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Pelosi says Trump has admitted to bribery as impeachment probe intensifies

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2 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Gosh maybe someone should ask the Ukrainian President how he see's it, and ask the Ukrainian Prosecutor why he was fired. Oh I'm sorry they have asked them. He didn't even know any funds were being held up, and the Prosecutor said he was fired over Biden and he said so under oath. And Nancy Pelosi is not God her pronouncements carry no weight, she also accused the President of being a Russian operative, remember? You forgot? You believe her? Despite the Mueller report right? 


None of these people care and are not objective at all. These same people have been all-in on getting rid of Trump since day one and they do not care how. Legalities, Slander, Public Opinion, you name it they have no boundaries and are setting precedent after precedent for future investigations into Democrat presidents. 

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6 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Gosh maybe someone should ask the Ukrainian President how he see's it, and ask the Ukrainian Prosecutor why he was fired. Oh I'm sorry they have asked them. He didn't even know any funds were being held up, and the Prosecutor said he was fired over Biden and he said so under oath. And Nancy Pelosi is not God her pronouncements carry no weight, she also accused the President of being a Russian operative, remember? You forgot? You believe her? Despite the Mueller report right? 

Gosh maybe someone should. So the question is, why aren't the Republicans doing just that? They're not asking the fired prosecutor for his testimony. He's not on their requested witness list. Why do you think that is?

As for the President of the Ukraine, I guess we should take him at his word. After all, it's not like when Trump gets contradicted he explodes with anger and threats.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

She is the most powerful woman in American history. The democrats and the American people are very lucky to have her during these dark times.


Most people see her as a career politician who lies like the rest of them. 

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Just now, Skallywag said:

Even Fox news is starting to sound a bit worried.  Just heard them say 'Democrats are refusing to give up on this impeachment" 

After just one day of public testimony Fox news is dumbfounded that the Democrats have not "given up" hahaha


I don't think anyone thinks the left is gonna give up. This is their 2020 political strategy. 

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49 minutes ago, Sujo said:

I dont recall trump turning up to muellers office for a chat. Perhaps you could provide a link.

No subpoena was made. I wonder why. Mueller had nothing. Found nothing. He said so. He said NO CONSPIRACY. Is that not clear? He likewise did not say that he found Obstruction, and negative phrasings still do not find obstruction. such as I could not find lack of obstruction. It works like this, innocent until proven guilty in the USA. Two years, and Democrats praised the guy as God every day until he dropped his report.

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16 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Those 'facts' have been debunked time and time again.

On top of that, it is off topic. 

The debunked line is repeated over and over on MSNBC and CNN, but in truth nothing has been debunked. None of those facts are debunkable. They are what they are...but I know you will say I am wrong.. So OK...we will revisit this in the FUTURE.....and we will see...what happened. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, really people should simply IGNORE the 45 propaganda brigade that insists on diversion and process whining because that's all they have. If they have any FACTS BASED arguments in support of the charges against 45 (bribery, obstruction of congress) let's hear it.  

Time will tell

  • Haha 2
16 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I will try and break this down into a few sentences for those who cannot be interested in reading line upon line of garbage.......


If the house finds that trump should be impeached on the Ukraine or other "misdemeanours", irrespective of his other failings of theft, lying to the public and Congress and so on, then the recommendation for impeachment will go to the Senate.


Because the Senate has a Republican majority and these folk do not want to get offside with this scumbag, mainly because they want to keep their jobs and because they are looking after their own interests, irrespective of what is in the best interests of the country, they will not allow impeachment to proceed.


There you go, and this from someone who is not involved with American politics, but who holds in high esteem the values of; honesty, truth, integrity, doing what is right by people, looking after others' interests and following the laws of the land..........so you can see why I'm not a trump supporter!

agree, the same scumbags that criticized him while he was campaigning  in 2015-16 (prior to election) the majority of Reps (Senate, Congress and so forth, all, one way or another, criticized Trump, saying he was unfit for the job and so many other negative comments that's hard to remember all of them, so far only Romney and (Good has his soul) McCain kept the same attitude towards Trump all the other scumbags from the Rep party bent over to Trump

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16 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

No, the President doesn't get to do whatever he wants. He is bound by laws. And he doesn't get to use a party who specifically said, as Giuliani did. that he was acting to defend the president as his personal attorney.

And your comment about withholding the funds is utterly wrong.  

"At a July 26 meeting, the day following Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Cooper said that "it was stated very clearly" that the interruption of aid was related to Trump's desire for a corruption investigation, and that "deputies began to raise concerns about how this could be done in a legal fashion."

There were "only two legally available options" to freeze the aid, she testified: the Department of Defense needed to complete "a reprogramming action," or Trump had to submit a rescission notice to Congress. In either case, congressional notification is necessary, which "did not occur."



And your tedious repetition of the fact that Joe Biden threatened to withhold funds if the prosecutor wasnt' fired,ignores the fact that not only was the official United States policy, but also the EU, and the IMF. It was also in line with what the Ukrainian Parliament wanted. And has been shown time and time again., nobody in a position to know backs up the Shokin's claim that he was investigating Burisma when he was dismissed.

As for the conspiracy theories about the democrats involvement in the Ukraine, they stem from the dubious allegations of a junior Ukrainian diplomat, Andriy Telizhenko.


And no, it wasn't the Steele report that got the ball rolling. It was a report by an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, on what he was told by George Papadopoulos , that started the investigation.



Apart from these minor points, your command of the facts is nearly perfect.



The Ukrainian President has said he was unaware of any hold up of aid. And said he did not feel like anything untoward happened in the call - That is called first hand testimony. Second, the Ukrainian prosecutor has said under oath that he was fired because of Joe Biden regarding Burisma and Hunter. so there you go. Dispute that. Oh and lastly.... time is gonna tell. MAYBE there will be indictments. Maybe lot's of them....wait wait....I know I don't know the future - you are very right.. So let's wait and see! Just like we all waited for the Mueller report!

  • Haha 2
2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Says the person who constantly attacks people and uses euphemisms to describe politicians. 

No further value in engagement. Goodbye.

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Just now, WalkingOrders said:

The Ukrainian President has said he was unaware of any hold up of aid. And said he did not feel like anything untoward happened in the call - That is called first hand testimony. Second, the Ukrainian prosecutor has said under oath that he was fired because of Joe Biden regarding Burisma and Hunter. so there you go. Dispute that. Oh and lastly.... time is gonna tell. MAYBE there will be indictments. Maybe lot's of them....wait wait....I know I don't know the future - you are very right.. So let's wait and see! Just like we all waited for the Mueller report!

Of course he said that, unless you think he can afford to say 'I accepted it, bent over and let him have his way'.

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30 minutes ago, Thainesss said:
32 minutes ago, Becker said:

Ah, the eloquence...:coffee1:


She looks like a drunk person talking through dentures that aren't glued in. 


that's besides the point

28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Personal attacks all you get. Nothing of substance. Sad. 


mocking politicians is fun, all politicians. non partisan, numerous countries.  just look at all the memes out there.

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5 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

exactly like yovanowitch gave false testimony or shifty schiff lying .




Proof about Yovanovitch lying please.


Schiff doesn't really matter as he is a politician. I would be surprised if he didn't lie.

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31 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Mueller very clearly stated his reasons for not seeing the indictment of Trump on the grounds of obstruction of justice. It's because it's the DOJ's policy not to indict a sitting President. He did suggest that there was another avenue to pursue this.


are you sure mueller was disconnected from the respirator long enough for him to say all that?

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

Schiff doesn't really matter as he is a politician. I would be surprised if he didn't lie.


Hes leading the inquiry so it kind of does matter. Hes been lying his ass off for the last few years about Trump non stop yet all of a sudden were supposed to take everything he and the others are saying as fact. 

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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Sondland disagrees:

This from the right-leaning NY Post

A key witness in the House impeachment inquiry has changed his testimony to reveal that he told a ranking Ukrainian official that the country probably would not get nearly $400 million in US military aid unless it announced investigations that President Trump wanted.

In the updated testimony, Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the European Union — and one of the “three amigos” running Trump’s Ukraine policy — said he had discussed the request with Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky at a Sept. 1 meeting between Vice President Pence and Zelensky in Warsaw.



Golly what if the Ukrainian President says he was absolutely unaware of any hold up of any funds, and what if the Ukrainian fired prosecutor is on sworn court testimony that he was fired precisely over Joe Biden and his son regarding his investigation into Burisma.... I mean what if?

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