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I recently moved to a home and started a garden in Phuket but the plants keep getting holes in them. My mother in law said it was from snails but I don't see any snails around. On the other hand, I see these centipede or caterpillar things (or what is it?) all over the garden. I think they are surely the culprits. Can anyone suggest me how to safely and effectively repel these pests? We don't want to use a tooooo toxic substance because we are growing veggies etc. It is devastating the garden.




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I'm also in Phuket. Right now, my morning glories are infested with 'golden tortoise beetles' & some very similar-looking  beetles, though in different colors (green or black), they do make some small holes (2 to 3 mm), that could your problem... not the pictured caterpillar...



Probably due to caterpillars if there is extensive damage. A lot of the time I can't see any caterpillars but can see small dots of caterpillar c$@p on the surface under the plant. I use cypermethrin to get rid of them.


We also have loads of these around our village. They seem to be caterpillars rather than centipedes as they are totally non aggressive. You can't see the head too well in the pic but there is no stinger. Only about 2 cm long. Cannot find a picture of anything like them searching for centipedes online.


Look like millipedes to me. Not harmful to humans and do not eat live plants. I use Carbosulphan, but on saplings (not vegetables).

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On 10/27/2019 at 4:10 AM, worgeordie said:

That's a picture of a Centipede,they don't eat plants,only other insects,

the holes in the plants will be caused by snails,which may only come

out at night and that's why you don't see them.I heard a small tray of

beer can kill snails,they crawl into it get drunk and drown.drink the rest

of the bottle yourself.

regards worgeordie

yep beer works a treat ???? you can also go out at night with a torch and go snailing ... if you have a tragic life like I do.

  • Haha 2

Sure looks like a millipede to me and I very much doubt its a centipede.  You can check by putting one in your mother in law's shoes, if she screams in pain it is certainly not a millipede!


As to the topic, I suspect snails and yes a beer trap works well but for 100% effectiveness  employ two blocks of wood ????????


     Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment (total of two legs per segment). Millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment (four legs per segment). Blowing up the photo, it looks like a millipede to me, but hard to tell. Possibly a caterpillar, but they don't normally have consistently shaped legs the length of the entire body. My vote is millipede. I like the idea of putting in the mother in-law's shoe for confirmation.

     Leafcutter bees will also cut circular holes in leaves and fly away with them. It would help to see a photo of the damage.


Doesn't look worrying except the last one.  It looks like caterpillar damage but you can't be sure without seeing them. You could try glue trap or going at night or very early morning check if you see anything. 


Today I found that snails do damage that looks like yours on my Chinese cabbage. They hide under the leaves. I'm not worried so no action was taken in my case. 







On 10/28/2019 at 5:45 PM, Tropposurfer said:

yep beer works a treat ???? you can also go out at night with a torch and go snailing ... if you have a tragic life like I do.

Okay, I get it. Drink copious quantities of beer and go pest hunting all night. Certainly saves money over going to a local bar.


The neighbors, rightfully believing you to be batsh1t crazy will also leave you alone and keep their doors locked and kids inside. Win win situation.



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