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Why do farangs go all the way to LOS to eat western food?

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For many people one thing is important about food: must be CHEAP. I cook by myself every day, except on Sunday. I like Thaifood but not every day as it is boring... it's all the same: chili chili chili... And people what counts a 40THB noodle soup  as a complete mail they can have it, it is not more as hot water with some vegetables and some traces of meat. What do you expect more for 40THB? I can effort cooking myself with a good peace of meat and a glas of wine. I am Flemmish, so a BOURGONDIER and we like REAL FOOD, whatever it costs.

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12 minutes ago, Quack said:

Because I'm diabetic and every single Thai dish is loaded with carbs. Try eating Thai food every day without rice or noodles and see what your options are.  

gao lao, hoy tod, nam prik(any variety) with fresh vegetables, etc.   A lot of dishes can be eaten without rice if you choose too.  I have some Thai friends that eat like that.

Most westerners eat potatoes of some form with most meals.

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"Why do farangs go all the way to LOS to eat western food?"

So they can continue to complain about something.

I'm always hearing this steak and that pizza isn't up to par.

I never understood that too. (When in Rome)

Edited by highonthai
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I've never been into Thai street food, poor quality meats, msg, too much sugar and cheap palm oils. 90% of cooking done at home by GF. 


I need my weekly fix of spag bol using quality mince pork, carrot, onion, chilli, Italian herbs and a base of sauce mix. Usually get 5 meals out of one batch.


Then usually weekly, a fillet of chicken for a schnitzel or parmigiana with tomato and cheese topping.. Pork steaks with a farang gravy topping. Crumbed fish with French fries. Home made hash browns, being grated potato and egg then shallow fried.. Chicken and veg soup, occasionally for breakfast or lunch, and too much bacon and eggs for breakfast. Poached, scrambled, omelette, boiled, fried for variety.. 


And I still usually have about 5 Thai meals a week, stir fries, Tom yum soup and curries.. A great mix of both western and thai suits me well.. 

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Why do farangs go all the way to LOS to eat western food?

Is there anyone going all the way to LOS for the food? You can eat that in most of the western countries with better chicken, meat, pork or whatever that is served. Are you aware of that UN:s World Food Programme, WDP, have gone out worldwide and warn for buying chicken from Thailand because it has way to much medicine and are not healthy to eat

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I live in the rice belt and are deadly sick of eating rice to every meal. Even If you buy a home made ice cream half of it is rice and if you not want to eat rice the alternative is noodle, and what is noodle made of? Dough on unfermented rice flour. 

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I first came to Thailand 30+ years ago, on holiday. Thai food was delicious, cheap, and had good variety.


I came to live here permanently 12 years ago. Good Thai food was harder to find, not on every junction or pavement...overally, quality had slipped.


Now, Thai food is rare, and poor quality...even the Thai have stopped eating it. They all eat Chinese style or Japanese, sloppy tasteless stuff, or Big Food sugary <deleted> like McD and KFC.


I agree with other posts, cook your own!

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3 hours ago, puchooay said:

To those saying things like "Thai food is dull", " poor quality meat", "a couple of slithers of meat", etc. I only have one thing to say to you.


You are eating in the wrong place. 555

nah...i know how thai food should be,

im incredibly picky about food,

but the meat deficit is a constant,

im not <deleted>ting i have asked for more meat hundreds of times, it does not compute.

now i just try to scrape away as much rice as i can

and eat the rest, in spite how i was indoctrinated

in childhood to never throw away food

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18 minutes ago, Grusa said:

I first came to Thailand 30+ years ago, on holiday. Thai food was delicious, cheap, and had good variety.


I came to live here permanently 12 years ago. Good Thai food was harder to find, not on every junction or pavement...overally, quality had slipped.


Now, Thai food is rare, and poor quality...even the Thai have stopped eating it. They all eat Chinese style or Japanese, sloppy tasteless stuff, or Big Food sugary <deleted> like McD and KFC.


I agree with other posts, cook your own!

True! I have lived here a long time, ~30 years ago Thai food was great, fish was either from the sea or a river - not farmed, vegetables were not doused in chemicals, chickens saw the light of day etc. 

They didn't cook everything in the same super cheap oil, & they didn't add sugar & MSG for flavour!

Now, as you say better off eating at home!

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I'm pretty shocked by a lot of the replies to this topic. I agree, to be honest and to a point.

I do love my toasties, or egg and beans, bacon eggs breakfasts - with a pot of tea or fresh brewed coffee for mornings, but I'm just as happy to eat food from our street (maybe lots of people live where there's no good food).


I have a choice of 2 cheap eateries - with a drink and omelette it gets up to around 50 baht and they have a fairly wide menu and produce pretty tasty food - there are so many amazing restaurants around; I can't accept any of the comments about Thai food not being good. You're just eating in crappy places... I had no problems around Bangkapi, but find Samutprakarn/Bangna is even better. The first five years living here maybe I had some problems - but now I have a great selection of places to eat and tend to be careful selecting new places.


There isn't a great selection of western food and much of it is priced to make it a very low return investment. I'm generally happy spending anything from 500 to 1000 for a superb restaurant for my weekend family special meal.


Weekdays I buy and cook myself - so it mostly goes western style - but something people should understand is that we're not supposed to eat that much meat - it's the least eco-friendly option and whilst i eat some meat every day, it isn't a large portion.


The Thai's have a better balance in this respect. As for crappy food - just stop eating in crappy places guys!


20 hours ago, Chazar said:

I find Thai food pretty grim, bowl of water with things floating in it is what I see. Add to that 5000000000000000000000 chillies and well.....no thanks.

Funny idea - soup is one thing Thai's do extremely well. If you don't want a watery soup, then don't order it you numpty!!!

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19 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Damn you get the slivers! You're one of the lucky ones.

The quality of Thai food has gone down drastically in recent times. 

Lobo mixes for the curries and watered down coconut milk with hardly any edible meat

Exactly. I had lived for 4 years here between 2007 and 2012. Now I am back after 7 years. I can say that the quality of Thai street food went down considerably comparing to back then. Hiding the low quality meat in dishes with spices all around. However, I still eat out from time to time but prefer to have it prepared at home nowadays as my wife is a good cook and we know what we eat when we prepare the food at home.

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I detest garlic, don't like fish sauce,

sugar and MSG in every dish, oily/greasy food, and my system can't handle spicy food. There is not much left for me. On top of the above comes hygiene at street food stalls. I used to be able to watch them from the apt. I stayed in when I arrived many years ago. 

I cook myself and I don't suffer from allergy attacks.

Reason for retirement in Thailand was not Thai "cuisine".

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It’s not always to the LOS. The best tacos I’ve ever eaten was at a Mexican restaurant in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Better than any tacos I ever had in the U.S. or Canada IMHO. 

     But I don’t go to Thailand for western food. I go there for the Thai food. 

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20 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I cook and eat Thai,Indian,Western,Mexican,Italian,ect,even dishes

I makeup myself,also buy dishes from the market when too tired

to cook,eat out ,mostly Thai, Indian,wish there was a British Chinese

 style takeaway nearby.

regards worgeordie

Yeah, delicious beef chow mein and similar. I'm serious although I'm not British. May be we should open a shop. ????

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Good question. It seems not all expats are open to Thai dishes for whatever reasons. When I first moved here, I was eating only Thai food. After several months, I started to get bored of Thai food. Every now and then I would have some western food but western food here is overly priced and not the same as back home. When I got bored of Thai food, I would change it around a bit from Isaan, southern, chinese and later Vietnamese dishes.


It can also be sanitary reasons and previous negative experiences with Thai dishes. 

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15 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

I'm pretty shocked by a lot of the replies to this topic. I agree, to be honest and to a point.

I do love my toasties, or egg and beans, bacon eggs breakfasts - with a pot of tea or fresh brewed coffee for mornings, but I'm just as happy to eat food from our street (maybe lots of people live where there's no good food).


I have a choice of 2 cheap eateries - with a drink and omelette it gets up to around 50 baht and they have a fairly wide menu and produce pretty tasty food - there are so many amazing restaurants around; I can't accept any of the comments about Thai food not being good. You're just eating in crappy places... I had no problems around Bangkapi, but find Samutprakarn/Bangna is even better. The first five years living here maybe I had some problems - but now I have a great selection of places to eat and tend to be careful selecting new places.


There isn't a great selection of western food and much of it is priced to make it a very low return investment. I'm generally happy spending anything from 500 to 1000 for a superb restaurant for my weekend family special meal.


Weekdays I buy and cook myself - so it mostly goes western style - but something people should understand is that we're not supposed to eat that much meat - it's the least eco-friendly option and whilst i eat some meat every day, it isn't a large portion.


The Thai's have a better balance in this respect. As for crappy food - just stop eating in crappy places guys!


Funny idea - soup is one thing Thai's do extremely well. If you don't want a watery soup, then don't order it you numpty!!!

Meat not “eco-friendly” ?  In what way? There’s nothing like a wonderful rare or medium rare sirloin or T-bone or fillet minion. 

     The only thing that bothers me is they don’t seem to age their beef in Southeast Asia like they do in places like the U.S and Canada. 

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