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Comedian Rosie Jones shocks viewers with ‘disgusting’ and ‘totally inappropriate’ Greta Thunberg joke


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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

True liberals are for free speech especially for COMEDIANS. 

Exactly. I actually thought the joke was kind of funny. Don’t see that Thunberg herself has responded to this; she might ignore it, or say something snarky, or agree that it was amusing (which was Pete Buttigieg’s response when Trump said that he resembled Mad Magazine’s mascot Alfred E. Neuman -- Buttigieg said that Trump’s insult was kind of funny, which was the best way of dismissing it).


The point is, (1) Thunberg has made herself into a public figure and to some degree is fair game; and (2) she’s so much bigger than a silly incident like this. I think she can handle it.

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13 hours ago, PJPom said:

I have Daughters and if somebody said this about mine they would need a Doctor, the girl is an absolute pain but this is over the top. Amazing that this has been said by a no doubt feminist.


Once she, or rather her parents, decided to thrust her into the media, fueling her aggression etc. they became public persona. Their choice. As such, they become fair game for comedians. 

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Would you feel the same way if someone suggested that about your daughter?

Ah, I see.


No jokes allowed if it offends the parents/children/friends of the individual who was the butt of the joke. Trumps kids probably hate the jokes about Trump, it upsets them. So no more jokes about Trump, OK?


If that's the criteria, I guess all jokes should be banned. 

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1 hour ago, SteveK said:

I don't see what's so shocking, it's a joke for christ's sake. People these days like to pretend to be shocked and appalled at the slightest thing. I believe they call it virtue signalling, it's a full time hobby for many people.

There are a bunch of uptight-looking characters on this forum ;

It's  the in thing  :wacko:

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

I think there is a qualitiative difference between making smutty analogies to a celeb who just sings and dances, and a political celeb who uses her youth as a cudgel to shame folks into a Brave Green World that entails destruction of folks way of life and the concept of freedom..

Actually they're both 16 year old girls, someone's daughter. Her celebrity is irrelevant. I repeat, how would you have felt if someone had said that about your daughter when she was 16?


I'm a father. If someone had said that about my daughter when she was 16, male or female, gay or straight, able bodied or disabled, they'd have needed to stick a toothbrush up their backside to clean their teeth the next day.

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40 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Actually they're both 16 year old girls, someone's daughter. Her celebrity is irrelevant. I repeat, how would you have felt if someone had said that about your daughter when she was 16?


I'm a father. If someone had said that about my daughter when she was 16, male or female, gay or straight, able bodied or disabled, they'd have needed to stick a toothbrush up their backside to clean their teeth the next day.

I believe it's called a double standard.

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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

I did my best to raise my brat like a dude, or at least to give her as many dude qualities as is possible to help her survive the upcoming apocalypse. Basically  teaching her to have a set of hairy bolshii balls. It Worked. Like I have said before, her only rules were not to get knocked up, not to lose her scholarship, and not to get arrested. Winner. My birds and bees talk was "dude,they are gonna lie to you to try to get down your pants, if YOU decide to fall for their bs, make sure its wrapped". 


I think there is a qualitiative difference between making smutty analogies to a celeb who just sings and dances, and a political celeb who uses her youth as a cudgel to shame folks into a Brave Green World that entails destruction of folks way of life and the concept of freedom..

I'm just wondering how many guys are lining up to court your daughter, because she sounds like the kind of woman I would run a mile from - fast. Perhaps that's why I have a preference for Thai women, who still know how to be feminine.

Unfortunately, the folks way of life you endorse is a path to a different form of destruction - check out the latest news from Australia.

Trump used his "wealth" and celebrity status to cudgel his way to the presidency, then trashed every initiative dealing with environmental matters. Appointing an oil industry executive to the environment portfolio is about a clear a message as anyone can make. He has far more power than Greta, or is that what worries you?

Ah, the freedom shtick beloved of Americans. Is that why you are second only to China in incarceration rates?

I'm confused - what form do you consider the upcoming apocalypse to be, if it's not the environment?


Edited by Lacessit
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7 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Why can't she do it all?

Seriously though, this is all about the creation of Greta as some kind of saint and salvador for humanity. A new virgin Mary.

The left would be laughing at the joke if the girl was representing a group they have less respect for.

Yes, some of the socialists/Marxist Climate Alarmists in their Global Warming cult are apparently calling her St. Greta now and bow down to her as some kind of leftist political Climate Expert. 

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12 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Yes, some of the socialists/Marxist Climate Alarmists in their Global Warming cult are apparently calling her St. Greta now and bow down to her as some kind of leftist political Climate Expert. 

She's an expert on the narrative. That's all that matters.

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28 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I'm just wondering how many guys are lining up to court your daughter, because she sounds like the kind of woman I would run a mile from - fast. Perh

Who cares who courts her. She's educated and has a good well paying job, she has hundreds of friends, and can probably retire if she wants before she hits 35. She can be as selective as she wants. And she sure as hell doesn't want or need an old guy.


32 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Trump used his "wealth" and celebrity status to cudgel his way to the presidency, then trashed every initiative dealing with environmental matters.

Actually he didn't cudgel anyone, he won fair and square. And the only environmental matter he trashed that the enviro fascist care about is the stupid global warming treaties. Are you blaming the Australian fires on him?


34 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Ah, the freedom shtick beloved of Americans. Is that why you are second only to China in in

not dude when Americans mention the word freedom, they are only referring to non felons. Bringing upy incarceration rate is totally meaningless.



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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The job of a comedian is to be funny. There is very little that is off limits as far as subject matter In free societies. Was this funny? Would have to see the actual clip to give my opinion on that. Written is not the same. Can't find the clip. Let's see it!

Agree but funny has changed as here for the worse.  Now comedians think it is funny if every other word is a swear word.

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14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I doubt it. My kid is better looking (as I am told, I only see her as an annoying brat) and is able to think for herself instead of spewing envirofacism. I dont want to dear down Greta, I just dont want to see here face on the morning news when I am drinking my coffee. Might as well turn on old episodes of Bozo the Clown.


Exactly, and you know what, if we decide to launch another war who is gonna stop us? And if someone provokes us, even better. You should be grateful that you arent speaking Japanese and dont need to learn Chinese ????


it sucks, but Life goes on. If its not a brushfire, its a snowstorm or an earthquake or a meteor or a volcano. Blame it all on mankind if it makes you feel better. You arent going to stop climate change or the earths processes, so adapt to it or die. And I would prefer to adapt in a car with a steak filling my craw, not as some faceless drone in some regimented green economy run by ecofascist fanatics. 


They would say, hey Pops you are too old and useless to be exuding carbon dioxide..... up against the wall. Then Yinn can use me to feed her worms. 

You educated your daughter to be a ball-breaker, and you say she can think for herself? BTW, I was referring to myself when I was young and handsome in terms of running away. I can accept she would not be interested in an old fart.


How long do you think it will be before the rest of the world decides to call in the debts you have run up in pursuit of those wars? Trump is already on a hiding to nothing with his trade wars; do you think he is winning?


Don't you realize the green economy is with us now? Only 2% of the UK's power comes from coal now. Power companies in Australia are whinging in the corridors of Canberra because renewable energy off the grid is slaughtering their gold-plated networks. Much of Europe has gone nuclear.


To quote one of our former Prime Ministers, this is like being savaged by a dead sheep.



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42 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Much of Europe has gone nuclear.

Dude if the whole world could go nuclear, we wouldnt have silly little twits like Greta Thunberg lecturing us. Id even buy an electric car because then it would be OK.


But the radicals wont let the US go nuclear will they?

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18 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Lesbian from Yorkshire England. Suffers from cerebal palsy (that's not an excuse). Doubt if she'll ever work again. Idiot.



Of course she will. Frankie Boyle has said worse. 

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3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Actually they're both 16 year old girls, someone's daughter. Her celebrity is irrelevant. I repeat, how would you have felt if someone had said that about your daughter when she was 16?


I'm a father. If someone had said that about my daughter when she was 16, male or female, gay or straight, able bodied or disabled, they'd have needed to stick a toothbrush up their backside to clean their teeth the next day.

You'd physically assault a disabled woman for making a joke that you found offensive? Wow. 

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8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Dude if the whole world could go nuclear, we wouldnt have silly little twits like Greta Thunberg lecturing us. Id even buy an electric car because then it would be OK.


But the radicals wont let the US go nuclear will they?

Excuse me? How many freaking nuclear-tipped missiles do you have, or would you have to kill me if you told me?

How many silly little twits do you know?

It does baffle me why intrinsically safe thorium-based reactors have been unable to gain traction.

Having said that, nuclear power still generates heat. Heat, goddammit.

Now if you really wanted to be a good little greenie, you would charge your electric car from a solar array. I'd even award you a Hoppy badge.

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1 hour ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Guess it is the new way of humor nowadays.

You ve seen roasts of celebrities by celebrities? Just twice i saw it. Humor?




I've seen some classic roasts - Dean Martin, Jack Benny, Bob Hope etc. etc. Can't remember any of them mentioning the fingering of sixteen-year-olds.

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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I've seen some classic roasts - Dean Martin, Jack Benny, Bob Hope etc. etc. Can't remember any of them mentioning the fingering of sixteen-year-olds.

 A bit off topic.  Don Rickles was THE BEST host of a roast.  Check Youtube and you'll die laughing.


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