paid at the DLT when tax renewal time comes. 


If offenders don't have enough money to pay they can still renew their tax but will get a 30 day final notice on the fine after which no tax disc can be issued.)


It begs believe really. 

Its baby stuff.

Lets be honest about it!!!


More than 6 million unpaid fines reported in the first half of the year. 

Taking a license test will be a novel experience for some.

One recent road blitz revealed 40% of drivers were unlicensed. 

28% DUI. Be it hooch or drugs. 

Hardly anyone lives at the recorded address so what's the point of mailing the infringements out?


There's many models around the world that can be considered. 

Drunk driving = take the license and take the vehicle. 


But please don't make it 500 baht and 3 wais.



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5 hours ago, webfact said:

In the second group are more serious offences such as speeding, going the wrong way on the highway, passing through red lights, DUI, using phones while driving and not wearing helmets on motorcycles.

How are they planning to enforce that? I never see any patrols on the roads. 


I see nothing about following up on those who drive/ride unlicensed

Surely for drunk driving immediate suspension of licence for 24 hours, mandatory 3 months ban from driving.

Ability to impound vehicle for repeat unlicensed/ drunk driving

Enforcement of the laws on speed would also be a nice idea


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