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Government planning stronger measures to deal with pollution: Varawut


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18 hours ago, webfact said:

He said the government was looking at adopting the South Korean model of not allowing car use in the city.

Which city? As there are so many cities with unhealthy 2.5PM levels and what about the constant burning? Nevermind the noise levels of all these modified motorcycles, cars, pick-ups, busses, 8-10 wheel trucks billowing black smoke up and down every road in the country.

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14 hours ago, BRUFC said:

Don't know your nationality John, but for many years in the UK on the annual strict vehicle check (M.O.T. test) a pipe is shoved up the exhaust (ooh er missus) and a reading is taken just after the vehicle has been revved, obviously with a stationary vehicle. Before I came to Thailand I had a diesel van and the revs the M.O.T. tester produced before the reading used to make me squirm and cringe. Wow...who would drive at those revs?? A fail? get it sorted and re-tested. I'm sorry I can't remember the timescale for ANY rectification.

Here in  Isaan the annual  check on my Toyota pickup involves exactly the same procedure. And I agree about the extreme revs on an unloaded engine ! But I have never even given any indication of results. The  mystery to me is that I see so many vehicles  belching  both black and white  fumes but yet most seem to have current licencing stickers ! Once again it is not the system but the failure to enforce it seems to be the typical problem. Despite the statements about biomass burning being illegal there is as usual great plumes of smoke and falling carbonized  foliage every evening.

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Do they know there is whole country outside of Bangkok? The countryside is choking. Thais love three things; food, PA systems and burning things. They will burn anything that will catch fire. They urgently need a ban on rice/sugar field burning and education. Cooking on charcoal is a killer.

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18 hours ago, johng said:

Absolutely no mention of  "idiots" burning the forests, crop fields and household rubbish...its all vehicles ! :crazy:

Well noted.  The main sources are factories, cars and burning crops.  Factories and Crops are the nation wide majority, cars dont impact much outside the cities.  Its clear that those in power dont want to spend the extra money from their own business interests.  Typical for Thailand.  

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19 hours ago, johng said:

Absolutely no mention of  "idiots" burning the forests, crop fields and household rubbish...its all vehicles ! :crazy:

Not really; you will have to read carefully what is written:


"  He said 72 per cent of the problem in Bangkok came from vehicles  "


So there is 28% of pollution that comes from other causes .. heavy industries and maybe a few individuals who burn their household waste.

As for the burns in the fields .... there is in fact very little or not at all in Bangkok and suburbs ...:jap:

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16 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

and can´t use their pools?

Oh ! They can ...:cheesy: ( 12 m x 4 m ); not mine but a friend's farang one ;

the room where is the pool is bigger than my entiere house ( 110 m2 )





Edited by Assurancetourix
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Here's a cunning plan that just might work; set a time and date; say 21/1/2020 at 11am.  All Government Departments/TAT/BOT/Prawit's multitudinous committees and the like must simultaneously open the windows of their platitudinous meetings.  The resultant upsurge of hot air will sweep away all lung cancer particulate matter.

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56 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

Not really; you will have to read carefully what is written:


"  He said 72 per cent of the problem in Bangkok came from vehicles  "


So there is 28% of pollution that comes from other causes .. heavy industries and maybe a few individuals who burn their household waste.

As for the burns in the fields .... there is in fact very little or not at all in Bangkok and suburbs ...:jap:

Yes, and the smoke from neigbouring provinces will magically move around the city walls. 

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47 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

Yes, and the smoke from neigbouring provinces will magically move around the city walls. 



like the Chernobyl radioactive cloud :w00t: which miraculously stopped at the French border.
Certainly thanks to the Maginot line :whistling:


there are some smileys in my answer; don't forget them,


:jap: thanks

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More mist-sprayers in BKK perhaps? Can't get much stronger than that, even if the results are not yet proven.


They could always seed the clouds above BKK I suppose.


Erm, no? Oh.


Proven technology though... according to successive Thai governments.


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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Here we go again. Another metro-centric government official either oblivious to (or more likely completely indifferent about) the chronic pollution situation beyond Bangkok and its immediate surroundings.


Yet air quality is dreadful in numerous towns, cities, as well as coastal tourist resorts, across the length and breadth of Thailand, as a quick glance at any of the websites which monitor global air quality will confirm.  Recently, dangerous PM2.5 levels in the Gulf coastal resort where I live have been higher than those of Bangkok!


For some inexplicable reason there appear to be hardly any dedicated domestic air monitoring stations outside the central region - another obvious indication of the indifference of the Bangkok House bureacracy.


Poorly maintained diesel cars, buses and lorries cannot be responsible for the filthy air in a coastal town like ours, with relatively low traffic.  The thoughtless burning of rubbish, crop stubble and waste from building sites a more likely cause of our discomfort - and one totally ignored by those local politicians elected to guard our health and security.


Every year, air pollution kills around 50,000 people in Thailand, taking a particularly cruel toll of vulnerable children and the elderly. How many more must die and suffer, one wonders, before somebody in Government House gets their finger out, cuts the PR cackle, and actually does something?




Whilst agreeing with what I can (i.e. with what I know) about what you say, I just can't throw off the feeling that it's all a waste of time and the sooner this country and it's primitive people flush themselves down the toilet of history, the better off the world will be. Not politically correct I know and it's possible I'll feel a bit better about it all tomorrow, but that's how I feel right now.


Just been for a bit of exercise - a walk around the village. Smoke fills the air from sugar cane burning, dogs running wild and barking at you, pickup trucks blaring advertisements in gibberish Thai, and rubbish strewn everywhere. I've seen a huge drop in this place over the past 15 years, God knows what's going to happen in the next 15 years...


Edited by ParkerN
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9 hours ago, Cheesekraft said:

I seriously doubt vehicles cause 10% of the pollution, it is all burning

Let's get to grips with those nasty volcanoes. They throw out all that CO2.

If we all pay 5% more tax to our governments they will form a united front against them.

After me everybody shout Go away you nasty volcano.

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On 1/14/2020 at 4:31 PM, Saint Nick said:

Anyone wanna bet?

NOTHING is going to happen!

I won't take this bet because we all know nothing will happen.


The solution is quite simple. Take the polluting vehicles off the road, stop burning the crops. This could be done in 18 months, full solution in place.


Nothing will happen unless until wealthy people realize it's in their best interest and that of their children.


I'm starting to get the impression that the country is run like a penal colony.

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