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Drivers of polluting vehicles will be arrested, warns Prayut


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Does Mr. Prayut not think that those who drive old and polluting cars is for the simple reason that they don't have enough money to buy the latest Mitsubishi Pajero model? 

He has never heard of incentives for scrapping and buying new cars?

Edited by zhounan
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More Lip Service to be followed by....No Action by the Police ! 

If they can't be bothered to Patrol the roads and arrest drunk/speeding/light jumping/road rage/no licence holders/no insurance holders/no current tax holders/people not wearing seatbelts/four on a Motorbike/ no number plates ete etc, how can they be expected to take another 'order' seriously ?

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10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

That doesn't bode well for tens of thousands of bus, taxi and songthaew drivers around the country, or is it more hot air coming from his mouth ?

About time too. Bkk red buses are an examples . Vehicle's going up a radiant is an ideal place to catch them.

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10 hours ago, z42 said:

What a ridiculous thing to say, even by his standards.

So are they going to start with those people driving those clapped out old buses from the 80's (or earlier), or stop his deputy taking the RTP plane for short journeys? And are those new Tanks they bought gonna run on fresh air or what?


Or how about make his motorcades shorter by 5 cars or so. They are super excessive over here.

I can't see any reason why the Bkk red buses can't be replaced with electric driven buses.This would surely reduce pollution as well as noise.

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10 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

Great idea. Take polluting vehicles off the road and Bangkoks traffic problem is solved overnight.


Noisy motor cycles and cars are also big polluters . They should go through a road test every year similar to the UK.Every road vehicle over one year old must go though a ministry of transport test

(MOT) to be able to road tax the vehicles. If Thailand had a simular road test it would be ideal.

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Don't all the road users - except for bicycles and possibly electric bikes/cars - cause pollution? Arrest them all?


Look what happened to the ban on people sitting in the back of pick-up tracks. That worked out well.


Another pie in the sky idea like most things that come out of his mouth.


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57 minutes ago, Percy P said:

I can't see any reason why the Bkk red buses can't be replaced with electric driven buses.This would surely reduce pollution as well as noise.

Because that costs money. The people who want to pocket the tax money that can be saved by not spending it on modern buses would never dream of using a bus in their life anyway. A more arrogant, ignorant group of people are hard to find in this world, but they do exist in some other countries too, typically banana republics.

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I Live in Udon and one of the biggest disgraces is on display in the middle of town. Just outside Central Plaza, if you go out the front and main entrance, make a left and walk towards the train station, on the left side of the road there is a small cesspool which is supposed to be a drainage system for water. It is clearly visible from the sidewalk. The water from this drainage is filthy and reeks of an ordor so strong it sickens your gut as you walk past. The tragedy is that people sell food well within sniffing ditance of this cesspool. I cannot, for the life of me contemplate how people could eat near such a smell. No tourist would ever want to walk by this disaster two times. Foreigners must shake their heads at the filth. How can the locals overlook this wart on the face of the city. It is in an area where most people visiting Udon would walk.


This is but one small example, but filth like this  adds up and seems to be accepted. It makes Thailand look like a third world country. I hope and pray the tide will literally turn and we can safely breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this awareness from PM is a start or do I have to wait until Bill Gates sees it?

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Drivers of polluting vehicles will be arrested, warns Prayut

As ALL vehicles are polluting, ALL drivers will be arrested ????

Ha, finally it is gonna be safe on Thai roads! Only bikes and steps and buffalo's...

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Just now, JulesMad said:

As ALL vehicles are polluting, ALL drivers will be arrested ????

Ha, finally it is gonna be safe on Thai roads! Only bikes and steps and buffalo's...



buffaloes fart big!

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7 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Laws are enacted by the National Legislative Assembly and Prayut needs to respect its authority in accordance to the Constitution.

As long as you remember what Prayuth said about himself the constitution during his oath.

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29 minutes ago, jingjai9 said:

I Live in Udon and one of the biggest disgraces is on display in the middle of town. Just outside Central Plaza, if you go out the front and main entrance, make a left and walk towards the train station, on the left side of the road there is a small cesspool which is supposed to be a drainage system for water. It is clearly visible from the sidewalk. The water from this drainage is filthy and reeks of an ordor so strong it sickens your gut as you walk past. The tragedy is that people sell food well within sniffing ditance of this cesspool. I cannot, for the life of me contemplate how people could eat near such a smell. No tourist would ever want to walk by this disaster two times. Foreigners must shake their heads at the filth. How can the locals overlook this wart on the face of the city. It is in an area where most people visiting Udon would walk.


This is but one small example, but filth like this  adds up and seems to be accepted. It makes Thailand look like a third world country. I hope and pray the tide will literally turn and we can safely breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this awareness from PM is a start or do I have to wait until Bill Gates sees it?

You are describing what most of Thailand and especially Bangkok and especially the klongs used to smell like 30 years ago!

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4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

You are describing what most of Thailand and especially Bangkok and especially the klongs used to smell like 30 years ago!

They still smell the same today! some have been covered over though so you only get the smell at the open covers! 

Chaing Mai is also a stinking city now - disgusting!

I know exactly where the OP is referring too, problem is its is very shallow so little water movement - disgusting!

I rarely sit outside to eat in Thailand anymore, just the general pollution is bad enough, throw in open sewers, noise and polluting traffic - better off inside in AC.

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I strongly believe, just another fake crack down. 

do you remember the story from the motorcycle on the sidewalk?

Who reports will be rewarded. Nothing happened. Never got a single Baht.

All I see is fake, fake and fake.

Otherwise, they would take out hundred thousands of cars.

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13 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

Great idea. Take polluting vehicles off the road and Bangkoks traffic problem is solved overnight.


Lock the drivers up for 2 days, after that continue driving the old cars again ...

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1 hour ago, CGW said:


I rarely sit outside to eat in Thailand anymore, just the general pollution is bad enough, throw in open sewers, noise and polluting traffic - better off inside in AC.

That’s another reason we’re leaving. What kind of life do you have when it’s too unhealthy to sit outside? Not a good one.


We now live with multiple air purifiers on in our condo to keep the air clean. The pollution is so bad that anytime it falls under 100 it’s considered a good day. WHO says anything over 50 is unhealthy and those days are few and far between now.

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4 hours ago, zhounan said:

Does Mr. Prayut not think that those who drive old and polluting cars is for the simple reason that they don't have enough money to buy the latest Mitsubishi Pajero model? 

He has never heard of incentives for scrapping and buying new cars?

Of course not. Whatever education he does have is still garbage.

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13 hours ago, bangkokfrog said:

The same as they arrest drivers of speeding buses and passenger vans, overloaded and poorly maintained trucks, pickups with dozens in the tray, etc. etc. I am sure this time the PM's instructions will be followed (NOT). 

but THEY WILL he HAS SAID all WILL BE ARRESTED...and I will win the NEXT LOTTERY....i have told myself.....ohh wait I am not the big boss ....!!!

They (Police) dont even stop M/ bikes with no rear number plate do they??

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13 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a great way to start my day, reading another load of nonsense from the master story teller.:cheesy::cheesy:

Does he not understand how ridiculous he makes himself making comments like that?

If that ever happens it would solve the congestion problems in Bangkok, as there would be very few buses and trucks left on the roads.

You’re quite right, but politicians who are not properly challenged nor have a light held up to their ridiculous mantras tend to keep on getting away with increasingly nonsensical statements to the point where they believe their  own twaddle and get angry when exposed. See what would happen if a politician faced Question Time in an open Western democracy after having come up with that. 

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Not easy to tackle. If you think what others try to fight pollution:

Exhaust measuring (loads of different figures)


Badge on your number plate for passing pollution-test, clearly readable, valid for two years


Environmental-zones in every city. Enter only EURO 5 and EURO 6 engines with green badge on windscreen (also for Trucks, Busses, Taxis, Vans...)Umweltplakette-Fakten-Pflichten-Strafen-1080x675.jpg.0a2a95d8b3dcf6510195f13b82bd5c54.jpg



AdBlue pump nozzle at all diesel stationsadblue-bild.JPGAdBlue-Zapfhahn-an-Total-Tankstelle-474x316-14c439bbeaf1026a.jpg.3cb1ef32b3436782a7a8f90d09402fd2.jpg

PM 2,5 filters on heavy-traffic roads


Fuel-cell busses


Long way to go Thailand....

Edited by jackinthebox
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16 hours ago, webfact said:

General Prayut Chan-o-cha said drivers of vehicles emitting pollution will be arrested

So, that's why they build that huge prison camp (for 250.000 inmates) between Prakhonchai and Buriram, first thought in was for TM30 offenders.

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OK, here's the deal:  All of the posters on this thread save their dashcam videos and send them to the department responsible for arresting offenders.  I have two from today that I would contribute.


Actually, maybe we should start a thread just for this and mail them the link.

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It is factories in industrial areas to the South.

It is farmers to the North and neighbouring countries.

In terms of the health of the people and the economy of the country, this is one of the gravest problems facing Thailand. Airborne pollution shortens Thai lives by four years on average , causes great suffering and misery, puts strains on the public health service budget.

Airborn affects hits the tourist industry, which is 20% of GDP. Particularly hard hit is the North.

Social media is stirring up the people and turning away the tourists. This reaction grows every day.


Of course words and plans have consequences. Pollution control, the environment, bio-diversity...the planet and its people... are these days near the top of most governments' goals and strategies. Governments are accountable to the people and they attend all these international conferences as well.

Could the journalist report a little more on which branch of the executive is tasked with implementing this plan and do they have the budget?

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