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Don't move your Thai wife to the West if you want to come back .


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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

I am not sure if taking a girl out of thailand is like taking a fish out of water is correct. We know several thai couple and as far as I can tell they all seem to thrive. for two of the couples the wife males more money than the Husband, One is a Hairdresser for the Hair cuttery and makes crazy money, the other got a job a seamstress at a parachute factory, and now runs the whole place, wants my wife to go work there, This little Thai  girl jumps out of planes!!! They are required to jump out of the plane with their product, I guess you do a real good job if you are required to use it on yourself LOL

Point made, Give Thai people a chance and they excel.  But that's not good for for me, I love Thailand , I want to be there.


"Give Thai people a chance and they excel"...….


The better way to say it is "give nearly anyone a chance and they will excel". Especially if they came from a poor background. I think your wife's story, in itself, is something folks wanting to move to Thailand should consider. Why do so many want to move to Thailand when so many there want to move to a better life in the west. I guess it's thinking the grass is greener on the other side. If folks in the west would handle their finances better and invest better during their working years there would be no reason to move overseas.

Edited by HuskerDo
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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

We have being in the US for 10 years now, boy how time flies? 

Not everyone same or circumstances in life as I'm sure you know.

!0 years of living well in US I guess would do it, sounds like your wife had already decided to stay unlike mine.

My wife had a young son to go back to and we went back to Thailand for a couple of weeks every 6 months during her 2&1/2 years in UK.

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1 hour ago, HuskerDo said:
3 hours ago, sirineou said:

Point made, Give Thai people a chance and they excel.  But that's not good for for me, I love Thailand , I want to be there.


"Give Thai people a chance and they excel"...….


The better way to say it is "give nearly anyone a chance and they will excel". Especially if they came from a poor background. I think your wife's story, in itself, is something folks wanting to move to Thailand should consider. Why do so many want to move to Thailand when so many there want to move to a better life in the west. I guess it's thinking the grass is greener on the other side. If folks in the west would handle their finances better and invest better during their working years there would be no reason to move overseas.


Yeah, but here on Bwana Central (AKA, TVF), it's extremely irritating to some folks when they hear Thai people described as competent, intelligent, etc.  I worked with an office full of competent Thai people that I would have put up against any of their counterparts I worked with in my career.  But I've been called a liar for saying as much.


I think the more profound cautionary tale from the OP's story is that if your hold on your wife is the carrot of holding onto you as her cash cow, bringing her back home is risky, because she can become financially (and emotionally) independent.  To many, that's not a threat because they have great marriages.  Sounds like the OP is in that category and I salute him.  Other guys I've met in Thailand- not so much.


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I think your wife is the clearer thinker between the two of you. The pollution and rules of living for a foreigner in Thailand are pretty poor. If your wife is happy to stay and you have enough funds to live comfortably why would you want to live in Thailand? 

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I took my wife back to Melbourne in Australia in July some years ago.  She hated it. Way to cold.  We went to Cairns which was a bit cool for her.  Then the year before last I thought I may have to return to  Australia to qualify for a pension.  I thought her head would explode when I told her!  Luckily it was only for a couple of months.  She came for a month (November) and I stayed till January.  It was not just the weather she didn't like, it was just as much the food....or lack of Thai food to be precise.  So yer,  iT's like the song "some girl's do and some girl's don't, some girl's need a lot of lovin' and some girl's don't".  They all different!

Edited by Grumpy John
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I'm assuming you brought your wife to the US before Sept 11, 2001 because good luck getting a visa for her now. The whole process is a nightmare now--especially since Trump--expensive and in most cases doomed to failure. The people I know who succeeded brought their Thai brides-to-be to the States on the fiancee visa. After you've married, it's no dice. We found that out too late. My wife still complains about it. I wouldn't want to live in the States anyway, so I'm fine with it. I'm retired here and we live well--much better than we could in the States. But if you're an American, don't complain about Thai visa rules. Even at their most draconian, they are better than the States.

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1 hour ago, Roy Baht said:

But if you're an American, don't complain about Thai visa rules. Even at their most draconian, they are better than the States.

Well said.  So far, nNo one is accusing TM of separating children from their parents at the border.

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49 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

She knows back home you are just a lovable ageing old fart - over here you have 20-30 years knocked off the clock and become a 'hansum' man. 

And that is the problem I see with Thai farang divorces - she does not want the 20-30 year older old fart, she wants the 20-30 year old younger man that never went to Thailand

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I'm just adding to the positive reports here. I know two Thai-American couples very well. The Thai girls absolutely blossomed in the States. Took courses to upgrade their English, learned other skills, run businesses or have a good job, very active in their communities.  They have loosened up a lot, i.e., became American and embraced freedom.


One relationship, I'll admit, I thought would be a disaster. No, not a bar girl! I'm happy to report I was dead wrong. She emails me once in a while. So, coming to Thailand this winter?, I ask. Doesn't want to. The other couple, nope, not coming back this time.  In conversations with them, they don't want to talk about their families and frankly, avoid the visits as much as they dare. 


In both cases, the American husbands, long-time friends of mine, are cool about not visiting Thailand. But they do travel elsewhere, such as Europe and South America. 


OP, a good topic. 

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

   Why the could not have said " we are looking at some paperwork and we will call you back"

She arrived in the US on 7/11.  we married immediately and filed for a change of status, a few weeks later she got her temporary Green card, two years later her permanent Green Card, and a couple of years more her citizenship.   

  We often complain about this forum, but I cant count all the times the posters in this forum have come through for me. 

Very prudent that she got her US citizenship.  So, she has the strongest possible claim on SS benefits on your earnings to say nothing of the hedging benefit of dual citizenship.

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19 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

"Give Thai people a chance and they excel"...….


The better way to say it is "give nearly anyone a chance and they will excel". Especially if they came from a poor background. I think your wife's story, in itself, is something folks wanting to move to Thailand should consider. Why do so many want to move to Thailand when so many there want to move to a better life in the west. I guess it's thinking the grass is greener on the other side. If folks in the west would handle their finances better and invest better during their working years there would be no reason to move overseas.

   I think what I say below is part of the reason many of as come to Thailand or similar places.

I guess many also want something different and exciting, a sense of adventure and discovery. I lived in the US all my life, nothing new for me there, Coming to Thailand  opens up a new chapter, new things to discover, something new and different around every corner. Here in the US , the same thing every day.  get up in the morning, read TVF, got to Goole news and read what happened around the world , 10am go to the gym, 12pm come home eat lunch, either go to the Flagler pier fishing, or call a friend and go kayaking in the Intercostal, come home , take a shower, wife comes back from work, talk with her , go to bed, get up next day and repeat   with minor variations.  

   I Guess if we lived in Thailand full time for 5-10 years , after you did and saw everything , it would become the same. 

As Far as Thais in the US are concerned, I guess most of them, by virtue of the fact that they are there,  share a common personality trait,

They are motivated. 

 For most of them they did not leave their country, and families to come here and dick around, they came here for a better life for them and their families and they work at it. Perhaps it is because we live in a relatively affluent community , so of course we will meet successful people, those not having the  level of success required to be there , are not there, But every Thai person we know here are nice hard working above average for the community people.

9 hours ago, Aussiepeter said:

wifey grows every Thai vegetable or fruit she wants, all now well established, on our little farm. She has Thai lady friends too and ours is a fantastic marriage as we both love the same things in life, including living in the bush.

We are lucky , that we have a very large Asian market 10 min from our house with every imaginable Thai product, 


and we also have a small garden where we grow Papayas, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, and vegetables, 

Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

I should have known that I was digging my own "we are never moving to Thailand" Grave LOL

Anyway, Wife last night said " look for ticket to Thailand prices for August" , I said "August? I Thought we were going this spring"  she said, "will see"

Grrrrr  I don't care, I am coming this spring with her ot without her . Mostly with her though because what will i do there without her at my age? PS: I will be 63 then.


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On 1/19/2020 at 3:15 AM, BritManToo said:

You've been gone the last 10 years, I've been here the last 10 years.

It's changed, and not for the better.


If I could afford a woman and a house in Florida (and a US passport), I'd be there like a shot.

I don't care how bad LOS gets, it's still better than the PC over regulated anti male place I live in now.

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