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Five Different Threads - Same Topic

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And a strict ban for non CM'ers to post in the CM forum.

Got beaten repeatedly and usually refrain.

Bad air seems to take a toll on CM members.

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I blame the internet.


Those pesky internet-savvy developers have turned people into smart-phone app obsessed zombies. 
As if high pollution levels in Thailand are a new phenomena - but now we can watch numbers on a screen......

Its the same as the realization that government, the media, and big business are misleading us virtually all of the time. 
They have always done it, but now we have access to info. exposing them.........


Unfortunately reality doesn't adjust to human 'likes' and most resent that, so complain on the internet. How ironic is that?


Most of the folk that live here and are grounded by marriage,business mortgage, schools and cannot just step up and leave even though they may want to.

Those people dont like to read the negative reviews of the glaringly obvious from the high and mighty so choose not to.

I really dont understand what all the comments are supposed to achieve...

We dont need your scientific clap trap, we dont need you to tell us that what should be done.

But one thing puzzles me when someone posts the AQI maps, did you notice that all the flags,dozens of them have readings 30,50,100 apart...all in the city, or all in hang dong or wherever it doesnt make sense.

Its just impossible that Nimmen would be 150, santhiytham 200, Changklan 240 so the readings or equipment is a load of xollob

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7 hours ago, Stocky said:

How about a 'Whine Forum' for those who are only happy when they've something to whinge about.

How about a poll to determine whether or not the words 'whine' and 'whinge' should be deleted from posts the same as swear words are.


They are extremely rude remarks that those who use them to others would not do so in a face to face confrontation unless they were looking for trouble.

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28 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

How about a poll to determine whether or not the words 'whine' and 'whinge' should be deleted from posts the same as swear words are.


They are extremely rude remarks that those who use them to others would not do so in a face to face confrontation unless they were looking for trouble.

Of course I would, they're no more a swear word than moan or gripe.


12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

"Swear word"????  You've got to be kidding.  It's a pretty appropriate word to use on this forum in most cases.  And yes, I use that word in face-to-face conversations all the time.  And the "whiners" know it's true when they're whining like a 9 yr old girl.   

What you say may well be true and but someone must have a peculiar social life if that's how he conducts face to face conversations all the time.


However I know two or three Englishman in the LOS that you definitely would not get away with calling whingers or whiners unless of course you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger was 30 years ago.

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, Stocky said:

Of course I would, they're no more a swear word than moan or gripe.


Of course you can get away with it on here but it may well be a different matter when you're talking to them in person unless you know them rather well.

Just now, yogi100 said:

Of course you can get away with it on here but it may well be a different matter when you're talking to them in person unless you know them rather well.

Pfft. You need to get out more.

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Five threads should be a RED flag that it's a very serious issue.


We need 10,000 threads on pollution.  


Oh, why is there 1,000 threads on all these immigrants getting killed.....it's really annoying.  OR maybe, just maybe, serious issues need more awareness.  

7 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

And a strict ban for non CM'ers to post in the CM forum.

Got beaten repeatedly and usually refrain.

Bad air seems to take a toll on CM members.

You got to have mercy on us Chiang Rai folks. Your air is our air.

1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

"Swear word"????  You've got to be kidding.  It's a pretty appropriate word to use on this forum in most cases.  And yes, I use that word in face-to-face conversations all the time.  And the "whiners" know it's true when they're whining like a 9 yr old girl.   

There's only one way to sort this affair out,get greta thunderbird on the case.

1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

However I know two or three Englishman in the LOS that you definitely would not get away with calling whingers or whiners unless of course you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger was 30 years ago.


Personally, I don't worry about such behavior.

I found it far easier NOT to associate with, or even be around whingers and whiners in my normal daily circle of acquaintances.  I don't need such negativity around me. There is more than enough of it right here.


1 hour ago, Ventenio said:

Five threads should be a RED flag that it's a very serious issue.

We need 10,000 threads on pollution. 


That's fine. If that's what you want, go for it. But for pity's sake, put them all together where the rest of us don't have to be subjected to seeing them day in and day out. Have fun posting stats, charting numbers, complaining about it, complaining about the governmental lack of caring, etc., etc., etc.!

But do it where the rest of us won't be bothered by it.

It's like cigarette smoke... If you want to smoke, do so. Just don't force it on the rest of us by smoking while standing near us.

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5 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

But do it where the rest of us won't be bothered by it.

It's like cigarette smoke... If you want to smoke, do so. Just don't force it on the rest of us by smoking while standing near us.


Ya, it must be a real b****t to live in a place that's best known for its horrible, health-endangering air pollution problem during this time of the year. No wonder you're cranky about it.


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11 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


Maybe also add one for the threads: Why are you here? 

Tourism in Thailand

Traffic Complaints

Innocent Farang gets Arrested.

Suicide Really Murder

Bar Girls Are Fat and Old

The Baht

It's No Longer 1985, Tragic

The Indians/Chinese/Russians Don't Spend Money


Errr.......I'm sure I've missed a few but you could seriously condense TV. ????

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It would be nice if instead of closing similar threads, the moderator would merge them so that the posts in the locked and closed threads will not be orphaned and never read. 

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Ya, it must be a real b****t to live in a place that's best known for its horrible, health-endangering air pollution problem during this time of the year. No wonder you're cranky about it.



Actually, I rather like the place, despite its problems.

It's listening to the people who need to cry like little schoolgirls about these problems again and again to anyone and everyone within hearing, 24/7 that make me cranky.  Say it once and be done with it. Stop beating a dead horse.


I've managed to remove these people from my day-to-day circle of acquaintances. MUCH more tranquil.

By suggesting the creation of a sub-forum for you to cry on each other's shoulders to your heart's content, we could remove them from our daily reading in the Chiang Mai forum, and you could whinge and whine till the cows come home, and you'd never hear from those of us who are content with our lives here. It would be a win-win for all of us.

6 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

It would be nice if instead of closing similar threads, the moderator would merge them so that the posts in the locked and closed threads will not be orphaned and never read. 


I've suggested it's own sub-forum, just for Air Quality threads. People are obviously interested in them, and feel the need to talk about them all the time. Why not a place for those people to congregate to share information? A place of their own that wouldn't get interference from those of us bored to tears by the repetition of it all.

2 hours ago, yogi100 said:

However I know two or three Englishman in the LOS that you definitely would not get away with calling whingers or whiners unless of course you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger was 30 years ago.

Get a grip, whinging poms know they're whinging poms. A lot wear it as a badge of honour.

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:


I've suggested it's own sub-forum, just for Air Quality threads. People are obviously interested in them, and feel the need to talk about them all the time. Why not a place for those people to congregate to share information? A place of their own that wouldn't get interference from those of us bored to tears by the repetition of it all.


Don't forget to suggest the same for all the other dozens of topics that get endlessly recycled here through different threads and in different forums at different times, such as those that Traubert cited above:




Tourism in Thailand

Traffic Complaints

Innocent Farang gets Arrested.

Suicide Really Murder

Bar Girls Are Fat and Old

The Baht

It's No Longer 1985, Tragic

The Indians/Chinese/Russians Don't Spend Money



Meanwhile, thanks SO MUCH for creating yet another Chiang Mai air pollution-related thread!  :biggrin:


13 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Don't forget to suggest the same for all the other dozens of topics that get endlessly recycled here through different threads and in different forums at different times, such as those that Traubert cited above:



No need. Although these topics do come up often, there are never 5 threads about the SAME topic going on at one time as happens every year for air quality.   But thanks for playing.

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