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"Savage" Thai husband puts wife in headlock, covers her in gasoline and lights her - she is barely alive

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13 hours ago, Moti24 said:

The only punishment fit for this scumbag is life in prison without parole.  At 26 years old, he'll quickly regret his actions and live a life of hell in Klong Prem, right up to his dying day; he'll still be getting-off light compared to what his wife has to look-forward to, should she live.

No the only punishment this piece of sh&t deserves is the death penalty. 

15 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

yeah burning people alive is always a option. not.

I agree NCC1701A I was blown up in a coal mine and burnt to 55% of my body It hurts mate and yeah i would not wish it upon any of my enemies. Her survival chances are nearly zero At 55% I just made it the infection sets in and that what kills u. As for the guy who did it Death to you budddy but the slow way so you can suffer like your poor wife does. But Thailand is not the only country this happens. I am sure it does in the uSA where u come from NCC1701A as it does in Australia where i come from Its is not a good thing

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Physical abuse is always obvious.
Mental abuse however stays unter the surface, and can be equally scarring.

In stories as these, i always wonder what mental abuse (if any) might have proceeded, that sparked such a physical abuse.

1 hour ago, freestyle said:

i always wonder what mental abuse (if any) might have proceeded, that sparked such a physical abuse.

It does not take much to spark your average Thai male. I have come to the conclusion they are all mental.

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