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Identical signs on road in northern Thailand create social media drama


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54 minutes ago, Tofer said:

Common sense (between us foreigners) would dictate the replacement of the sign on the same posts, if really necessary at all, which it does not appear so from the pictures.

Try to understand, the lack of money of those responsible must be alleviated, the corruption no longer exists in Thailand thanks to the general who uprooted it.
Now they are called favors among friends!

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Maybe someone in charge said, "Look, there aren't enough signs to tell people the distance from 'place A' to 'place B'.  Drivers keep saying they miss them, so let's double the number of signs to help them."

Either that or Photoshop sounds entirely reasonable to me.

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I will have to go try and find it again... there’s a sign telling how far 

to the village I live and it has the name and then lie....


Thought it was perfect ?..met a few people in the village that

think lying is a profession...  never believe anything they say unless 

seen with my own eyes...

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The French do something similar:-


It reminds me of the Irish answer to the question, "Can you tell me the way to xxxxxxx".

Answer "Ah Well, to be sure, and if I was going there, I wouldn't be starting from here!",

Edited by Grusa
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3 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

Your know, despite living in Laos, I often drive in Thai roads for medical reasons (Visit hospitals) and simply a drive to Bangkok and elsewhere, sometimes I drive sections of roads that perfectly OK and yet they are being re-surfaced, now I read this article and see signs being replaced that don't really appear to require replacing, I really can't help thinking these circumstances that some high office in the local Provincial office or District office as a brother in Law in the road construction game, where various contracts are issues and profit sharing exist .... just sayin' ...

Couldn't be, no Thai would do that..... 

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2 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Perhaps TVF needs a  "Funny Sign" thread ? Two examples I find hard to take seriously are " In Case of a Fire Do Not use the Lifts". And " Slow Men Working".


What is hard to understand about, "in case of a fire do not use the lifts"? 

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7 hours ago, sanmyintmaung said:

It is just a normal maintenance procedure called "Blanket replacement" — all signs in an area or route, or of a given sign type are replaced at specified time intervals.
A sign technician should not leave a sign down or take an old sign away and leave nothing in its place.
The technician should always have a replacement sign or sufficient repair materials while working in the field to take down the old sign.

But WHERE ARE YOU....this is thailand !!!

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Yet another proof that common sense is completely absent and nobody is realizing it. It is plain stupidity all the way except possibly some selected few who cream off a nice commission take - there is no other reason imaginable ???? 

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That is why you want to be in public office or work if you can get in because it is all reserve for family and close friends by doing so they are always grateful for the job and will never whistle blow on them America they call it the swamp!  This is how they all get rich a constant stream in this case signage constantly being replaced even when they aren't need. The government budget is never reduced with reason constant project like repaving the same road over and over again it is all intentional why should it stop it isn't their money! Government is pretty much the same all over the world it is said a few years back Thailand is like 96 in corruption thank god could you imagine if they were number one like in driving year in year out. Instead of two signs duplicate there might be 3 or even 5 it is a cycle.????

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Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


If they don't replace old, worn signs and replace them well ahead of them becoming unreadable, they're incompetent and corrupt.

When they do replace old, worn signs well ahead of them becoming unreadable, they're incompetent and corrupt.

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When on holiday in Spain the locals were complaining about a huge amount of massive signs erected, usually obscuring an existing road name or village entrance sign. The only message was "The road network of Andalucia".

Euro millions blown away!





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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

What is hard to understand about, "in case of a fire do not use the lifts"? 

The ambiguity. Cause and effect. Does using the lift create the risk of fire?

I know the intended message which would be better written" In the case of  fire do not use the lifts".


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I have not been able to locate the photo of a sign on a small patch of grass in Rome many years ago that read in English: "Keep off the grass. Trespassers will be persecuted".

That left me  feeling a bit nervous for the rest of my travels in Italy as to the possibilities of  outcome for a  serious crime.

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18 hours ago, missoura said:

I've looked and looked but I have never located Tourism on a map.


18 hours ago, missoura said:

I've looked and looked but I have never located Tourism on a map.

Don't be a ninny.  You need to go back to your Thai studies.  "Tourism" is the Thai Romanization for "Phitsanulok.

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