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No-deal Brexit will be stopped, Hammond says


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2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK need the backstop to be removed or drastically altered in order to get a deal through Parliament. That is the reality as proven by 3 decisive votes against the deal in the HoC. 

The EU are saying the withdrawal agreement is now non-negotiable. 


If you ask me Mr Hammond, it's the EU's current position that will lead to a no deal. You're blaming the wrong side. 

A position that was agreed by the democratically elected UK leader - who's position was it again ?

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

You would do well to concentrate on what it did say, rather than what it didn't say, you will end up in a state of confusion.

If you could comprehend for just a fleeting moment what it didn't say is the issue - you would finally understand why all the talk of democracy being trashed with calls for a rethink, are <deleted> !

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3 minutes ago, Handsome Gardener said:
2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK need the backstop to be removed or drastically altered in order to get a deal through Parliament. That is the reality as proven by 3 decisive votes against the deal in the HoC. 

The EU are saying the withdrawal agreement is now non-negotiable. 


If you ask me Mr Hammond, it's the EU's current position that will lead to a no deal. You're blaming the wrong side. 

A position that was agreed by the democratically elected UK leader - who's position was it again ?

The UK's position is decided by the UK Parliament, not by one person. Did you learn nothing from Gina Miller? 

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8 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK's position is decided by the UK Parliament, not by one person. Did you learn nothing from Gina Miller? 

You might be onto something - so the majority of the UK parliament want to avoid a no deal Brexit but Bojo looks to be hellbent on ramming it through regardless ?


Ironic much ?

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

There is no confusion at all by leavers, confusion occurs when remainers start to make statements like 'it didn't say .........' there are probably millions of things it didn't say, so when you find yourself in a position like that, it would be better to look at what it did say, i e.......leave or remain.

I hope when you get a contract you read what it says and you don't spend all week looking for things it doesn't say.



Or would it be advisable to  look for things in a contract that in favourable or rational terms were "left out" ? Is that the "doesn't  say " type of detail you  refer to?

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3 hours ago, Mavideol said:

Boris is the boss, he will try (without success) to dissolve parliament, for him MP's have no say so, looking forward seeing him arguing with the speaker of the house...  unelected people at 10 downing, appointed by Boris, it's democracy at its best

It is long past the time that the 650 "elected" people in parliament listened to the 17.4 million voters who voted to leave. Philip Hammond should talk to his constituents before stating what he will do. 









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28 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Utter tosh.


Vote.Leave told us that voting leave meant ditching all the bits we didn't like about the EU and keeping all the bits we did like.


Not once was becoming just the second country, alongside Mauritania, trading on WTO terms alone mentioned!


Whenever the Remain side brought up the dangers of leaving Vote.Leave merely chanted their mantra; "Project Fear, Project Fear, Project Fear......." rather than actually address the issues.

They have no arguments just parroted meaningless buzzwords pulled off Facebook memes and the rantings of "men in white flapping coats" John Major. Time to take back control . 

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