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will the yellow book be compulsory?

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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I did yellow book in Pattaya a couple of years ago and you needed a witness, someone with a bluebook and ID that knows you.

OP, possibly needed the same unless they changed things.

Got mine at Pattaya city hall very early last year,required 2 Thai witnesses with their blue book and IDs.

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32 minutes ago, elviajero said:

They might be smart in that the visa and address info will be embedded. But as permission to stay is granted for a specific time I expect a new card linked to that stay would be issued each time.


If the front of the card only includes photo and address info, your idea could work. But I expect it to include the date permission to stay expires too, which would necessitate a new card at each renewal. IMO a date on the card would be required so any police/immigration officer can see - on inspection - if the foreigner hasn't overstayed. 

You won't need a new card every year, you obviously have no idea how much information the chip on a smart card can hold and just how easy it can be changed/updated have you.


Think about it. Physically a chip the same size as a sim card chip is already embedded onto a Thai style ID card, a bank card, etc, etc. How much data can a sim card hold? and all of it can be changed, added to and deleted etc. In fact a 1TB SD card can be fitted into the space the size of a sim card.


A folder containing personal details, passport and next of kin information would be a must. Permission of stay would be another. Vital medical information would be a third (that could save your life). They would probably be the main sections and ALL OF THEM could be updated and changed whenever necessary. No need for a new card at any time. 


And this is not even new technology, it's been around in this form for years already.

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21 minutes ago, john terry1001 said:

You won't need a new card every year, you obviously have no idea how much information the chip on a smart card can hold and just how easy it can be changed/updated have you.


Think about it. Physically a chip the same size as a sim card chip is already embedded onto a Thai style ID card, a bank card, etc, etc. How much data can a sim card hold? and all of it can be changed, added to and deleted etc. In fact a 1TB SD card can be fitted into the space the size of a sim card.


A folder containing personal details, passport and next of kin information would be a must. Permission of stay would be another. Vital medical information would be a third (that could save your life). They would probably be the main sections and ALL OF THEM could be updated and changed whenever necessary. No need for a new card at any time. 


And this is not even new technology, it's been around in this form for years already.

So if you were pulled over and the officer wanted to see your immigration ID card, how would they now if you were still 'legal' without a machine to read the chip?! In part it is to replace the need for us to carry a passport.


My wife's residence card in the UK has all her info embedded electronically in the card, but the date her stay ends is printed on the card. When she renews a new card will be issued. I expect Thailand will do something similar.


You don't seem to understand that permission to stay is for a set period and you are required to make a new application when you renew. Every subsequent application is treated as if it were the first.


Edited by elviajero
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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I did yellow book in Pattaya a couple of years ago and you needed a witness, someone with a bluebook and ID that knows you.

OP, possibly needed the same unless they changed things.

I applied a couple of weeks ago at Pattaya Municipality. Needed an individual with a blue book and Thai ID as a witness. Officer their said it could take 4/5 weeks to come through.

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9 minutes ago, elviajero said:

So if you were pulled over and the officer wanted to see your immigration ID card, how would they now if you were still 'legal' without a machine to read the chip?! In part it is to replace the need for us to carry a passport.


My wife's residence card in the UK has all her info embedded electronically in the card, but the date her stay ends is printed on the card. I expect Thailand will do something similar.


You don't seem to understand that permission to stay is for a set period and you are required to make a new application when you renew. Every subsequent application is treated as if it were the first.


The police can, and do sometimes, check the validity of your permission to stay at the roadside NOW, with one simple phone call/text. All they need to input is either your passport number OR your Thai ID number. The set period for your permission to stay and the expiry date come immediately by return. No need to even have a card reader with them.

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3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:


I've had a Yellow Tabien Baan and a Pink ID card for a few years now. At the moment it's purely a voluntary option to apply for one and, under the present rules, I agree with Ubonjoe that a lot of people would find it very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain them because it requires the permission of the owner of your residence to apply. The yellow book in it's current form, with the possible addition of an English translation would be OK but the pink ID  would need to be totally revamped and updateable to include current 'visa status' etc to completely replace the passport. But you never know, things move slowly in Thailand so, with a change in the current rules ................ who knows.


I use them in the same way a Thai National use their's and find them very useful and much more convenient than messing around with taking my passport and applying for a residence certificate  etc every time I need official documentation. 


While in the earlier days they weren't always recognised everywhere most places (such as banks, driving licence renewals, hospital registration, sim card registration, Tax ID number, buying/selling a car, etc, etc to name just a few) now recognise and accept them straight away.


With the endless moans and complaints by members here on TV concerning things like TM30's, 90 day reports, etc,etc, some kind of official ID for 'long stay' (and yes I know it's only a year at a time) foreigners to use in a similar form to Thai National's ID system would both solve a lot of problems and make life a lot easier for those of us living in Thailand.


But that would need all of us to be positive about a change and not to complain about negative 'big brother' reasons for not complying. There's too many negative expats on TV. But then again, as I said, you never know .................................

The only way anything will happen is if it helps to fill certain pockets.

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I got mine a few years ago, after wife & I having to go multiple times to the government office, then had to get a signed document from the the village leader to confirm he new me and of good character which of course we had never met before then back again to the gov office.

As always a paperwork requirement fiasco.


In the end the yellow book has had its few benefits.

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4 hours ago, Denim said:


I presume this was said in Thai and has been translated into English ?

As my wife spoke very good English when i met her over 20 years ago and lived in the UK for a long time having to deal with Brits every day , i think she has got the hang of translation by now p,s our son went to school in the UK as well for about 8 years .

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I am housemaster in yellow book for my condo

my wife is the housemaster ,or she who must be obayed as she likes to be known ????

by the way i did not mean to worry anyone ,i just repeated what was said  by the woman in charge .

Edited by bert bloggs
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So if I look you in the eye, and seem serious when I tell you I'm Pamela Anderson but just had my boobs removed, you'd believe me? [emoji33]


Just pulling your leg, but I'd be really surprised if that happened.

You look more like Thor or Noggin the Nogg, I’m not sure which one!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Not going to happen. Many people cannot get one so that would be impossible.


I think the interesting part is what she meant by "residents". She could have been talking about people on Non-Imm O Visas with 1 year extensions and Long Stay Visas. That wouldn't be totally impossible even if it's not very likely.

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3 hours ago, Jaxxper said:

I applied a couple of weeks ago at Pattaya Municipality. Needed an individual with a blue book and Thai ID as a witness. Officer their said it could take 4/5 weeks to come through.

Some embassies issues a document with info about local address and this and that to give to the local amphoe. The embassy in a way vouches for you. This makes it quite easy to apply for the yellow book. 

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16 hours ago, elviajero said:


You don't seem to understand that permission to stay is for a set period and you are required to make a new application when you renew. Every subsequent application is treated as if it were the first.


And you don't seem to understand that you are renewing your existing extension of stay (before it expires) and the application documentation you complete is to confirm and update the existing information already held by Immigration on that existing permit. Each permission might have a limited validity but you are renewing and extending it each year, you are NOT making an application for a brand new (virgin) application as if it were your first.


Think of it like your driving licence which is also valid for a set period of time, after which you must renew your existing licence. You don't have to start again from scratch and take another test but you do have to complete a new application form and supply the required documentation to update your details held on file and show you are entitled to extend your existing licence.

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8 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I think you need to check with immigration about that. 

I have done 12 extension of stay applications and have had to show the same supporting documents and etc every year.

Yes, I've also been doing extensions since 2006, this year was my eighth because, firstly, we spent two years in the UK , then in 2013, I returned to the UK for three months during the period my existing extension expired and was returning a month late. After talking to friend of mine who used to run the Thai Consulate in Birmingham UK, an Immigration Officer (*) confirmed with me that I needed to enter Thailand with a new non O visa then start again with a new extension. They explained that up to then I had been renewing/continuing my existing permit each year, but because I had allowed my existing extension to lapse, that extension was now cancelled and could not be renewed/continued or extended again. I now needed to start again and to qualify to make a NEW extension I needed to have a valid non immigrant visa in my passport. When I renew my existing visa annually, I am simply continuing that permit so a valid existing extension of stay is all that's required in my passport to qualify (a valid non Im visa is not necessary). Supplying the application form and documentation required are simply Thai Immigration's way of confirming and updating all the required information as correct in the file they hold on you. 


* In the UK an IO/Embassy representative visits certain parts of the country on a regular/annual basis in order the Thai Nationals can renew their passports/ID cards and discuss any other issues they might have without having to travel all the way to London. In Birmingham he came to the Consulate for about 4-5 days each year. I actually knew him vaguely because he also organised out of hours appointments at the Buhdavahara Temple where I used to go to learn Thai. At least that was the process. I know the Temple has moved but they do still have visits, although I'm not sure whether the times/system has changed. The Consulate in Birmingham has now closed and last year a friend had to go to Manchester to renew her passport.

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On 10/1/2019 at 3:34 PM, elviajero said:

The authorities are not bothered, and in some cases against, foreigners being registered in yellow books as it serves no real purpose. And being registered at the Amphoe doesn't comply with any immigration address reporting laws.

That would depend which authorities you are talking about. First time I did an extension immigration asked if I had a yellow book, I had it with me and they took a copy. Since then I have included a copy as a matter of course.

As for purpose, if you haven't had any benefits then you are not going to know what they are.

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Well today i picked up my yellow book and pink card,and just to double check the wife asked the lady in charge ,did she mean it when she said about us all having them ,she replied that they  have been informed that the govt are discussing it and that she believes that anyone living here over 6 months ,will need one in the near future.
dont shoot the messanger ,i am just repeating what my wife said ,and before anyone goes on about WE dont understand ,that our other half dont pass on the right message ,my wife lived and worked in the UK for many years and speaks and passes messages on perfectly .
anyway just repeating what was said.

I was once told that the Thais invented the Internet. Get my drift?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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11 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Well today i picked up my yellow book and pink card,and just to double check the wife asked the lady in charge ,did she mean it when she said about us all having them ,she replied that they  have been informed that the govt are discussing it and that she believes that anyone living here over 6 months ,will need one in the near future.

dont shoot the messanger ,i am just repeating what my wife said ,and before anyone goes on about WE dont understand ,that our other half dont pass on the right message ,my wife lived and worked in the UK for many years and speaks and passes messages on perfectly .

anyway just repeating what was said.

Thanks for the update. Lets hope its part of a broader TM30, TM28 solution, 

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The whole thing of yellow book pink ID tm30 90 day reports could be sorted very very easily. As finger and thumb prints are now being used at entry and exit points. Vast majority are in the system and those that aren't can be done at next immigration visit. Pink ID I remember having to give thumb print anyway.

So simple machine in every immigration office tap TM 28 supply details add thumb or finger print.

Or Tap tm30 or 90day report same all done simple as.

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43 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Well today i picked up my yellow book and pink card,and just to double check the wife asked the lady in charge ,did she mean it when she said about us all having them ,she replied that they  have been informed that the govt are discussing it and that she believes that anyone living here over 6 months ,will need one in the near future.

dont shoot the messanger ,i am just repeating what my wife said ,and before anyone goes on about WE don't understand ,that our other half don't pass on the right message ,my wife lived and worked in the UK for many years and speaks and passes messages on perfectly .

anyway just repeating what was said.

Yes, thank's for the update.


In principal I don't have a problem with that. The process would have to change of course, but a simpler and more consistent system for more permanent expats by using a yellow book and (chipped) foreigner ID card (that contained personal details and visa/extension status) would, I think, make life easier for all of us, especially if it also removed issues like the TM28, TM30 and 90 day reports that are causing (some of) us so many problems at the moment.

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3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

Yes, thank's for the update.


In principal I don't have a problem with that. The process would have to change of course, but a simpler and more consistent system for more permanent expats by using a yellow book and (chipped) foreigner ID card (that contained personal details and visa/extension status) would, I think, make life easier for all of us, especially if it also removed issues like the TM28, TM30 and 90 day reports that are causing (some of) us so many problems at the moment.

well they did take my thumbprints ,my picture and my blood type .

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