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Thailand background checks


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I worry because your embarrased.   Why?  Need your age, occupation,  retirement  plans, country, her age, job and what you know about her or how can we help.  How do we ever know unless it's been 20 years

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Do it, and do it on your friends, I had one dutch guy turn me into police, so I not take him to court for a motorbike scam, thought I would get Blacklist, lol, my gf had a bf for the whole relationship 7 years, when I wasn’t there with him every minute of the day I heard from her friends, I would Di 4 months here 4 months home, DO IT... wish I had, Thx god no house, lost Fortuner , MSX and most of stuff in my condo

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I can save you the trouble now. No need to visit her home will cost you money and time. I specialize in security risk management. She speaks English but no schooling. Where did you meet her. Where is she employed. If the answer is vague your a target. Walk.

She has a child Thai man gone walk..She wants only a security nest. Forget this rubbish Thais are for sale the low end variety. Maybe she is a mature Thai looking for happiness simply buy a phone analyzer program online and read all her Thai messages with Google translate 


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19 hours ago, BBrent said:

I don't wanna get into the details too much here. I find it all very embarrassing and I'm sure you would all have a good laugh at my expense. Reading online about how things work in Thailand I'm starting to realize how naive I have been with this. I wish that I had read up on Thai women before travelling there.

It takes time and even being warned you will still do It. Some girls will stay hoping to finally get the earn they hoped for. 70% want momey not love. Somchai and famiky get loved

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I understand support is a big part of love for a thai lady.  How do we know if the passion and love feelings are real or based  on prospect of better life.  There are amazingly conservative  older gals to be found.  Hard to believe  when we are used to Western women score cards. 

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2 hours ago, Elkski said:

How do we know if the passion and love feelings are real or based  on prospect of better life

It's very easy to do (But most don't dare to do it because they are afraid or the result)

stop the money flow (You can give any valid excuse)

and see if her attitude changes or not.

Of course if you have already buyed a house, car, motorbike, land, gold and so on

in her name it's already too late to do the test, because you already know the answer anyway.

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Incidently, she is doing one on you right now. 555

Take your time, develop a strong relationship & use your head when it come to money.

No rush to commit. No mention of your or her age, children of yours or hers ?

I am in my 19th year of a wonderful relationship & would trust her with anything 


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8 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Incidently, she is doing one on you right now. 555

Take your time, develop a strong relationship & use your head when it come to money.

No rush to commit. No mention of your or her age, children of yours or hers ?

I am in my 19th year of a wonderful relationship & would trust her with anything 


Not all of them are bad. My best friend is my Thai ex girlfriend. We had a relationship for about 10 years and have been very good friends afterwards for about 8 years. I trust her and she refuses to take money - yes really! She has her own business and want to show that she can survive alone. But she never worked in a bar and has a university degree. Perhaps this makes a difference. 

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3 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

It's very easy to do (But most don't dare to do it because they are afraid or the result)

stop the money flow (You can give any valid excuse)

and see if her attitude changes or not.

Of course if you have already buyed a house, car, motorbike, land, gold and so on

in her name it's already too late to do the test, because you already know the answer anyway.

Try that in any country and you will get the same result. It might not be as quick but then again in most countries there are more national safety nets to support people.


Put it this way, if she is 20-30 years younger than you she is not with you because she finds you sexy, she would much rather be someone close to her age and probably nationality. Simple fact is though that many have to/want to support their families and as such will shack up with old flabby men and grin and bare it. If the money does stop flowing, what the hell are they getting from the relationship? Nothing. Nothing wrong with it, simple fact of life here.

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On 1/9/2020 at 2:59 AM, BBrent said:

I don't wanna get into the details too much here. I find it all very embarrassing and I'm sure you would all have a good laugh at my expense. Reading online about how things work in Thailand I'm starting to realize how naive I have been with this. I wish that I had read up on Thai women before travelling there.

I have never ever heard about a farang hiring a PI in Thailand for a background check on a thai girl or even asking if someone have done it before. Try to find someone out in the sticks who can't speak one word in a foreign language. That will improve the odds. And if she doesn't fiddle with her phone 10 hours a day, marry her. 

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46 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

Try that in any country and you will get the same result


i come from a country with a high unemployement rate

and fortunately not all the wifes ask for divorce when the husband

lose his job. When you live with someone, it's for the good and the bad moments

and you share the difficulties because together you are supposed to be stronger.

48 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

Put it this way, if she is 20-30 years younger than you she is not with you because she finds you sexy, she would much rather be someone close to her age and probably nationality. Simple fact is though that many have to/want to support their families and as such will shack up with old flabby men and grin and bare it. If the money does stop flowing, what the hell are they getting from the relationship? Nothing.

I agree

everyone can see here most of the foreign\thai ''couples'' in Thailand

are pretty unbalanced, she is usualy young, pretty and slim

and he is usualy old, ugly and fat.

The money can rebalance the relationship, but it still an illusion.

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3 hours ago, natway09 said:

Incidently, she is doing one on you right now. 555

Take your time, develop a strong relationship & use your head when it come to money.

No rush to commit. No mention of your or her age, children of yours or hers ?

I am in my 19th year of a wonderful relationship & would trust her with anything 



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2 hours ago, billd766 said:
6 hours ago, natway09 said:

Incidently, she is doing one on you right now. 555

Take your time, develop a strong relationship & use your head when it come to money.

No rush to commit. No mention of your or her age, children of yours or hers ?

I am in my 19th year of a wonderful relationship & would trust her with anything 



+2   10 happy years so far ????

When I first came here 20 years ago the famous Stickman used to offer an informal back ground check on girls here in Bangkok.

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Wow! I feel sorry for the original poster. With all the negativity being thrown around about Thai women you would think we were all living in hell on earth.

Of course there are your schemers and scammers here but I know that many expats are here in Thailand running from the scheming, scamming ladies of their own home country.

Maybe I just got lucky but I met my lady in 2005 and we married in 2007. It was not the first relationship for either of us so we did not go into things blindly like love struck teenagers.

Originally from a country farming community she had also lived and worked in Bangkok and had 2 girls by an abusive husband who she left after 12 years. 

We have been together through good times and bad, built a business (mostly her hard work not mine), and work as a team in just about every aspect of our lives. I get on with all her brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles etc and who rarely ask for anything and financial support is given to them when really needed but is always payed back in spades in many ways.

A good Thai woman is no different than a good woman anywhere and a little loving, loyalty, and respect goes a long way.

And I am not alone. I have friends here in Thailand who have been married just as long and longer than I have who are well happy with their lot.

So I say to the OP, go with your gut, don't be blind to the obvious signs of problems that may be right in front of you but by the same token don't be in too much of a hurry to throw away what may be the future love of your life. Good luck.

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