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Exclusive: Less than half of all Americans want Trump ousted post-impeachment - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


That's all news of the day but it's time to think much bigger about the kind of society people want to live in. Yes, Trump's an a-hole, but do you really think the neoliberal Democrat that might have been elected would do much different, aside from the grandstanding and vulgarity? It's time for people to think about the kind of society they want and most of the leaders on offer are no different than all the other ones that have managed the steady decline of this nation. Can you imagine? Richard Nixon was the last progressive president! Carter was a change agent from whom we chose to take a turn for the worse. Trump is a change agent as well. Hopefully we make the right choice this time, but I find most people are really really stupid and act as agents for those who work against their own interests.


The only one promising serious alternatives is Warren.

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44 minutes ago, mogandave said:

I don’t think there should be a cutoff. If the rate is 10% and you earned $100 this year, you need to pony-up $10.


Everyone has skin in the game.

What countries have both a VAT and a sales tax? 

How is it not regressive? So they don’t tax food and cloths. I save a dime on Kraft Macaroni & Cheddar Dinner and three bucks on a pair of 501s, while Donald Trump saves $15 on a ten-pound lobster and $200 on a suit, or did I miss something?

Yes, they’ll charge the VAT all the way through production, so it adds say, $5,000 to a new Chevy. So l pay $50k for a $45k Chevy, add another $6k for sales tax and another grand for tags. 

I pay $12k in taxes for a $45k Chevy. 

How much does Blooming pay in taxes on a new Chevy? I know, he probably wouldn’t buy anything. American made, but but if he wanted a Chevy, he would pay the same $12k, yes? 

You should take a hard look at VAT, it’s just another sales tax, disproportionately hurting the poor.


I don’t know anything about Yang. The little I heard sounded okay, which makes him unelectable in the Democrat primary.


 Disclaimer: All numbers are off the top of my head. Please do not nit-pick them. 

I spent 20 minutes answering that and then it disappeared. If you don't mind, send it to me in a PM and I'll answer it tomorrow. Thanks.

1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


I don't agree. I find her a fraud. And not because of all her Native American BS but because she mostly lifted Sander's policies wholesale and has no organic knowledge of them. That's why when she's drilled on her (his) policies she has no answers and is forced to backtrack. If you need a woman, Klobuchar is the better candidate but she doesn't have any transformative policies either.

Not about her being a woman. It's about her taking a hardline on China. It's about taking apart Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple. It's about getting the bankers and billionaires to cough up some of their ill-gotten loot they've hauled in over the last decade. Those three issues are what I will vote on: China, Big Tech monopolies, and increasing taxes on the wealthy.

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13 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Not about her being a woman. It's about her taking a hardline on China. It's about taking apart Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple. It's about getting the bankers and billionaires to cough up some of their ill-gotten loot they've hauled in over the last decade. Those three issues are what I will vote on: China, Big Tech monopolies, and increasing taxes on the wealthy.

She was leader in the Senate on these committees:     


Show me, the laws she got passed to do any of the things you mentioned.  I also disagree that those companies should be broken up (with some exceptions). What they need is stringent oversight and there has been absolutely none, and it didn't start with this presidency. What good does it to do to break up Facebook if you don't address the nature of the algorithms that create depression in young women and an increase in youth suicides. There is no facile solution. No one's going to start using the 4th best search engine or online shopping place. You have to address the true nature of the problems



50 minutes ago, oby said:

the biden crime family traveled to china on air force 2. crack head biden walked away with over $1.2 billion for *investment purchases.. 2018 joe biden bragged he blackmailed ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his travesties.  under investigation it appears the fired prosecutor was poisoned in attempts to silence him.  the entire matter is now before the courts in ukraine.   the fake news media will not report the truth but the truth will surface.. crack head biden will be tripped up in american courts when he will have to surrender banking information as ordered by an Arkansas judge...

wake up, your denial is simply another symptom of TDS

So much evidence and no investigation. Someone is not doing his job. Barr, stop covering up the Bidens! ????

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21 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

What they need is stringent oversight and there has been absolutely none, and it didn't start with this presidency.

Oversight in the form of federal agencies already exist. They're doing nothing. The US needs a TR for the 21st century. Businessman Yang isn't it, IMO, although his UBI seems a good enough idea. But how does he square his belief that automation is the biggest threat to American workers with wanting increased immigration? How does enlarging the workforce through immigration help Americans soon to be displaced by automation?

5 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Oversight in the form of federal agencies already exist. They're doing nothing. The US needs a TR for the 21st century. Businessman Yang isn't it, IMO, although his UBI seems a good enough idea. But how does he square his belief that automation is the biggest threat to American workers with wanting increased immigration? How does enlarging the workforce through immigration help Americans soon to be displaced by automation?

God Damm*t, every time you leave this page in search of a link your post disappears   Anywaaaay.  There really is no oversight of tech companies and there hasn't been for a long time. This was the agency that was charged with that duty and as you can see it is now defunct. Bad timing I'd say.    




Speaking of Teddy Roosevelt:



Andrew Yang has never proposed or supported increased immigration. What he does say is that immigrants should not be scapegoated for the loss of jobs that automation has created. He has a very strong Southern border policy but he does support a pathway to citizenship for DACA eligible and for those illegal immigrants already in America(taking up to 18 years).

2 hours ago, mogandave said:

OK, I'm going to try this again

I don’t think there should be a cutoff. If the rate is 10% and you earned $100 this year, you need to pony-up $10.



You had mentioned that you were against regressive taxes but if the poor are to pay taxes from their first dollar earned without the Standard Deduction of $12,200, that is a deeply regressive tax that you are proposing. That deduction matters little to the rich, but it is a huge handicap for the poor.


Everyone has skin in the game.

What countries have both a VAT and a sales tax? 



I don't know all of the countries that have both. I know Canada does.


How is it not regressive? So they don’t tax food and cloths. I save a dime on Kraft Macaroni & Cheddar Dinner and three bucks on a pair of 501s, while Donald Trump saves $15 on a ten-pound lobster and $200 on a suit, or did I miss something?




Yes, they’ll charge the VAT all the way through production, so it adds say, $5,000 to a new Chevy. So l pay $50k for a $45k Chevy, add another $6k for sales tax and another grand for tags. 

I pay $12k in taxes for a $45k Chevy. 



Or, as in most European countries, the company eats most of the tax, narrows their margins and keeps their sales growing.


How much does Blooming pay in taxes on a new Chevy? I know, he probably wouldn’t buy anything. American made, but but if he wanted a Chevy, he would pay the same $12k, yes? 



I'm guessing he would expense it to his corporation along with:




You should take a hard look at VAT, it’s just another sales tax, disproportionately hurting the poor.


That is simply not true, unless of course you specifically designed a VAT to hurt the poor. Food, clothing, utilities could be exempt.

2 hours ago, mogandave said:

I don’t know anything about Yang. The little I heard sounded okay, which makes him unelectable in the Democrat primary.



I can help you in that regard:   https://www.yang2020.com/policies/   ,   Search Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro , AARP, BreakfastClub podcasts and many many other long form interviews.  He's not a sound bite kind of candidate.


  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, heybruce said:

You posted " Two more leftists on the Supreme Court and an acceleration of the country’s slide to the left, and any number of other things you no doubt think are great, that I loath."  I asked you to specify what these other things were.  My request was clear, were you unclear on your own post?


The ACA was an example of attempting to change a grossly overpriced and underperforming healthcare system.  Considering the widening wealth gap in the US, an exploding deficit in spite of a strong economy, and the fact that both the rich and the economy did fine when tax rates on the rich were much higher in the 50's, 60's and 70's, taxing the wealthy is a reasonable thing to do.


I assume since you are speculating about parking tickets, you have no evidence of Hillary Clinton committing any crime other than inadvertent disclosure of classified.


Your next few comments professing ignorance about the widely reported fact that Trump and company wanted Zelinsky to make a public statement about the investigations Trump asked for, once again dodging the issue about the need for evidence Biden did something wrong before opening an investigation, deflecting from your Trump tax cut to regressive taxes, deflecting from the issue of Trumps unbalanced work/golf schedule to "you hate golf", etc. shows you are uninformed and unwilling to concede on points you have lost. 


Really, you don't think you said anything about ignoring the crimes of despots?  What did you mean when you posted, in reference to Trump's praising dictators such as Kim Jong Un and Putin:


" And no, unlike you I don’t see anything wrong with pointing out good points about people you dislike or even despise, particularly if you are attempting to negotiate with them. “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” "


Isn't this another way to state that it is ok for Trump to ignore these people's crimes, which he has?


Trump didn't just brag about how great his properties were, he promoted his Doral property for the G7 summit then had his administration select the Doral for the summit using criteria it wouldn't disclose:  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/17/us/politics/trump-g7-doral.html  How is it that you didn't know this?  It was widely reported.  You also ignore how deeply unethical this is.


Two points regarding "occupancy is way down" at his properties--first, until he releases past and present details on these businesses we don't know how they are doing relative to the past.  Second, if business is down there could be any number of reasons, including such things as an inability to discreetly negotiate deals with corrupt oligarchs. 


You ended with further deflections and failing to provide any sources for your claim.  When you make the claims you are the one who must support them.  Challenging others to look up sources for you shows that you can't support them.



  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, oby said:

Mrs. Pelosi's Early Christmas Gift?

Overall Likely Voter @POTUS approval - 50%

Democratic Likely Voter approval of @POTUS - 22%

Black Likely Voter approval of @POTUS - 34%

Other non-white approval of @POTUS - 45%

Strongly approve/disapprove index - even https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1208129948126347264 

View image on Twitter

Lol. Why do you quote polls from last week?

Here is the real Christmas gift for Pelosi: ????


"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 44% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9"



  • Thanks 1
12 hours ago, mogandave said:

How is it not regressive? So they don’t tax food and cloths. I save a dime on Kraft Macaroni & Cheddar Dinner and three bucks on a pair of 501s, while Donald Trump saves $15 on a ten-pound lobster and $200 on a suit, or did I miss something?

Thing that REALLY bugs me is when they give a % rise in pay for inflation, which means someone on a low wage- $100 for simplicity- gets $3 pay rise per year, while some rich person that has no trouble paying the bills - $1,000 for simplicity- gets $30. Where is the justice in that? Over the years the rich person gets a huge amount more than a poor one just due to inflation rises. The system is screwed against the poor from the start. Inflation rises should be the same dollar amount for all, not allowing the rich to eat caviar while the poor eat dog food.

If there was ever a politician that came out against % rises for inflation I'd vote for them. Sadly, they probably benefit themselves so unlikely to ever change the rigged system.

14 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Who cares one way or another? The "trigger" words this week has been indelible stains. The stains on trump's record on this are about as significant as the stains on Monica's dress.


The senate should just vote as they are ready put it on the desk and then register it into the record if Nancy sends the articles. As Mitch said he might as well just keep confirming judges while Nancy figures out what to do.

Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind.

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43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Never forget, the popular vote doesn't elect presidents.

Nothing to fear.

Tell that to Oby, who proudly showed last week's poll results! ????

1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:

The stains on trump's record on this are about as significant as the stains on Monica's dress.

Congrats for this one!

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