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Special Deal for Thai Visa Readers: SEARA now official distributors of the Reebok SL8.0 and the Adidas T-19x Consumer Treadmills

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Special Deal for Thai Visa Readers: SEARA now official distributors of the Reebok SL8.0 and the Adidas T-19x Consumer Treadmills


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SEARA, the regional leader in design and development of International standard sports, recreation and fitness facilities are proud to announce that they are now the official distributors of the Reebok SL8.0 and the Adidas T-19x Consumer Treadmills.


The Reebok SL8.0 is designed for more advanced cardio workouts and bridges the gap between commercial gym and home gym exercise. Featuring a 10.1” touch screen, internet enabled with apps such as Netflix and YouTube connected to a 5W speaker, the Reebok SL8.0 surrounds the user with media connectability. Bluetooth connectivity allows the machine to the Reebok Fitness App and enable a trackable, tailor made workout. You can even run real-life routes with the Real View Sport function.




The T19x is a fresh newcomer to the Consumer Fitness market. Designed for progressive home cardio workouts, it’s NRG cushioning technology minimises wear on the joints, absorbing each stride to strengthen your workout. Featuring 27 pre-set workouts + target and user defined workouts, the UltraX console creates motivating and tailored runs for all ability levels.


The UltraX with it’s internet connectivity includes apps such as Netflix and YouTube, sound is powered by a 5W speaker to immerse you in sound. The t19x also boasts Virtual Active with 3 simulated running courses. 




These two great new additions to the SEARA range have been tested by the companies management have been found to be strong enough to endure any rugged workout you can throw at them.


Reebok and Adidas are world renowned brands who stand by their quality with exceptional warranties, coupled with SEARA’s reputation for customer satisfaction, the Reebok SL8.0 and the Adidas T19x are sure to take the market by storm.


Find out more: [email protected]



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