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Family-Owned Thai Restaurant in Texas Gets Racist ‘Speak English’ Note From Customer


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5 hours ago, malathione said:

Being that so much of Texas is Spanish speaking, I always find these kinda idiots to be especially idiotic. Wonder what the perpetrator would do upon visiting New Braunfels with so many street signs in German.

thais don't manage to learn to say "where are you going?" properly in English. They always say "there you goooo?". And other the most elementary phrases.


And now you them to study Spanish?  ????

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5 hours ago, zydeco said:

Could easily be a hoax. Free publicity already achieved. Not to mention sympathy patronage soon coming up.

First responce and already winning the award for dumbest responce.


Pretty sure you are one of those "only-in-thailand- guys. Only Thai are racists. In the US they not excists.

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1 hour ago, jingjai9 said:

What are the Thai restaurants like in your country? The ones I have been to in my country employ only Thai people. Some hire students who are not supposed to work. They break as many rules as foreigners are caught breaking here in Thailand.


In the Thai restaurant in my home town in the UK, the chef and the owner are both Phiilpino.

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2 minutes ago, Myran said:

Wouldn't be the first time the "racist note at a restaurant" turned out to be fake. There's tons of previous examples.





And why wouldn't a Thai person be able to write that note? Maybe you should take a look at your own preconceived notions about Thai people.


Myran, it's just common sense -- look at the circumstances and look at the note. It seems that your extreme negative attitude toward Thais (so common

on this forum) is clouding you sense of reason. It has nothing to do with whether a Thai COULD write that note, it's all about WOULD a Thai write that note.


After 32 years in Asia, I have no preconceived notions about Thai people or any other people, thank you very much!

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5 minutes ago, merial idiot said:

thais don't manage to learn to say "where are you going?" properly in English. They always say "there you goooo?". And other the most elementary phrases.


And now you them to study Spanish?  ????

I think you need to work on your English comprehension being that I have not said that.

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32 minutes ago, dcnx said:



I hope the customer called immigration to have them check to make sure everyone there is legal. I might email them myself just to be sure. This goes both ways.


And yes, they should speak English if they are going to live and do business in the US. I learned their useless ugly language and studied my ass off to be good at it. 


You hope the customer called immigration because the staff spoke in a language other than English?

You think anyone speaking another language may be illegal? I speak several languages besides English,

what the holy hell is wrong with that? Such primitive, uncivilized thinking.


The most disgusting racist ideas -- this is the filthy side of American society. What happened to 200

years of the American melting pot that made our country great in the first place. These kinds of ideas

are what makes the political divide in the U.S. today so toxic, so utterly inhuman.

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23 minutes ago, Myran said:

Wouldn't be the first time the "racist note at a restaurant" turned out to be fake. There's tons of previous examples.





And why wouldn't a Thai person be able to write that note? Maybe you should take a look at your own preconceived notions about Thai people.

Everyone has CCTV installed now in restaurants and shops, especially in the USA. They would have this customer on camera if he actually existed. 

And if by some freak chance they don’t have CCTV, they should probably stop being cheap Charlies and get one. I hope they are double charged for it.

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3 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

Just someone she-it stirring! Considering half that part of the country are of Mexican origin I  wouldn't rush to judgement.  


I quite agree with you, Grumpy John.


I can't wait to see what all the white-supremacists are going to do when whites become a minority in about 15-20 years.

They'll be like a bunch of rats scurrying for shelter... hahaha. I want to be there!


That reminds me of a red-neck recently accusing a native American (so-called Indian) of being illegal, and telling him to go

back where he came from. The red-neck was so clueless, he lacked the mental capacity to comprehend that if everyone

went back where they came from, only the native Americans would be left in the U.S. -- no whites!!!


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8 minutes ago, BradinAsia said:


You hope the customer called immigration because the staff spoke in a language other than English?

You think anyone speaking another language may be illegal? I speak several languages besides English,

what the holy hell is wrong with that? Such primitive, uncivilized thinking.


The most disgusting racist ideas -- this is the filthy side of American society. What happened to 200

years of the American melting pot that made our country great in the first place. These kinds of ideas

are what makes the political divide in the U.S. today so toxic, so utterly inhuman.

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, is it?


I specifically said to make sure they were legal. As in physically there legally, as many foreign restaurant workers are not. Thais are notorious for this.


If they are there illegally, arrest and deport them. 

That’s obviously too difficult for you to process, hence the fact you’re living in Thailand.

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36 minutes ago, BradinAsia said:


Having been a linguist my entire career, I've got to call you out on your post. Claiming that you "studied your ass off" to learn a "useless ugly language" is a bald-faced

admission and proof positive that you are not telling the truth here.



Thai is among the ugliest languages I’ve ever heard, but this is common for South East Asian languages. They sound horrible. However, it was useful for business so I learned it. 


I can speak, read, and write Thai at a business professional level. I can also speak basic Khmer and Burmese. That’s what 20 years in the region will do for you if you apply yourself. Schools, private tutors, all of it. 


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5 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

But you still meet a lot of people who can't even order a noodle soup in Thai after living here for many moons.....

What would be in the news if a Thai would write such a note about foreigners living in LOS? 


These are the people who usually call Thais idiots, not knowing who the real idiot is. 


Is it possible that the author of the napkin note is a member of KKK?



Living in a country vs running a business that caters to everyone in another country are two totally different things.

The author of the note is probably someone who is tired of struggling to communicate when trying to order food. It’s happened to me in the US on multiple occasions. 



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18 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Reminds me of some foreigners here in Thailand that demand Thais  speak English. More racists foreigners in Thailand than many would like to admit.

You know it’s entirely possible to simply dislike stupid people from all walks of life. Since we are in Thailand and they are very poorly educated and they do some of the mind boggling, ignorant things we’ve ever seen, it’s easy to clown on them and give them a hard time. That doesn’t mean everyone is a racist towards them. You can like them, marry them, date them, work with them, employ them, befriend them, and still think they are generally ungodly ignorant. 

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4 hours ago, ilms said:

It could also be that the staff were speaking to each other in Thai and a customer didn't like that for whatever reason.

I'm guessing you're absolutely correct. If they couldn't speak English how could they take orders? The jerk no doubt heard staff speaking in Thai, got his (or her) panties in a bunch because he (or she) is a "gawd dayum 'Merican" and can't stand "furriners" (except maybe their food).

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19 minutes ago, dcnx said:

You know it’s entirely possible to simply dislike stupid people from all walks of life. Since we are in Thailand and they are very poorly educated and they do some of the mind boggling, ignorant things we’ve ever seen, it’s easy to clown on them and give them a hard time. That doesn’t mean everyone is a racist towards them. You can like them, marry them, date them, work with them, employ them, befriend them, and still think they are generally ungodly ignorant. 


In all my years in Thailand beginning in May 1960, the most ungodly ignorant folks I met there were nearly all farangs. And I might add, the most uncouth.

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6 hours ago, HeyHeyHey said:

To open a business in Thailand you must give 51% control to a Thai


For each work permit you must employ 4 Thais


but someone frustrated that nobody in an American business can speak English is racist?

Wrong !  You don't have to employ 4 Thais for getting a work permit.

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6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I'll probably catch hell for this, but in a way I tend to agree with the sentiments of the note. I learned very quickly that to truly get by in Thailand I had to learn the language. If you are living in a country whose language is different than your own, it pays to learn it. 

But not learn the language or go back to where you came from...

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1 hour ago, cheapcanuck said:

It is what you call a Xenophobic message. A hatered of all foreigners. Its a mild form of racism, if you can call it that.

Message was ....... learn to speak English.

So you think only Americans speak English?

And all Americans have white skin?

Edited by BritManToo
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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The fact that this is news, indicate that this sort of thing is actually quite rare. I don't think it would have been news 20 or 30 years ago.

I fear this is part of the right wing nationalism we see in many nations. My take is that the working middle class in many nations are reacting emotionally against the economic stress (joining the stress long experienced by the poor).

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7 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

They wrote the correct 'you're', as opposed to the incorrect 'your', so yes, I doubt an American wrote it. 

      But there is an incorrect capital 'S' in the word 'speak' , so maybe it was written by an American ???

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