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Forget pensioners and Bridge!: Thai police bust darts and balloons fairground game for gambling


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Is the crackdown on gambling a clever tool to combat the Chinese invasion.... or is it a complete waste of limited police resources by a government led by a prime minister who is too small minded and under-educated to know how to do the important things, and who can only do "follow the law" things because of his military, law and order and control of the people training

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7 hours ago, Tidybeard said:

I am a little confused ... everyday outside of my local 7/11 there are 2 or 3 Thais with boards of lottery tickets for sale.  They also ride around the streets to sell tickets. The locals spend several minutes to select their lucky "winning ticket" ... surely this is gambling, but it seems totally OK ???

Here in Samui we also have buffalo fighting, cock fighting and of course Muay Thai, at all of these events gambling on the winner / loser takes place. 

I think darts and teddy bears could be defined as maybe "low hanging fruit"

No, everyone else has already been paying, now it's time they have to pay up too!

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11 hours ago, samsensam said:


two weeks ago there was the local business sponsored annual fair in my soi with many similar stalls and attended by all the high ranking local police, no issues were raised...

maybe they decided it was not gambling because .... ???? .... or more likely they have common sense.

remember the story where an undercover policeman was in a bar looking for gamblers, and he heard "you bet" then decided to arrest someone, ... something like that.
will tomorrow's temperature be above freezing point?
don't answer "you bet". 
sigh... sigh...
a little knowledge and simultaneously thinking one knows it all is dangerous and sad.

Edited by KKr
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This takes the biscuit . i have been here a long time years seems they get more stupid with pathetic silly laws when other things need attention. I would hope from this they ban the national lottery as it must come under gambling  

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12 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

too bad they can't show this willingness to enforce the law against actual criminals. 

What are you talking about? You do realize these women were armed with little pointy objects, don't you?!?! Some of those 40 officers there to handle this dangerous situation could have got a boo-boo if jabbed with a dart. ????


But Seriously, can't anyone in the Thai police see the logic that actually showing some skill with the use of hand-eye coordination to achieve a goal to win a prize isn't gambling? This asinine lack of sensible judgement equates to saying that athletes shouldn't win prizes for successfully competing in a sports event because it's gambling.


Hooking people on buying gov't-sanctioned lotto tickets is a much more obvious and damaging form of gambling than a person using some skill at a fair to hit a target to win a prize. 


I have a new motto suggestion for the Land of Smiles.  "Thailand: You just can't take us seriously." 


Edited by Inn Between
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12 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

too bad they can't show this willingness to enforce the law against actual criminals. 

Well, I must have seen a hunderd people riding motorcicles whitout a helmet today in Chiang Mai...

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This is now beyond a joke. There is stupid, there is really stupid and there is Thai cops with apparently nothing better to do than stop a fairground game that has been around for God knows how long. They were ridiculed for busting the bridge players, so it just remains to be seen how much they get ripped to shreds for this latest moronic behaviour.

What irks me more though is the inconsistency. If it's illegal then fine. Enforce the law evenly across the land however this is never the case.


Laws are enforced on the mere whim of some stupid bureaucratic idiot who wants to make a name for himself.

Edited by Chelseafan
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Taken into evidence was cotton candy, darts with suction cups on the end, and a large cache of elasticated party hats. 


The officer leading the raid commented, "derpaderpa derp derp, a derpa derpa", he left the scene with his tongue firmly placed against the vehicle window. 

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19 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Six shops were busted at a roadside fair after a contingent of 40 police raided a municipal Chinese Opera event in Sa Kaew in eastern Thailand.

Blown out of all proportion, over inflated cops playing god.

If this can be considered gambling/betting then they've lost the plot completely!

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They could be dealing with REAL crime and mitigating road deaths but no, trivialities are more important! ????


RTP a land based version of a 'Ship of Fools'?

Edited by lvr181
Grammar correction
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16 hours ago, huntandcollect said:

I just can't believe what is happening in Thailand. There is just one word for it: stupid stupid stupid. I live partly in the Philippines. Many things not perfect here, but in no way such idiotic restrictions for expats. Pack your things and come to us and tell the Thais to......

You will not regret it.

Have you ever lived in Thailand ? if so can you tell me the advantages of living in the Philippines and which part ?  truly interested and of course UK pensioners qualify for annual increases . 

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16 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

. I translated this story and there was no mention of exactly how the gambling was taking place. 



Yes another Rooster translation.


How many TVF member want to play dart and win cuddly toy in Sakeaow


Why they care can not? No. Who care. 


But clever Rooster add his own about “foreigner arrested playing card game” that not in this story. 

Now scary.



23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This is now beyond a joke. There is stupid, there is really stupid and there is Thai cops with apparently nothing better to do than stop a fairground game that has been around for God knows how long. They were ridiculed for busting the bridge players, so it just remains to be seen how much they get ripped to shreds for this latest moronic behaviour.


23 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

too bad they can't show this willingness to enforce the law against actual criminals. 


22 hours ago, transam said:

There is no hope.....................????


20 hours ago, ddotmark said:

The “Hub of Stupidity”


19 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Why aren't we getting more tourists, I don't understand it.


19 hours ago, 30la said:

... and still a new joke ... the criminals let them escape but, for some nonsense of the kind 40 agents are made available ... I have no words for discrepancies like these ...


19 hours ago, fxe1200 said:



19 hours ago, Hayduke said:


Sure it looks dumb, inconsequential, and laughable right now…but building a thoroughly repressive police state doesn’t just happen overnight. You have to start small and work your way up.




18 hours ago, oobar said:

Even for those of us who dearly love Thailand, wometimes we are forced to wonder how moronic will it finally get here.


18 hours ago, peter14 said:

Thailand is a scam...that's it


17 hours ago, Phaser said:

Dumb and just gets dumber


17 hours ago, malibukid said:

this country has lost it's mind


17 hours ago, malibukid said:

where is Red Bull Boy? only the shadow knows



Oh, now outrage! And mock! 

Every week Rooster have story. Last funny one “Doctor say joss stick cause air pollution”. 

One story+ one story = Rooster story.


When I join TVF before and see Rooster translation I angry. Now I laugh little bit, because see what he doing. Tricky guy with words. Scrabble guy. 


“Based on a true story”

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19 hours ago, oobar said:

Even for those of us who dearly love Thailand, wometimes we are forced to wonder how moronic will it finally get here.

It probably won't be long before they will fine you for laughing in public. If you didn't see and hear it with your own eyes and ears it would be impossible for anybody with an IQ over 50 to believe you.

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