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Well, it had to happen, so here it is, 




An annual event

To find the best member


Runs every December


Runners prepare,

While voters ponder

Who will it be?

This year I wonder


Reputations are ruined

Integrity is missing

As canvassing starts

Amid all the hissing


Egos are huge

And promises are broken

As empty words

And lies are spoken


It’s all about winning

Or so they say

Put your cross here

On polling day


Alliances are made

Deals are done

Money is lost

And trust is won


May the best member win

Let’s all have some fun

That’s what it’s about

When all said and done


And if you are thinking

Where your vote should go

The answer is simple






Edited by geronimo
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Despite the huge protest calling for an end to the constant flow of poems, here's another one ... tee hee ...


Mother nature and Man


Mother nature is awesome

she keeps things in line

the delicate chain

has always been fine


Things went well

for millions of years

then along came man

and mother nature's tears


for man was a learner

knowledge he craved

the more he got

the worse he behaved


he lusted her treasures

minerals and gold

now he rapes her

man is that bold


The time is approaching

when resources will dry

Mother will be angry

man will soon cry


For mother is power

heartless too

if you mess up the balance

she will remove you


the problem you see

is rather compounding

all of our knowledge

is really astounding


what would take

a month or a week

is now finished

before we can speak


raising forests

sucking up the ore

bleeding the oil

down to the core


mother is clever

but we are too fast

she can never repair

what we did in the past


so then comes my question,

what can we do?

Not a great deal

neither me nor you!






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and with New Year Approaching ......


New Year


It comes but once a year, at the end of December

A time of goodwill as I remember,

We raise our glasses in joyous celebration

As fireworks go off across the nation.


New Year resolutions are always good

We promise to do the things that we should,

See out the old and in with the new

Auld lang syne with a drink or two.


The following morning, the hangover arrives,

Then comes the nightmare as we look at our wives

It’s then that we wish we were a bit freer

As we raise our glasses  “Happy New Mia”



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This one's for Trans ......




Now there’s a subject

Close to my heart

Engines and clutches

And that’s just the start


A Porsche is a racer

It gleams and it glows

Gripping the road

Wherever it goes


A Jag is so cool

So streamlined and fast

Give him a wave

As he speeds on past


A Volvo is safe

That’s what they say

Made is Sweden

Or is it Norway


A Ford is another

That has a good name

I wonder if Henry

Enjoyed all the fame


A Peugeot is French

It’s small and it’s quick

If it gives you a problem

Just give it a kick


A Rover is British

Down to the bone

Leather interior

Equipped with a phone


A Toyota is fine

Good value for money

You can buy a Vios

For less than a Sunny


Hondas are classy

Full options inside

Relax in comfort

As you pilot your ride


Ferraris are awesome

The power, the speed

If you’ve got the money

It’s all you could need


A Mazda is marvelous

So much room

Drive it around

Zoom zoom, zoom, zoom


The Mini is classic

Been there for years

Careful my boy

Don’t crunch the gears


Mitsubishi and Nissan

You won’t need your maps

GPS is standard

Clever, those Japs


A Pick Up is good

For moving your gear

Load it all up

Let’s get out of here


A Chevy is stylish

Rugged and tough

Made is the US

As if that ain’t enough


A Cadillac is cruising

If you have the dosh

Gliding around

Feeling so posh


A Rolls Royce is regal

The ultimate ride

You might be invited

If you’re a King or a bride


So what’s the attraction

With all of these makes

Sending you mobile

That’s all that it takes




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and we all tell little white lies .......




Why do we tell them?

These things called lies

There are many reasons

We try to disguise


The truth from others

To save some distress

Or cover up our actions

As we try to impress


Your friend has a haircut

You say she looks smart

Yet really you think

She looks like a tart!


So let’s try to analyse

To come up with the facts

One reason we lie

Is to cover our tracks


You fart in the kitchen

Knocks everyone flat

Instead of owning up

You blame the poor cat!


You’re late for work

A heavy night again

But what do you say?

A breakdown on the train


We tell our children

“Lie and you’ll get yours”

Yet we make them believe

In Santa Claus!


A boy asks you out

You tell him you are sick

But the real reason is

You think he’s a <deleted>


Untruths have a way

Of catching up with you

So you’d better beware

If it isn’t true


So back to the question

Why do we lie?

Perhaps we are crooked

Take advantage we try


Maybe we want

To save someone’s feelings

And make them feel better

By concealing our dealings


Or could it just be

That we are plain rotten

Trying to protect

Gains that are ill gotten

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9 minutes ago, geronimo said:

and with New Year Approaching ......


New Year


It comes but once a year, at the end of December

A time of goodwill as I remember,

We raise our glasses in joyous celebration

As fireworks go off across the nation.


New Year resolutions are always good

We promise to do the things that we should,

See out the old and in with the new

Auld lang syne with a drink or two.


The following morning, the hangover arrives,

Then comes the nightmare as we look at our wives

It’s then that we wish we were a bit freer

As we raise our glasses  “Happy New Mia”



Don't like the last verse !


The following morning the realisation arrives

We are so lucky to have great Thai wives.

It's then that while the years that past

Will continue together and ever last.




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and for all the sports fans .......




Soccer is global

we all love to play

Passing and shooting

Its match of the day


Golf is a cool one

Down on the tee

Drivers and putters

A birdie for three


Boxing is brutal

Of that there’s no doubt

One good right hook

And it’s the end of the bout


Tennis is awesome

The serve and the slice

Miss matchpoint

And you might pay the price


Weightlifting is hard

The clean and jerk

Bulging veins

Aren’t the only perk


Basketball is awesome

So tall as they play

Speed is the essence

Some might say


Snooker is gentle

Not much to do

Potting the colours

Breaking your cue


Squash is for grafters

It’s grueling to try

Hitting the ball

If you have a good eye


Archery penetrates

The arrow flies true

Bows are a quivering

It might hit you



Skiing is scary

Whizz down the hill

Slalom and jumping

Wow what a skill


Wrestling is silly

Headlocks and throws

Back breaking stuff

Eating your toes


Horse racing is pressing

With hurdles abound

He surges ahead

Then falls to the ground




















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Damn Geronimo ya want it bad.....let me......



To find the Thai girl with chicken clawed feet 

Who I can woo

In the goo

behind the dumpster

down Soi 13!


Wake and bake dude.




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And here's one for all the guys .......


The opposite sex


The female form is a wonder to me

Fluttering eyelashes and made up faces

Curves and bumps

In all the right places


They like to say No

When they really mean yes

What are they thinking?

That’s anyone’s guess


They tell you that you can’t

When they really mean you can

If you listened to them

You wouldn’t be a man


Ladies are lovely

Girls are great

Females are fantastic

Well worth the wait


They love to go shopping

And buy lots of things

Clothing and bracelets

And diamond rings


Shampoos and lotions

To make them all smell good

And if that doesn’t work

It bloody well should!


A ring will make her squeal

A shiny little stone

And if it’s a few carats

You’re guaranteed a moan!


Females can be funny

Angry and tense

But they all have a common factor

They make no sense!

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to celebrate the fact that we're all different  ....



The same


How would it be,

if we were all the same?

I know one thing for sure

no one could proclaim


to know anymore

than the other

so why have a father

or even a mother


The things we were taught

the values we hold

are all a result

of things we were told


The same cannot be

we are all on a ride

where does yours go?

Only you can decide


So when you feel good

and all can be done

think not of the loss

but what you have won!

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Since we are doing poetry, here is one that is more apropos to both back home and Thailand,

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his wife, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

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Some of you may relate to this one ......


Substance Abuse


Substance abuse

Or using stuff,

Can make you feel good

Or pretty rough


Drugs we call them

There’s many around

Some are abundant

Others can’t be found.


Some’ll make you laugh

Others make you cry

Some are quite harmless

Some will make you die!


What about legality?

The law is a joke

You can get legless on whisky

But don’t touch coke





Cigarettes are fine

They help you to relax

Governments promote them

Well look at all that tax!


I’ve tried them all

I guess I have a need

And if I had to choose one

I’d stick with the weed


Being stoned is nice

The world’s a better place

Even work is good

When you’re stoned off your face!


Now acid….. there’s a thing

I’m at one with nature, look at me!

High on blotters

I’m sure I’m a tree


Valium’s a downer

Or call it Tamazepam

Two or three of those

And you won’t give a damn!


Heroin is a no no

Not even a little bit

Once you get on that road

It’s difficult to quit


E is the party drug

It makes you feel so gay

I love it now and then

Hooray for MDMA


Amphetamine or whizz

Can sure create a need

It pumps up your heart

To supersonic speed


It doesn’t make you hungry

Or want to take a nap

You can’t sit still

And your mind is in a flap


Ice is a new one

Ten times as strong as speed

It’ll turbocharge your ticker

Till your kidneys bleed!


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Just found this one .....




Your life is just like a movie,

It passes frame by frame,

Every second that you get

You can never reclaim.


If you laid out a roll of celluloid film

And called it your life

There would millions of frames

Filled with a mixture of pleasure and strife


The Buddhist way is great

Live for the moment taking the good from what you can

And having happy moments

Seems to me to be a good plan


What is a happy life? It must be a string of happy moments,

That we can never get back,

and experiencing the pleasure that being alive brings

then you’re on the right track


Enjoy the early morning bird singing,

The sights and sounds of people going about their day,

And before you know it,

you’ll begin to see your life in a different way


Fill those frames with happiness

Enjoy even the bad,

And if you can do that

A happy life must be had!

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6 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

After much thought and deliberation (actually a few seconds) I wish my name

to be withdrawn from this ...err, mess that is this years POTY.

I cannot compete against posters getting "Likes" for pictures of tits,when I only

have words,let it be known i have nothing against breasts, in fact I am very fond

of them.


This years format is just going on and on,with the same few posters,POTY use

to be fun and funny,there seems very little interest in it considering the number

of members of the forum,the poems were the last straw !


So good luck to all others, in the race for the long run.

Your a better man...or woman than I am Gunga Yinn.

Kind regards Worgeordie


I'm deeply saddened that my odes had something to do with your decision to withdraw ..... shall I delete them?

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30 minutes ago, geronimo said:

I'm deeply saddened that my odes had something to do with your decision to withdraw ..... shall I delete them?

NO, but there were just a few too many,nothing personal.

regards Worgeordie

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2 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

Yes, I thought there were a lot too.

Having said that, I remember that once I'd belatedly seen the rules about posters trying openly garner likes, I described it as 'open warfare', rather than being assessed on posts over the past year.

Have no fear Sir, I just burned all my quills ....... 

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2 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

I agree Trans, while I applaud Geronimo’s attempts to drum up interest in this subject I also think that it has run out of steam before it has really begun.


Many nominees were keen initially ( NCC, Yinn, Scottie ) but it was asking a lot to keep that rhythm. As discussed before I feel that the interest in POTY is just not there anymore and should be condensed into 2 weeks or even 10 days.

A dead horse I am flogging?

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