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Your Predictions for the 2020

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Thailand will have less foreigners who settle down here.


   Prices for booze and fags will go up again.


    Even short time will top prices in Europe.


  Pinocchio won't take his hat and people will fight for to get rid of him.


As usual, the terrible news from the old continent that people have passed away. 




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Thai populace will peacefully rise by the millions against non-democratic, democratic government.

If Thanathorn in jail, mobs of them will tear the bars off with their bare hands and carry him on their shoulders to the big chair where he will be presented with 24 high-end watches that a dead guy used to own.

Then, party over (literally), he'll whip this country into shape like it's child's play.

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Police to stamp out corruption 



Greta tweets of her secret crush on Trump.   



Trump tweets of his secret crush on Trump.



Pelosi sex tape leaked.



All high risk repeat traffic offenders to be readily identifiable to other road users by making them wear orange hi-vis numbered vests.





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1. The government will jail anyone burning anything that contributed to the air being polluted, and the sentence will be for life, the police will enforce the rule of course.


2. Farangs will be granted a long stay visa for 5 years at a time, for a once only fee of 10,000 baht, with no insurance requirements, although they must have the same required amount in the bank under the same conditions as they currently do, and not having to do 90 reporting or TM30 reporting.


3. Ying will win the POTY, either again or for a first


4. Prayut and what's his face will defect to Myanmar because of a public uprising, and Taksin will come back as the preferred PM, with Yingluck as his assistant Prime Minister, and collecting all 24 watches from what's his face, but not before selling all of Prayut's and what's his faces assets after they have fled


5. Police will no longer be corrupt and be on the road enforcing the law


6. Tourism will flourish once again


7. The baht will be worth 35 baht to the AUS $


8. Taxi drivers will turn on their metres


9. Thai airways will become cheap to fly on once again 


10. Thailand will once again become great place to holiday and retire


Last but not least, most of us will be dead before the any of the above BS ever became a reality, solly if I raised your hopes, have a Happy New Year at least.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Since it's only the 10th and there's a lot of 2020 to go, thought I'd add some:

Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter will enter the Democratic race for president

Nancy Pelosi will be caught on film climbing out from under Schumer's desk

Turkey will take control of Iran and Syria

President Trump will be reelected by the biggest electoral landslide in history

The coastal area from north of San Diego to just south of Sacramento will break off taking Pelosi and Schiff's voting block with it.

President Trump will buy Greenland and create the 51st state.

The EU will lose 2 more countries.

1 of North Korea's rockets will misfire and land in China or Russia

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