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PM Prayut promises to devote himself to the country and people


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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Start 2020 as you finished 2019..................................Utter claptrap.

The best thing you can do for the good of the country and it's people, is to step down, and allow for a clear, and fair election (including the senate having to be elected, not hand picked cronies).  

Thank you

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14 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Many start out with good intentions, then the power goes to their head,

total power corrupts,if things go sideways, i think you would have a job

getting rid of him.

regards worgeordie



Friends in high places, but there are 2 dynamics:


1. How much he is pi$$ing them off.

2. Whether or not they have anyone else without a brain to hand.


My money's on Apirat, he has all the plusses. Friends in high places, Big mouth. No evidence of rational thought. Does what he's told. Nice regulation haircut. All the right ticks in all the right boxes. But one supporter in particular is not well liked or trusted. And as it has emerged, therein lies the problem.


Right now, Prayuth thinks the support of the hoi polloi will be enough to stave off the day, so he's out gathering for all he's worth. If I were he, I would be asking myself who painted the bullseye on the back of my shirt. Prawit is not done yet and he doesn't like living in the shadows. A friend in need is a PITA.



Edited by ParkerN
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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

good video and a good speech by Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. Thailand has many projects and infrastructure being implemented at this time and it's because of this man. Thailand was stagnant prior to Khun Prayut being in control. He deserves the recognition that he's getting from the majority of the Thai people. Folks in my village are just happy that there is stability and security without the previous protests and lawlessness.


To quote you from another topic

"hmmmmm .... says alot about the level of intelligence on TVF"

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

yes ..... so sounds like he's going to be here for the long haul, thank god for that.

best for those who complain everyday to just move on to greener pastures as they say.

They are as did foreign investment when he stole the country at the end of a gun. Being an ex soldier who saw active service so proved my worth, this man churns my stomach and is no more a soldier than the man sweeping the road in fact I respect the road sweeper more as he is actually doing something for the country. Watch 2020 and more of an exodus by big car manufacturing companies, witness more large companies closing their doors. They are not military they are gangsters, criminals. Billionaires on a soldiers pay, its sick. 

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1 hour ago, newatthis said:

To quote you from another topic

"hmmmmm .... says alot about the level of intelligence on TVF"


Nah, you'll get used to the sycophants. Not a lot of them about these days, you can't be a contrarian forever, but there's still a few who haven't woken up. Yet.

Edited by ParkerN
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51 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

They are as did foreign investment when he stole the country at the end of a gun. Being an ex soldier who saw active service so proved my worth, this man churns my stomach and is no more a soldier than the man sweeping the road in fact I respect the road sweeper more as he is actually doing something for the country. Watch 2020 and more of an exodus by big car manufacturing companies, witness more large companies closing their doors. They are not military they are gangsters, criminals. Billionaires on a soldiers pay, its sick. 


Correct on all counts. But... TiT and if the people don't give a frack, why should we? My money's on letting them stew in their own juice.



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4 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

 Here is a fact. China has the most sheep for a country in a world. Don't figure.


On another note: Happy New Year to you Steven! ????

In fact, per capita, New Zealand has the most sheep in the world, but that aside, China also has the worlds leading economy, the most engineering/medical/chemical graduates, the most billionaires, the most entrepreneurs, the highest level of education, and a 45% and rising middle class.


Pretty good for a bunch of sheep huh? How's life in the smog pit?

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52 minutes ago, Traubert said:

In fact, per capita, New Zealand has the most sheep in the world, but that aside, China also has the worlds leading economy, the most engineering/medical/chemical graduates, the most billionaires, the most entrepreneurs, the highest level of education, and a 45% and rising middle class.


Pretty good for a bunch of sheep huh? How's life in the smog pit?

Wrong. Mongolia per person per capita, but hey, how many sheep girlfriends do you need? As for most sheep it is China. And life in CM is great and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I would suggest you keep to your little armpit where ever that is and keep your comments to yourself. 

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

good video and a good speech by Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. Thailand has many projects and infrastructure being implemented at this time and it's because of this man. Thailand was stagnant prior to Khun Prayut being in control. He deserves the recognition that he's getting from the majority of the Thai people. Folks in my village are just happy that there is stability and security without the previous protests and lawlessness.


Oppression and brain washing does tend to warp some peoples views, or it could just be fear of being arrested,detained and imprisoned for a long time.

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On 1/2/2020 at 4:59 AM, steven100 said:

good video and a good speech by Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. Thailand has many projects and infrastructure being implemented at this time and it's because of this man. Thailand was stagnant prior to Khun Prayut being in control. He deserves the recognition that he's getting from the majority of the Thai people. Folks in my village are just happy that there is stability and security without the previous protests and lawlessness.


Brilliant. I love bitter irony.

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21 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Agree, same as in any country on this planet.


Every other country is exactly like Thailand, where a former General ripped the constitution to shreds, nepotism rules the day, elections are rigged, oposition to the dear leader is not allowed...oh...wait...

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