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Not for sale: Danish MPs ridicule idea of Trump buying Greenland


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On 8/17/2019 at 10:16 AM, zydeco said:

And you pay $1.34 for an orange.

And stuff like that is making the Danes so miserable that they rank #3 in the World Happiness Ratings. Which rate a country on 

GDP per capita, Social Support, Healthy Life Expectancy, Freedom to Make Choices, Generosity, Perceptions of Corruption,


And Denmark has one of the highest social mobility rankings in the world. 

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On 8/17/2019 at 12:32 PM, Morch said:


I kinda doubt all the people who voted for Trump are stupid. That would be your view - and you probably wouldn't bother substantiating it in any meaningful way. It also doesn't "mean" squat as to others being "better educated". In fact, making such an inference is kinda ironic.


And for the umpteenth time. Trump is not "my" anything.


You can make up nonsense all you like, but there are plenty of top notch American academics and researchers. And while you may not like it, that's were many smart people choose to further their education - rather than somewhere like Denmark.

Denmark is a country of about 5.75 million people. The USA about 325 million people. Those 2 numbers might just possibly be relevant, do you think?

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:48 PM, RJRS1301 said:

Oh dear, surely not even POTUS could seriously believe that the people would prefer the USA to Denmark.

They have a stable economy, understand social justice, have world class health care  and education.


What drugs does the POTUS indulge in when his thumbs stop moving?


Apparently not NZT (Bradley Cooper, Limitless). The only thing limitless about Trump is his 'ability' for ridiculous ideas.

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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

This is from the NY Post. Rupert Murdoch's newspaper and an ardent Trump supporter.

Kudlow confirms Trump wants to buy Greenland

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow didn’t pour any cold water Sunday on President Trump’s flirtation with buying Greenland.

“I don’t want to predict an outcome, I’m just saying the president, who knows a thing or two about buying real estate, wants to take a look at a Greenland purchase,” Kudlow told Dana Perino on “Fox News Sunday.”



Outrageous! But that's how this guy rolls.

I don't care....build that wall....fix immigration....get that deal with China.

Stuff Greenland. Probably just did it to inject a little controversy and grab some

air time. He plays the media like a fiddle.


Anyway, the idea isnt that outlandish...Truman apparently tried to buy Greenland too.

And there is ample precedent for such "deals"

OMG, I have a link.... LOL




Edited by JHolmesJr
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On 8/16/2019 at 3:48 PM, RJRS1301 said:

Oh dear, surely not even POTUS could seriously believe that the people would prefer the USA to Denmark.

They have a stable economy, understand social justice, have world class health care  and education.


What drugs does the POTUS indulge in when his thumbs stop moving?


Greenland is a possession. Greenland doesn't have an economy other than the 1 billion euro pumped into it every year by Denmark; unless you're implying that a publicly supported welfare state is a viable economy. 

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On 8/17/2019 at 8:56 PM, jerojero said:

And so should Trump be ridiculed. Another bonehead idea that pops into his frazzled brain. Such a moron and embarrassment. Feel sorry for the majority of US citizens who see clearly what a Buffoon he is.

"And in 1946, President Harry Truman’s administration went even further, offering to purchase Greenland from Denmark in exchange for $100 million in gold." https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/16/trump-greenland-purchase-harry-truman-denmark/

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... just thinkof it!

  - a great back up, with almost limitless new space for a super duper Greentanamo

 - put up a seawall encompassing all the States, except the new 'land'. If you want to sneak in, you'd have to head North first...

 - friendly neighbourhood Canada would be happy to accept anyone overflowing the new Quota.

Although the French half might be wary about them being almost totally surrounded by English speaking land!


 - many $$ could be saved in relocating many missile sites further North, closer to VladimarP

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2 hours ago, zydeco said:

"And in 1946, President Harry Truman’s administration went even further, offering to purchase Greenland from Denmark in exchange for $100 million in gold." https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/16/trump-greenland-purchase-harry-truman-denmark/

Did you notice the part about the year being 1946? A year after the end of WW2? Maybe attitudes and understandings might have changed a bit over the last 63 years? Not to mention that even back then, when they need the money a lot more than they do today, the Danes turned it down.

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7 hours ago, Morty T said:

Greenland is a possession. Greenland doesn't have an economy other than the 1 billion euro pumped into it every year by Denmark; unless you're implying that a publicly supported welfare state is a viable economy. 

So that means it would be a pretty stupid idea to buy it, no?

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:51 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

That the wrong question.

It should be: Which drugs (medicine) did he forgot to take for too long?

Maybe he has severe PTSD from his dramatic bone spurs experience.

Doctor, I need my meds!

He's down on his daily big mac count, can't think str8.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Man, you always say that and I'm pretty sure this wasn't Trump's grand plan.  But it's ideas like this that does reinforce the notion that Trump is a moron.  So no, he's not exactly playing the media.  But at least this idea isn't cruel, or racist, or just flatout dangerous.


Maybe you're just a guy who hates Trump, no mater what he does...nothing wrong with

owning it.


I dont see how bringing up the Greenland thing makes him a moron. The idea has been on the table

before and there is precedent where territories have been bought and sold before. I am pretty sure you

had the same thought when he announced his run for president. Keep sucking on your sour grapes.


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Danish PM said the 'Greenland belongs to Greenland'. Very well then, let them have a referendum as to which country they want to be part of. That would put the issue to bed and the result might be surprising. For all we know there might be blokes round a table in Greenland right now saying 'What has Denmark ever done for us?'

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4 hours ago, JamesBlond said:

Danish PM said the 'Greenland belongs to Greenland'. Very well then, let them have a referendum as to which country they want to be part of. That would put the issue to bed and the result might be surprising. For all we know there might be blokes round a table in Greenland right now saying 'What has Denmark ever done for us?'

If Trump had suggested that instead of his ignorant offer he wouldn't have looked quite so foolish.

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