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Terminal 21 - A VERY cool looking Pattaya Mall!


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29 minutes ago, Leaver said:

Which makes it a perfect place to sit and drink your can of Coke that you and your friends bought in a nearby 7/11.  ????

No need. 7/11s are air conditioned. Food available too. Try their spagetti carbonara, as good as anything in T21 food mall.

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12 minutes ago, Jaxxper said:

Yeah I think it’s a cool mall as malls go. Picture 3 looks like my wife getting ready to load the car up with her suitcases for a three day weekend away. 555

Pretty funny comment ????  That's why I like the place.  It's hard for it to not bring a smile to your face, unless you're just an unhappy person by nature.  Of course, maybe it's just me, the person being accused here of being a "fun guy".

Edited by WaveHunter
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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

Better watch out, or one of the members on this thread will accuse you of being one of those "fun guys" LOL ????

Suggestion for double the fun bring your new friend BKK6060 for ur next 0,50 bht food court mall visit. You guys will easily blend in with those statues.

Edited by Destiny1990
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2 hours ago, DEKEM said:

There is a control button for moving the spray, water pressure, heat etc. After using a butt shower you won't want to go manual anymore.


I always wanted to try. But then I ask myself how hygienic this system might be if used by many people. Does anybody know if this is really clean? 

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6 hours ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Why do you keep using the word 'fun' in describing a mall? Take it you are American?

     Get with the program.  With internet shopping becoming more and more popular, a mall wanting to survive better be targeting 'fun' to get people to make a trip to the mall these days.  

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14 minutes ago, newnative said:


T21, itself, has been the catalyst for a wonderful rejuvenation of that whole area of Pattaya.  Lots of businesses stepped up their game while T21 was being constructed and that continues.  Just drove by today and saw some more smaller buildings that had been eyesores being fixed up.  The result is a vibrant, lively area that is attracting lots of people.

Can you imagine how many open air bars they could have built there?! What a waste of space ????

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6 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Recently I saw an article with photos of deserted/dying down malls in the US.

Will Amazon et.al. kill them too?

   I think there will always be a place for malls.  People need a place to congregate, be seen, and socialize.  Churches used to serve that function.  Malls are closing in America simply because there are way too many of them.  

   I used to live in one of the richest counties in America and we had one of the biggest and most successful malls in America.  It expanded twice while I lived there.  Success supposedly breeds success so what happened?  A giant second mall was built right across the street from the first mall.  Did we need a second mall right across the street?  Of course not.  The mall closings will get America back to the smaller number of malls it should have had in the first place.  

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5 hours ago, DEKEM said:

There is a control button for moving the spray, water pressure, heat etc. After using a butt shower you won't want to go manual anymore.

butt shower.jpg

Bought last month similar one in baan & beyond ... love it ????


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10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

No wonder the economy is bad - who comes to Thailand and goes into a shop selling Ultra Warm clothes ? 

My wife and her sister and other of my Thai friends who will be leaving for Japan in December and have visited  countries like China, Italy, Greece, NYC USA , Germany , ect.

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3 hours ago, newnative said:

   I think there will always be a place for malls.  People need a place to congregate, be seen, and socialize.  Churches used to serve that function.  Malls are closing in America simply because there are way too many of them.  

   I used to live in one of the richest counties in America and we had one of the biggest and most successful malls in America.  It expanded twice while I lived there.  Success supposedly breeds success so what happened?  A giant second mall was built right across the street from the first mall.  Did we need a second mall right across the street?  Of course not.  The mall closings will get America back to the smaller number of malls it should have had in the first place.  

I have been told that it;s not the number of malls  in the US that are causing the closings but rather online shopping like Amazon, Ebay, ect. People in the US would rather use the internet than go out to shop. The largest mall in the US is the Mall of America in Minniapolis and it's half the size of Central World, Icon Siam and several other  Thai malls. Plus with the bad weather in many states in winter people are not going to drive to malls and many of the anchor stores like Sears and Target are closing.

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39 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

I have been told that it;s not the number of malls  in the US that are causing the closings but rather online shopping like Amazon, Ebay, ect. People in the US would rather use the internet than go out to shop. The largest mall in the US is the Mall of America in Minniapolis and it's half the size of Central World, Icon Siam and several other  Thai malls. Plus with the bad weather in many states in winter people are not going to drive to malls and many of the anchor stores like Sears and Target are closing.

   Well, yes, of course on-line shopping is driving the closings--both of malls and chain stores.  The point I was making is America had, and still has, too many malls in the first place.  

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I was there in August.  Did a walk through it two different times.  I don't go to Pattaya for Malls but it was a nice break.  What I did like was the walking store on one of the lower levels that had a pretty large selection of Keen walking sandals.  The sale prices made the cost comparable to what I see here in the USA.   Everything else was clean and neat, but I would not say awe inspiring.  Frankly, I would have preferred they left the KISS restaurant there.  But over the years Pattaya keeps building things and I have no control over that.  I do miss the smaller city feel the place had say in 2004 time frame.  The Big C, Carre 4 (better variety), Garden Mall was fine with me.  The Avenue was a disaster.  Central Festival, well, it is what it is.  I don't

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11 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

C'mon!  This was meant to just be a fun, off-the-cuff, FRIENDLY post...wild and crazy just means I was impressed by the mall's creative and fun design.  No need to be so critical ???? 


Jees!  Sometimes people on this forum acts like they got a stick up their *ss.  Loosen up, enjoy life!  Not aimed at you specifically Jingthing, just those who seem to never have a positive thing to say about anything, of which there are many on this forum.  This is supposed to be a fun place.


I have plenty of of good things to say about Thailand but getting hysterical about these vacuous cathedrals of commerce would not be included. They represent so much of what is bad about Thailand. Corrupt unwanted vanity projects, selling over inflated designer labels,  built by people who are unable to shop there and in all likelihood forbidden from entering. Truly horrible designs and simply not needed. I think that if the only thing that visitors can find to praise in Thailand is shopping centres then it is sad. 

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5 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

What level is the food court and does it serve only Thai dishes ?

Upper levels.  not a food court like you see in Big C on Pattaya Klang.  All separate establishments along the wall.  Indian, burgers, Sushi, all sorts of stuff.

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15 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

No need. 7/11s are air conditioned. Food available too. Try their spagetti carbonara, as good as anything in T21 food mall.

I didn't know you could sit inside them.  I usually sit in the gutter out the front.  ????

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12 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

And to think people were only coming for the beaches and temples, the new shopping mall will surely save the tourism industry.

It doesn't need saving....except in the minds of the serial pessimists around here.

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