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I was wrong... the tourists ARE gone!


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Because of where I live I drive Chang Klan Rd occasionally in the evening. The night market is dead, its been dead for years, it’s sad actually. But you knew this is the way it would end. The fact that tourists aren’t there is not a big indicator of tourist numbers. They have better places to go than that dump.


Festival was packed yesterday, tourists were there, but mainly locals who wanted to get out and about after a week in the refrigerator. Saturday walking street the same with more tourists in the mix but. Chinese are here but not in the numbers of years gone by.


There is no high season this year.

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29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I think perhaps a few decades from now, they will have tourism classes at university, where they will discuss how Thailand lost the golden egg of Western tourism. Those tourists, unlike most Chinese tourists, spent anywhere from $100 a day, to over $2,000 a day. They brought real money into the country, and in exchange, were treated with utter and complete disregard, scammed, disrespected, and abused. Eventually, most said no more. Thailand thought the country was something very special, and that nobody would ever say no, or find alternative places to visit. The fact is that there are countless other spots, many in this region, that offer better service, more expertise in food and beverage (especially wine service and selection at fair prices, which rich tourists demand), reasonable import duties to sustain a luxury goods market, better training, and far better english skills. Thailand simply lost sight of the big picture, and had very little vision, with regard to big spending tourists, who need to be catered to, instead of scorned.  


 So, what happened? The Western tourists started to decline in number, and the genius minds at the TAT decided it was time to "lure" the Chinese. And now the Indians. They came. They came in droves. But, they did not spend much money. Hotels, restaurants, gift shops, jewelers, galleries, spas, massage shops, bars, and countless other businesses suffered, and will continue to suffer from this extreme myopia, on the part of the officials in charge of tourism. Oh well. Can't say they were not warned. Low baht tourists are the majority who visit Thailand now. Sure, they spend some money in restaurants, and in 7/11 and in Tesco. But, that is about it, for some of the super low budget Chinese tours. Not many rich Chinese or Westerners are visiting Thailand these days, for a dozen good reasons. They have too many other options.


There are countless things the government could be doing, if they wanted to attract the high quality tourists. The very first thing would be to repeal the anti farang wine bill, that was passed by a few very corrupt senators way back when, to protect an anemic local wine industry. They are losing billions of dollars a year in revenue, that would be had from a 100% wine duty, instead of 460%. The five star hotels would have major wine events, and the entire industry would flourish here. Then the could lower the inane luxury taxes. Wealthy tourists love to spend money while on vacation. Is the wife going to spend 450,000 baht on a Prada handbag, that she can get for $4,500 in Singapore, Tokyo, London, New York, Dubai, Miami, Hong Kong, or Milan? The answer is an emphatic NO! 

Hmm.. that sounds all correct, but on the other hand, the tourist numbers are growing, are even exploding: According to Wikipedia, there were 336'000 tourists in 1967, and this number went up to the sky, with 32.5 Mio. in 2016. This year Thailand might welcome 38 Mio. tourists.


Do they spend less than before? Maybe. Does the change of demographics of the tourists lead to lower revenue? Maybe, probably at least per head count. 


I am certain that the tourist numbers will keep growing. And that is why your valid points will not be addressed by the people in charge. Besides, even if they want to change certain things, they are not good in execution, so change will not be easy. 

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so tourist business really down in bangkok, phuket, krabi, pattaya, chiang mai....due to an overvalued baht, obviously the people in charge dont understand sales and customers. once a customer changed the product, it is possible to get em back with the same price .




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