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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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Only 1 seat left to declare and a very interesting one - Orkney & Shetland. I have read reports that the SNP made very encouraging others there, so even if they don't win it, a good showing there will dispel this stupid Project Fear nonsense about Shetland possibly attempting to secede from Scotland.


Even if they do win it, they will not be able to reach 50 seats and thus we will be spared the sight of Col Davidson skinny dipping in loch Ness - something we should all be grateful for. 

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28 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Sturgeon dont give a rats a++e about Scotland or Scottish people.

She just wants to be boss, and dragging Scotland down is of no concern to her.

Now before i get attacked for my comment, i am half Scottish, half English.

Which half is the working half Colin?

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