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PM seeks revision of sentence-reduction system amid serial killer case


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32 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

You are right. The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit has known for decades that serial killers cannot be rehabilitated and should never be released from prison. Just read the first two books by Robert Ressler ("Whoever Fights Monsters") and John Douglas "Mindhunter"). The late Ressler coined the term "serial killer." These two guys created the BAU (at first called the Behavioral Science Unit) and they were never armchair psychologists. They went in the field, studied crime scenes and interviewed serial killers in prison for many years.


In two cases I know of in recent history, serial killers in Texas and Nevada were granted parole--only to kill again, of course. Again, it's who they are. A scorpion is a scorpion.

The types of people that go to work for US government agencies like the FBI are generally low IQ. Bright people in America don’t go to work for the government. If you’re smart in the USA, you go into finance, you become a software engineer, you become a lawyer, you become a doctor, you start your own business, or you become a criminal ( iq 170+ required ). The end result is that you only get low hanging fruit applying to the FBI. Point being, I wouldn’t trust much of what comes out of FEEBs Behavioral Science Unit.


The reason you don’t have as many serial killers in Asia as you do in the West boils down to one thing and one thing only: testosterone. Asians have lower levels of testosterone as a result of not having to evolve in the harsh environments of Northern Europe where weather conditions were brutal,  food was scarce and it truly was a Dog eats Dog environment. Being a sociopath was great for survival in the past, a genetic trait that was more strongly selected for amongst Caucasian males due to the environmental niche they were forced to survive in. 


Asians also consume a lot of soy products which can elevate estrogen levels over long periods of time. This is why you have so many lady boys in Thailand, testosterone is just generally lower here so more men are born on the 50 50 spectrum. You don’t have as many testosterone dominate alpha males in Asia.


Lower testosterone levels === lower aggression and decreased propensity towards mental illness. Most serial killers are the way that they are because their hormones are completely out of whack from a young age and, overtime, this creates deep ridges in the brain which lead to behavioral patterns that cannot be reversed without a full blow lobotomy.


What makes serial killers tick isn’t rocket science folks. It’s just common sense. It’s called too much testosterone which === explosive levels of dopamine under certain conditions. Want to sort of know what they feel like? Walk into any pharmacy in Thailand, ask to see their “secret” steroid catalog. Buy Testosterone Propionate.  Inject 200mg / day of Testosterone propionate into yourself for 12 weeks straight. Watch as you turn into Wolverine and want to wet your beak in everything that has a hole. Now imagine being jacked up like this since birth and you can begin to imagine what it’s like to be born a serial killer and how such elevated levels of test could turn you into blood lusting lunatic overtime. It’s testosterone folks, it’s that simple.  The other key component is dopamine. SK’s dopamine levels are likely through the roof when they get into bouts of sexual rage. 

NOTE: elevated test doesn’t make you buff automatically. You still need to work out and eat a strict diet. You can have extremely high test and be skinny or fat. Building muscle is not just about testosterone in case you’re wondering why all serial killers don’t look like Arnold.

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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems to me serial killers should remain in prison until death, hard to think of just one rehabilitated serial killer

or sentenced to life long imprisonment in a mental Institution as the case may be, or sentenced to death.

reminds me of the case (story ?) where a prisoner was working very diligently for 20 years in the butchery of a prison, and when let out being rehabilitated, immediately went on the hunt. Then, police were amazed by the clean professional cutting up of victims. (not funny !) 

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43 minutes ago, Don Aleman said:

first time to speak out on a major issue

it would be the job of the Justice Department to propose changes in Law or Regulations in this area.
The Important major issue is to make Justitia wear a Blindfold, and let nothing influence her decisions.

Band-Aids only help healing a wound, but do not prevent it.

Edited by KKr
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Something not often seen in the Thai legal system... WOULD BE MUCH BETTER...

The Gov't workers actually need to take the time to evaluate EACH CASE seperately (Obviously wasn't done with this guy)....... Those Gov't workers are to lazy to work hard and eavaluate each case seperatly...... There are Probably 100 or maybe 1000 deserving people given a reduced  sentence, in contrast to a single 'BAD GUY'.... and if evaluated case by case... the good ones won't have to pay the price for the 1 in a 1000 BAD ONE....

Make IF these Gov't workers get off their A** and do their job... guys like this won't happen...

DON'T just make a new policy because of 'ONE Bad Apply'...... and hurtn the other 'not so bad apples'   THIS GUY is totally ignorant and desperate to show people that he wants to do something GOOD... But everyone knows that he is 'desperately' trying to look good to the public... 

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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems to me serial killers should remain in prison until death, hard to think of just one rehabilitated serial killer

Maybe not rehabilitated, but advancing age makes them stop :the very prolific original nightstalker cum east area rapist stopped a long time ago, and is still alive as he was tracked down recently through familial DNA. 

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15 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Knee Jerk.


Never pro-active.

Totally correct. Nothing here is based on careful analysis. We saw data yesterday showing Thailand #5 country in the world for incarceration rates. Locking people up for longer won't stop crimes it will only push Thailand into 4th or 3rd place. 

Yesterday we saw that over 1000 foreign prisoners died on prison over the course of one year our of a population of 15000 foreigners, with 9600 n for drugs offenses. That is more than 1:15 foreign prisoners die in a year. Staggering, a jaw dropping mortality rate that would justify rejection of extradition from any reasonable country. But on we blithely go. 

Britain is about #20 on the incarceration per capita ranking....we still have cases like the taxi driver rapist who was paroled, but it is accepted as part of people making judgements that are sometimes incorrect. This will always happen. 

This is also a case of reductio ad absurdum I.e if we locked everyone up and let no one out, then no one could ever kill anyone after coming out of jail. Sadly this is the logic.

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2 hours ago, Duck J Butters said:

The types of people that go to work for US government agencies like the FBI are generally low IQ. Bright people in America don’t go to work for the government. If you’re smart in the USA, you go into finance, you become a software engineer, you become a lawyer, you become a doctor, you start your own business, or you become a criminal ( iq 170+ required ). The end result is that you only get low hanging fruit applying to the FBI. Point being, I wouldn’t trust much of what comes out of FEEBs Behavioral Science Unit.


The reason you don’t have as many serial killers in Asia as you do in the West boils down to one thing and one thing only: testosterone. Asians have lower levels of testosterone as a result of not having to evolve in the harsh environments of Northern Europe where weather conditions were brutal,  food was scarce and it truly was a Dog eats Dog environment. Being a sociopath was great for survival in the past, a genetic trait that was more strongly selected for amongst Caucasian males due to the environmental niche they were forced to survive in. 


Asians also consume a lot of soy products which can elevate estrogen levels over long periods of time. This is why you have so many lady boys in Thailand, testosterone is just generally lower here so more men are born on the 50 50 spectrum. You don’t have as many testosterone dominate alpha males in Asia.


Lower testosterone levels === lower aggression and decreased propensity towards mental illness. Most serial killers are the way that they are because their hormones are completely out of whack from a young age and, overtime, this creates deep ridges in the brain which lead to behavioral patterns that cannot be reversed without a full blow lobotomy.


What makes serial killers tick isn’t rocket science folks. It’s just common sense. It’s called too much testosterone which === explosive levels of dopamine under certain conditions. Want to sort of know what they feel like? Walk into any pharmacy in Thailand, ask to see their “secret” steroid catalog. Buy Testosterone Propionate.  Inject 200mg / day of Testosterone propionate into yourself for 12 weeks straight. Watch as you turn into Wolverine and want to wet your beak in everything that has a hole. Now imagine being jacked up like this since birth and you can begin to imagine what it’s like to be born a serial killer and how such elevated levels of test could turn you into blood lusting lunatic overtime. It’s testosterone folks, it’s that simple.  The other key component is dopamine. SK’s dopamine levels are likely through the roof when they get into bouts of sexual rage. 

NOTE: elevated test doesn’t make you buff automatically. You still need to work out and eat a strict diet. You can have extremely high test and be skinny or fat. Building muscle is not just about testosterone in case you’re wondering why all serial killers don’t look like Arnold.



You sir, are a walking meme.

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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems to me serial killers should remain in prison until death, hard to think of just one rehabilitated serial killer

Agreed.  I'm not knowledgeable on the subject but I would have thought if the judge sentencing adds "Never to be released" it should stick.

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3 hours ago, oyster said:

I can not see the point of keeping a serial killer in jail, especially more so when 2 young Burmese boys are facing the death penalty on an extremely dubious verdict, I am assuming (sorry) that the serial killer was guilty beyond any doubt.. so kill him and save the time, trouble and expense.


And, more important : save innocent people of being murdered.

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