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For the last two days I have had no problem reaching local internet sites, such as Thaivisa, ajarn.com, etc. However long distance internet, specifically internet radio and reaching my university to order transcripts, has slowed down to a crawl or doesn't work at all. It seems a little like late December and early January when the earthquake off Taiwan messed up internet service for weeks. Is anyone else having these problems, and does anyone know what is going on and when things will get better? Please, no comments about the new internet luxury tax and how I need a better dongle.

For the last two days I have had no problem reaching local internet sites, such as Thaivisa, ajarn.com, etc. However long distance internet, specifically internet radio and reaching my university to order transcripts, has slowed down to a crawl or doesn't work at all. It seems a little like late December and early January when the earthquake off Taiwan messed up internet service for weeks. Is anyone else having these problems, and does anyone know what is going on and when things will get better? Please, no comments about the new internet luxury tax and how I need a better dongle.

I experience the same... but from outside.

I'm in Europe right now. And the connection is very slow to reach sites in Asia (TV, Nation, BangkokPost), and some PCs in Bangkok via Remote Desktop.


I have both a TOT and TT&T DSL connection. TOT sucks, but hasn't sucked late at night. My TT&T is a business connection and never sucks.

They both suck.

3 days ago my TOT connection would no longer allow my VOIP box to work. It is working now but the bandwidth ... you guess it .. sucks.



TOT service has been very bad for over a week now , I get 5 kb/s instead of 1024 kb/s I should be getting with my Cyber Gold TOT ADSL.

(yeah I know max speed is really more like 800 kb/s)

I called TOT and they did the usual run around and even sent some “engineers” to check my line and PC , they said it was no problem at my end.

TOT service desk then told me it was due to upgrading of the international connection….

More likely it is due to system overload because this month all Thai schools are closed (summer holiday) so the students may be “playing internet” all day and with Thailand limited bandwidth this could be the problem.

Business accounts seem to be working fine as they are not on the same international links ?


While it could be the Thai school holidays l experienced big problems for most of yesterday on a few sites that normally are good, l thought about the Taiwan earthquake too as that's what it was like but seems okay today. I wonder if the earthquake and tsunami in the Solomons has anything to do with it?

On the True site there has been a link to Korea reported as being down for the past 24 hours at least.

True Network Status


Ok, so I'm not the only one. School's out sounds like a possible explanation, perhaps compounded with other problems. Probably no choice but to deal with it and hope things get better.


yeah I got TT&T over 1092 or something speed.... i need it to make VOIP calls as I work into europe. my net was real slow the last few days too....was really annoying. and always knocks business back a week.

I guess its just one of the trade offs, for the pleasure of life stye in Thailand, and the ability to work at night into europe to earn money.


It works like this:

The CAT,TOT,True and TT&T people all have one tin can each.

All cans are connected with intertwined nylon string.

When data is to be transferred, it is very important to keep the string in a stretched fashion, for maximum speeds to be achieved.

However, due to the climate, and weak muscle power of the IT technicians here, the lines are often slack. :o

There has been rumours, that the new giga-yarn-plus™ is to be introduced soon, to improve data tranfer rates between the cans :D

For the last two days I have had no problem reaching local internet sites, such as Thaivisa, ajarn.com, etc. However long distance internet, specifically internet radio and reaching my university to order transcripts, has slowed down to a crawl or doesn't work at all. It seems a little like late December and early January when the earthquake off Taiwan messed up internet service for weeks. Is anyone else having these problems, and does anyone know what is going on and when things will get better? Please, no comments about the new internet luxury tax and how I need a better dongle.

me too with my already lousy speed with True for more than one year. However can it not be when it is an international server because my problem is besides Thaivisa also my server in Amsterdam. Yahoo and another (local?) Forum no problem.


My TOT Ipstar is dead. It has been REALLY REALLY bad for a couple of weeks. I went to the TOT office today and all I got was that glazed look they get in their eyes. I had my wife tell them that I wanted it fixed. I now have 512/256. I told them that if going to the 1024/512 would help I'd do that. Next week they'll try it. ??????? If that doesn't help I'll go back to the 256/128. Sh!t is sh!t and I may as well pay for the cheaper sh!t. Right now I'm on my phone with Bluetooth.

Yep almost unusable at times, TT&T 1Mb

Well my internet has been unusable for over 10 days now.

So called TOT Gold Cyber 1M/512 package gives me less then 300k up and download on local speed check servers and international ones just time out.....

Even at 4 am local time so its not because of all the schoolkids playing internet :o

International download speeds are less then 5kb/s evan at 4 am. (got up specially to check it)

Hope they solve the problems before all the TOT engineers drop everything they are doing and head upcountry for a week during Songkran.

TOT does not have any engineers on standby during the weekend or holidays as I found that if service goes down in the weekend it never gets fixed before the next working day starts on monday/after a gov. holidays.

So if anything goes wrong during Songkran , thats end of internet for a week or so !

The only thing that well organized at TOT is sending me a bill of 1200 bath each month and checking if I paid it on time :D


I am using Pacific Internet, and... as pacific uses ToT (login id is @silvercyber kinda funny isn't it) to get its connection well it's slow as hel_l (for more than 10 days now, last friday and saturday thought the connection was back up and almost good.. then on sunday there was rain.... and down again). I think most of the bottleneck is from ToT btw at work we both have ToT goldcyber and Cat Hinet (s.hdsl) and where usually the 2Mb cat connection was pretty bad (eck the 2mb Cat connection was slower than the 1Mb ToT !) now it's a complete different matter, 800 to 1200 Kb on international (on download) ! ToT on the opposite is 250Kb at most... :s

Seeing that 4 days ago the connection was up again (and on a weekend) i guess (well i am 99% sure) it's not a problem with school holidays, there is a problem with ToT (or is it CAT playing dumb with international bandwith ?) we may never know as competent as the "good" guy at ToT and CAT are, i love how they dare tell us the problem is on our end when we are a f*cking computer and network engineering company !

Now the only good thing they are competent to, is to shut down your phone line and internet if you have 1 day late to pay the bill !


TOT Goldcyber 1024/512 from Phuket

109074597.pngTo Bangkok is okay but.............

109078964.pngSingapore, just about the same as dial up.

109081023.pngLondon is slower than dialup.

Tested to Hongkong, it timed out with 613ms latency, how about to the States? Timed out to NewYork 358ms latency. LA also timed out with 281ms latency. Ok so I tried a bit closer to home.

Penang---Good ping 94ms but test still timed out at 63% and 10kbps.

I really cannot believe this is just to do with school being out. Also think of all that extra bandwidth now youtubes gone!!!

My connection's been this way for about 10 days now also.

I'd be interested if anyone could do these tests today form another ISP ie TT&T or True, just for comparisom. Here the link.

This would show if it is indeed a TOT only problem or otherwise.


I've recently be informed that staff are busy fixing the internet. See pic below as evidence. Full Bandwidth will be available shortly. :o



I've got a company-leased CSLoxinfo line...

Bangkok download 1427 kbps upload 6625 kbps

Singapore download 473 kbps upload 516 kbps

London download 573 kbps upload 331 kbps

Hong Kong download 401 kbps upload 331 kbps

It looks like a CAT problem.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Would it be that True is not using CAT as gateway ?

Anyway, i am not too sure it's really CAT, as i said the CAT shdsl connection at work gives very good results (on international), unless well CAT is reserving Bandwith for itself and limiting other ISP who knows. Differences are so big, (here in patong alone), i got customers with TT&T connection and everything is good at the same time other people with TT&T are suffering, same applies for ToT. But there is right now more problems with ToT lines than others (self experience on the matter).

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